
My twisted fate

Five years with no recollection of the past. She has no idea how she became a mother of two. All she knows is that she was married and they had an accident. But is that really the truth? They feared what might happen to her if they dared to tell her the truth. No one was able to give her an answer to her question. To whom was she married to? Where exactly is her husband? What happened to him? Will she ever find out the truth? Yes. But how? Let's find out, shall we.

faridoodee_68 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

chapter 13

The scent of caramel cookies was in the air. The most thing sudais loved about London was the delicious delicate snacks available. He also admired the cool weather, Dubai weather is a hell on earth due to the fact that its a desert.

The two brothers settled down in the café. Sudais ordered black coffee and caramel cake while Afaan ordered soda water and caramel cookies. He loved the taste of lemons in water.

They ate their snacks and chatted.

"So, have you made a decision?" Sudais asked his brother who had cookies stuffed in his mouth.

"About what?" He asked right after swallowing his cookies.

"The marriage proposal. I know uncle sent her here on purpose" said sudais. Afaan sighed.

"I really don't want to talk about this brother. I haven't decided yet"

He was fed up with the whole marriage discussion, and he doesn't even feel a thing for her.

" that means you don't want to marry her" sudais said and afaan sighed again.

"Okay...okay, I'll not mention her again. But you should know that no one is forcing you. Forcing a marriage is never a good idea" he advised, recollecting the memories of that horrible day. Afaan looked at his brother who seemed to be lost in thoughts.

"Hey, don't ruin the moment with this discussion. You're coffee's getting cold" he said pointing at the small white cup. Sudais nodded, agreeing with what his brother said. After all, the person he planned to torture has lost her memories. She's completely oblivious to the damages she had caused, there's no point of keeping malice with someone who has no idea why you hate her. He'll let bygones be bygones.

He looked through the glass walls and saw farida approaching alongside her friends. She had a bright smile on her face, reminding him of the first time she smiled at him. If only she could remember it too.

He watched as they entered and greeted the people who work there. They didn't seat and wait for a waiter, they went to the counter by themselves and collected what they needed. They seem to be used to each other. He saw her take ice cream and chocolate cake. Who eats two desserts at a time. He mentally face palmed himself. She's always behaved like a child.

"She isn't watching her diet" he said out of no where. Both himself and his brother were surprised by his speech.

Afaan turned around and saw her. He smirked at his brother knowingly. He knew those feelings and concern were still there. If only things would go back to how they used to be between the two.

Farida went straight to their usual seat after getting her food. Her eyes collided with his. Blue eyes versus brown eyes. After five whole years, those eyes looked pleased to meet with one another.

She smiled at him and his heart jumped. He didn't know how his lips managed to move on their own but he ended up smiling back unconsciously. He suddenly remembered her innocent eyes the day he first met her at the university.

She had a huge effect on him without even knowing it.

He gulped down his black coffee, silently praying that she'd look in his direction but she never did. She was so occupied with chatting with her friends that she'd even forgotten about him and his creepy stares.

He watched her as she laughed and gave Betty a high five. Smiling frequently and shaking her head in response to what her friends were saying. A smile appeared on his lips, it didn't go unnoticed by his brother.


At the airport, martan shut the car door after zaynerb had gotten in. She removed her sunglasses to reveal her golden brown eyes. Her eyelashes batter several times as her eyes blink to adjust to the light. Rolling the Windows up, she sighed in relief that the Windows had tinted glasses.

"Where do you wish to go to ma'am?" Martan asked as soon as he got in the drivers seat, glancing at her through the front mirror.

"Are you seriously asking? I'm jet lagged. What did you expect?" Zaynerb shrieked.

Martan ignored her sarcasm and proceeded for sudais's house where she would be staying in London. A jet lagged person only needs rest.

At the back seat, zaynerb cursed silently. The two brothers were too busy to consider picking her from the airport. They sent their PA instead. Not even her own fiance cared. She only hoped that history will not repeat itself.


"Will you do me a favor doctor?" Farida asked Dr Williams.

"Of course dear. Anything"  he replied.

"Please don't tell my parents about this. I don't want them to get stressed up about it. My mom is already so tensed." She said.

She had told her therapist about her dream. It turned out she was having a flashback about the one thing she thinks about very frequently. Her husband.

Doctor Williams smiled knowingly and nodded.

"Of course, if that is what you wish. But please tell me whenever you think you need help. You can't do this all alone." The doctor advised.

"Yes doctor Williams. Thank you very much" she said and stood up from the chair.  They said their farewells and she left his office having one thing in mind. Finding the chef who made that lasagna.

But how would she do that?

Sliding into her car, she pulled her Samsung S5 out of her bag and dialed her boss's number.

"Mr Elliott, sorry to bother you."

"No problem. I hope all is well" Mr Elliott replied.

"Yes, no problem at all sir. I just want to ask" she said.

"Yes, go ahead" Mr Elliott said.

"Do you perhaps know from which restaurant they hired the chefs who cooked at the partnership party?" She ask.

"I really don't know the restaurant but they came all the way from Dubai. They are special cooks. But don't worry. I heard Mr sagir say that they would be having a family dinner here. I don't think the cooks will be leaving very soon" he replied. She was beyond happy to hear that.

"Okay sir, thank you so much!" She said.

"Are you having an event soon?" Mr Elliott asked making her almost choke on her own saliva.

"Well, I really liked the lasagna they made at the party, so I suggested them for my friend's birthday party, that's all" she said nervously, wasn't planning on sharing her personal life with her boss.

"Okay then, good luck with that!" Mr Elliott said and hung up.

" I just need to visit the sagir's resident on that dinner night" she said to herself and smiled as she drove away.
