
My twisted fate

Five years with no recollection of the past. She has no idea how she became a mother of two. All she knows is that she was married and they had an accident. But is that really the truth? They feared what might happen to her if they dared to tell her the truth. No one was able to give her an answer to her question. To whom was she married to? Where exactly is her husband? What happened to him? Will she ever find out the truth? Yes. But how? Let's find out, shall we.

faridoodee_68 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

chapter 12


Author's POV

Unknown to farida, sudais wasn't only just her other boss. He was more than that.

She stood there wishing the contract will be over soon because only then she'd get any peace at the office.

Stretching forth her hand, she collected the photocopied papers and arranged them in a file. Everyone could see the change in her behavior that day. It was clear that sudais had the ability to destroy her and that's what he planned to do.

With shaky legs, she walked slowly to his office. Silently praying that he wasn't there.

Meanwhile. In his office, sudais eyed his brother warily. He wondered why he didn't tell him about her. Afaan was standing by the glass window, admiring the fine bright city and sudais was seated on his leather chair, looking at his brother.

"Afaan" he called his brother's name. Afaan turned around and sighed, he could literally read the expression on his brother's face. He walked lazily to his brother and pulled a chair. Sitting down, he rested his back against the chair and looked up at his brother.

"I know what you're thinking brother" he said and sudais folded his hands on his chest.

"What?" Sudais asked, getting impatient with his brother. Afaan would just say a few things and leave you wondering why he said them.

"She's here" Afaan said and went silent again.

"You knew all along Afaan" sudais accused.

"No. Just two weeks ago." Afaan replied.

"And you hid it from us because...?" Sudais asked.

"What would you have done if I'd told you brother?" Afaan asked his brother, leaning forward to get closer to him. Sudais wasn't going to tell his plan to his brother, he knew that Afaan would ruin it so he changed the topic.

"Shouldn't you be at the airport? Didn't martan tell you to pick zaynerb?" He unfolded his hands and turned to his table.

"She has amnesia." Afaan said, making his brother snap to his direction.

"Why?" He asked

"The story of the accident was true. She lost her memories brother." Afaan said and stood up from his chair to go back to the window. When he got another glance of the city, he turned around to finish what he was saying while sudais had an internal war.

"She couldn't even recognise her own parents when she woke up from the coma" he finished but sudais wasn't satisfied with his testimony.

"And how did you know that?"

"I stalked her" Afaan said and shrugged his shoulder.

"So you are saying that she doesn't even know that she was married?"

"She does. But they told her that he died in the accident" afaan said.

"What? Hmm I see. So I'm dead to them" sudais said. His heart and his brain were in a war. They couldn't agree with each other.

His heart wanted him to feel guilty for harassing her but his brain still judge her for what happened in the past.

"Let me guess, her therapist asked them not to tell her the truth?" He asked.

"Yes. I had a discussion with her mother. At first she didn't recognise me but when she did, she got scared"

A knock came from the door.

"Come in" sudais said.

The door opened and revealed the woman they've been talking about. She walked in looking defeated. All she wanted was to hand him the papers and leave before he made her lose her job.

The two brother's looked at each other and afaan nodded. It was a sign only the two of them understood.

"Sir... These are the papers" she didn't want to say more than that.

She kept them on the table and broke the silence again. "Do you need anything else" she silently prayed that he would just tell her to leave but she was disappointed.

"Yes, I just want to say something" her heartbeat increased.

"I'm so fired" she said internally.

"I'm sorry...for what I said to you earlier" sudais said, making her eyes widen. She just stared back at him not knowing what to say.

"I got upset and took my anger out on you" he said. Even he couldn't believe he was apologising to the person who wronged him.

For some reason, farida still wasn't comfortable with his apology. She just wanted to stay away from him.

Afaan broke the silence when she didn't say anything. "You can go now" she nodded and went away without a second glance at the grumpy man in front of her.

Sudais slumped on his chair and  rubbed his face with both of his hands. After so long, his heart still jumped at the sight of her.

"Maybe a change of scenario will clear our minds. Let's get some coffee" Afaan said.

"Clear our minds? What filthy thing is in your mind Afaan, are you in love or what?" Sudais joked.

" I'll tell you at the café " Afaan replied. He didn't find his brother's joke funny at all.

"What about zaynerb?"

"Martan will pick her up" Afaan said as a matter of fact.


"I'm telling you Willow. I was so scared, I thought I was gonna lose my job" farida said on the phone and laughed. Her laugh mixed with her colleges who were laughing at Jeffrey for wearing sunglasses in the office.

" hey we should get some food before our break is over" Betty said loudly and poked farida's shoulder.

"End that call already" Gerard's stomach was grumbling, he could eat her phone.

They packed all the papers they scattered on their table  and headed to the café.

As they passed by sudais' office, farida couldn't help but replay his apology in her head. He was a strange man.  He got angry for no reason and apologized for no reason. Although it was a relief that she didn't lose her job and the tension between them had ended.

If only she knew that the tension had just began.
