
Beginning Of A New Better Legend

Ryū: and oh 'mysterious person' or the disciple of

the benevolent and righteous Ying Yueru

i'll go kill you someday at the right time

if you say that your are a 'savior' you are a

damm hypocrite and also your understanding

is very superficial that you haven't even

scratch the surface

Ryū:you'll never reincarnate ever again since I am

the Shinigami sent to kill you and even if you

this world will be fine it doesn't need you

like it or not I'll be killing you since you pissed

me off along with all the person you want to


Ryū:this world doesn't need you anymore and you

are now in the process of being wipe out

your luck has run out but don't worry I'll

make sure that you'll have a painless death

a good funeral a good grave and a written

story about your tales of legend in your honor

Nie Li after hearing this was scared to death for now that he knowns that Ryū is much stronger than the Sage Emeperor and he had no means of escaping because Ryū already known his past

Just then Ye Ziyun rise up and spoke

Ye Ziyun:hmmph your spouting such tall tales

have you no shame 😤!

Ryū:oh the ice goddess finally spoke huh hahaha

sorry but if you want to be stronger become

my disciple and also I will take back what I said

about my best friend Ye Mo if you do and also

I am sorry for causing a ruckus but I just need

to put two factions in their place although

I am very unbarring I truthfully and

full heartedly want Glory City to prosper and

be safe from all the threats that are vying for it

Ye Ziyun was left speechless she knowns that she is not capable of reading a person thoughts and intent but somehow she knowns that what Ryū said is all true and she wholeheartedly felt it

Ye Ziyun:do you truly mean it ?

(said with anticipation)

Ryū:Yes I do

Ye Ziyun:hmm... then I'll be your disciple but you

better keep you word !

Ryū:don't worry I will hmm... well let's go there is

nothing these school could offer you it a waste

of time coming here since i am now your

master and you are my disciple

And then just before they left Ryū spoke

Ryū:Du Ze and Lu Piao I am also inviting you to

become my disciple ! If you want to just

throw the kunai into the ground and I'll be


He then toss kunai with FTG on them in their direction in which landed on their respective desk

And with that the entire class jaws drooped except for other individuals who where very very frightened