
Rewards And Gratitude 2

Mysterious Voice:what do you desire ?

Ryū:hmm what do I desire ? Hehehe then I desire

exciting battles and the power to protect

those who are precious to me

Mysterious Voice:your desire shall be granted O Warrior Of Old may you not regret your decision as you have chosen that path

Ryū:say aren't from father place ?

Mysterious Voice:hahaha very good you keep your senses sharp as always little brother jin

Ryū:hey hey stop calling me that and my name is Ryūjin Mājin No Kami son of Seiryū No Mājin grandson of Mājin No Kami hmph its was only 3 billion years and you already forgotten your best friends name Michael

Michael:hahaha I am sorry little brother but it's much more easier to remember your nickname jin hehehe


Ryū:*sight what brings you here ? have father finally given my quest ?

Michael:hahaha no not yet the least brother but thought he said that 'you should go enjoy as I known that you are tired of all 'those' things so live a and enjoy and one day I'll give you your quest you originally been summoned for'

Ryū:*sight fine but what am I supposed to do while I wait ?

Michael:I don't known but since you have been granted to enjoy then why not find exciting battles as well as wives for I known your race [Mājin] an ancestral race of now [human] you tend to find battle and love to fill the whole in you and also we both known that 'that' rule doesn't applied to you cause you are a [Mājin]

Ryū:hmm *sight I been way to focused on the quest father have given me that I forgot to even relaxed a little bit

Michael:yeah a whole lot hahaha

Ryū:still the same as ever elder brother Michael hahaha I wish that Yami was here *sight

Michael:*sight brother you known as well as I do that brother Yami is you known

Ryū:yeah...even when we were young he tends to foolish but it's just maybe his too innocent or naive that led him there * sight

Michael:oh I almost forgot here

Ryū:what is this ?

Michael:it's a real life personal world system that you read on manga,webnovel,lightnovel and etc.

Ryū:hmm thank you very much

Michael:no problem well I must be going now or else my work will pile up hahah see you not too soon thought brother Jin

Ryū:hey!!! alright good bye elder brother Michael hahaha you better go back there fast or your work will crush you to death hahahaha