
A Beginning Of A New Better Legend 2

At the holy orchid institute

???:whoa guys young master Ryū was awesome

with just his words Shen Yue of the sacred

family wet his pants hahaha

???:young master Ryū was so dreamy kyaa

???:goddess Ziyun and goddess Ning Er already

close with young master Ryū

???:I bet that little bastard Shen Yue must seething

with his anger right now hahaha what could he

do to young master Ryū who is a genius and

him being thrash hahaha

???:just luck that worthless thrash Lu Piao got pick

by young master Ryū

???:after I wonder what would young master Ryū

this time hahaha

everyone in the holy orchid institute was talking about taboo 'incident' and 5 people namely

Shen Ryū,Xiao Ning Er,Ye Ziyun,Du Ze,and Lu Piao

and of course the 'incident' quickly reach the ears of all powerhouses of glory city

In the holy orchid institute vice-principal's office

???:vice-principal Shen I request that the students

Shen Ryū,Nie Li,Du Ze,Lu Piao,Wei Nan,

Zhang Ming,Zhu Xiangjun to expelled from

the institute or I'll quit being an instructor here !

Yu Shen:hmm I'll Agree but only with Shen Ryū for

that ONLY Shen Ryū has both offended

the Sacred Family and the Academy as

well and as for the rest please do spare

them they were only have been toyed by

Shen Ryū pleas understand Shen Xiu

Shen Xiu:hmm...since Vice-Principal Shen ask

nicely I'll agree to it with the term that

first Shen Ryū can be never again be a

student here in the holy orchid institute

second if Nie Li can not reach the bronze

rank when the exam takes place two

months from now Nie Li shall also be

expelled from the holy orchid institute

third and last if somehow manage to win

against Shen Ryū I'll resign from my job

but if Nie Li losses as part of our bet

Nie Li will publicly apologize to me and

my sacred family

Yu Shen:hmm alright

Then after Shen Xiu left the vice principal office

then from the shadows appeared Shen Ryū

Ryū:thank you vice principal Yu Shen

Yu Shen:hmphf If it weren't for the sake of the

entire glory city I wouldn't have done it

but are you really sure about 'those' ?

Ryū:yes I am sure and have enough evidence to

prove it and vice principal Shen 'they' will be

arriving here shortly so I must set up some

things to prevent rats and bugs infestation

And then Ryū set up an elaborate 'something' for the unwanted visitors and irritating eavesdropper

just then a small group of men appeared suddenly

Ryū&Shen:Greetings lord Ye Mo,city lord Ye Zong,

lord Ye Shou,lord Ye Xiu,patriarch Chen

patriarch Xiao,patriarch Huyan,

patriarch Lu,patriarch Du,patriarch Nie,

and president Gu

Ye Mo:alright enough with the formalities we shall

go on ahead and discuss about 'that'

Ryū:alright but isn't a bit tad around the bush using

'that' why don't we be blunted about since I

already have secured this room that not even

beyond a legend rank can enter here

When when they heard words all of them was shocked and speechless as all of them thought how come that be able to that!

Everyone there except Ryū thought either a delusional kid or monstrous prodigy

Ye Mo then spoke breaking the ice

Ye Mo:well then since *ahem put it like that then

would you do the honors of enlightening us

Ryū:I humbly accept the honor Elder Mo

Ryū:now well... I'll go straight to the point

sacred family patriarch Shen Hong has

allied with the dark guild and is working on

A hostile takeover or destroy glory city

completely and as of current the

'Demon Lord' himself is in a close door

cultivating and that leaves only his deputy's

Long Sha who is 5⭐️ black gold rank and

Gui Sha who is also 5⭐️ black gold although a

tad bit weaker than Long Sha both of them

can fight our legend rank expert Ye Mo to the

death not to mention that the 'Demon Lord' is

also a 4⭐️ legend rank that is in the

moment of breakthrough into the peak of the

legend rank

as they heard this they almost fainted from shock with the exception of Ye Mo and Ye Shen as they thought of how very dire their situation is

Ryū:me and Ye Mo all gathered you here for the

reason that we find you trustworthy to be part

of this for we do not known if there are others

also allied with the dark guild

Ye Zong along with the others ask

Ye Zong&others:what's your plan ?

Ryū:hmm I do have a plan that requires ten steps to

initiate and also a three step plan on which

both will include the capture and execution of

of members or elders or even possible a whole

family as well as the destruction of the

entire dark guild


Everyone was shocked and almost fainted again from shock


Ryū then clasped his hands in which got the attention of everyone there

Ryū:we will start off with the massacre of the

sacred family star restaurant rest assured that

all who works there are from the dark guild

and also before I leave and go train my

disciple here for all of you

He then given each and everyone of them a box full of emblem badge that in a shape of a cross

Ryū:I'll give them to you so that you can give them

to your most trusted persons and of it has

the ability if you are from or allied with the

dark guild will immediately the person and of

course that person cannot gather power nor

soul force and if they do have silent soul

killing seal in them they will not be able to

trigger it

Everyone from that statement fainted as they could not hold it in as they continually and repeatedly shocked deep within but before they all fainted they all collectively (We must make him loyal to glory city or else the destruction of glory city is just a step away!)