
My twisted fate

Five years with no recollection of the past. She has no idea how she became a mother of two. All she knows is that she was married and they had an accident. But is that really the truth? They feared what might happen to her if they dared to tell her the truth. No one was able to give her an answer to her question. To whom was she married to? Where exactly is her husband? What happened to him? Will she ever find out the truth? Yes. But how? Let's find out, shall we.

faridoodee_68 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

chapter 11

"Assalamu'laiki habibati" he said, closing the door behind him. He looked so exhausted, his jet black hair was messy.

I blushed and stood up from a black stool. "Wa'alaikassalam habibi" I replied. His eyes went wide in surprise and he smiled amusingly.

"Did you just call me habibi?" He asked stepping closer to me but I stepped away before he could grab me. He laughed. His laugh was one of a kind.

"I'll bring your favorite watermelon juice" I said and went to the kitchen. I took out a glass jug from the fridge and microwaved the slice of lasagna I left for him. I had the lasagna made by the cook he hired specially for me. Then i went back to our room with all the food i fetched in a tray. I opened the door only to be met with darkness. Stepping inside, I tried to figure out where the light switch was, the wall turned cold. Suddenly, the door was shut close, leaving me in the dead silence and darkness. I dropped the tray I was holding in fear. He wasn't in the room anymore, he left me alone without a single trace that he'd been there before. I tried to calm myself by imagining that he was there, but I couldn't grab the image of his face. It was blank. I couldn't even remember the color of his eyes. Not even his name could find a way to my lips"

My eyes snapped open. I sat up with my heart beating against my rib cage. It wasn't a nightmare, but a flashback. My deceased husband used to like lasagna and watermelon juice. It all made sense now. The lasagna at the party, it tasted so familiar. It was made by the cook who used to work for me.

The door opened and revealed my mother.

"You're still in bed?. You'll get late for work. Goodness" my mum said getting impatient. I looked at the clock and my eyes widened. How did I sleep for so Long? It was 6:03 AM and I hadn't even prayed fajr.

I stood up and got ready for work and left without telling my flashback to mom. I just wasn't comfortable to tell her, the mare thought of regaining my memories scared her the other day. There could be more to it than they've told me. They changed my children's surname and I still don't get why they would do that, they didn't let me see my in-laws. Now, i will get to the bottom of this. My children deserve to know their other family. First, I have to find the cook who made that lasagna, that can help me regain the rest of my memories. But I'll do that without hurting my parents, I'll do it secretly.

I parked my car my usual space. The architects have a parking lot. Actually, every department have separate parking lot.

I went to my office, mentally reminding myself to see my therapist after work.


Sudais' POV

"Martan" I called out to my PA.

"Yes Sir" he replied, coming closer behind me as we strode towards Elliott and sons building company.

"Make sure you take the files to Mr Elliott on time. And call Afaan, tell him to pick zaynerb at the airport at four" I made clear.

"Okay sir, but what about the task you gave me last night?" He asked.

"Don't worry, I'll find her by myself" I told him and stepped inside the building. The air conditioners hit me and I felt my muscles relax. It was a hot day.

At the office I was given, I removed my turban and folded it neatly on the table. There were a lot of papers to sign. But first I needed to have them photocopied. I pulled out my phone and called martan several times but the call couldn't go through, I had to go and do it myself.

The place was so busy, I collided with people several times. People were running around, trying to finish their work on time. Those are the kinds of workers one needs to have a successful business. I couldn't wait for the line, so I went to Mr Elliott's office to ask for assistance as I had sent martan on an errand. He said that his assistant wasn't around either but he'd call someone who wouldn't be busy.

"Don't worry Mr sagir. My workers are your workers as well. You can ask anyone to deliver an errand for you." The old man said with kindness, making me smile.

"Of course Mr Elliott, thank you." I said and he nodded with a smile.

"By the way Mr Elliott, has the government accepted your proposal for the 2022 project?" I asked him. I heard that they wanted to do a project with the government.

"Well, they haven't yet, but I know they will. It is a very great project. My employees dedicated their time to it." Mr Elliott replied and the door opened behind me. I didn't see who it was as my back was turned to the door where i was seated.

"Sir, you wanted to see me?" The voice was familiar. Wait a minute.

I heard her close the door and walked past me to her boss. I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was standing right in front of me. Her blonde hair visible through her light blue shayla. Pretending she didn't see me there. As if she was reading my mind, she turned to my direction and said something I couldn't grab. It was as if her presence had paralysed me. The woman I used to love and I now hate. I couldn't believe she could still look at me after all she did to me. I watched as her expression changed to a confused one. My eyes moved from hers to Mr Elliott and I realized he'd been talking to me.

"Yes, did you say something?" I asked, my eyes flicker to hers for a moment before looking back at Mr Elliott.

"Are you fine Mr sagir?" He asked me, sensing my discomfort.

"Yes. Don't worry Mr Elliott." I assured.

"Okay then, but if you need something please ask anyone of us." He said and I nodded.

"I was asking how many copies of the papers you want" he said.

"I'll explain to her on the way. Its actually getting late" I said as I stood up from the brown leather seat. I said that because I needed a moment with my ex wife.

She followed right behind me out of the office. She wasn't at all bothered by my presence, it was as if our relationship never happened.

After walking a few stepped away from Mr Elliott's office, I stopped on my track. She bumped into my back and I smiled internally. I didn't know she was so close but it was good, that was a great beginning for the torment I plan to put her through. I'll make her pay.

She said "sorry sir" but that only made me angry. What's with the formalities. I slowly turned to her. She looked up at me and stepped back a little, looking surprised. She parted her lips to talk but I cut her off.

"So you work here?"

"Uhm... Yes" she replied, a frown visible on her face.

"Do you know that I can get you fired?" I asked her and her eyes widened.

"But sir, you haven't told me how many copies you want. Tell me, and I'll get it done right away" she said. My eyebrows knotted in confusion after that. I didn't know she was a good actor, she could have at least called me by my name. She was testing my patience, just like she use to do when we were newly married but at that time, I was a fool in love, now its different and I'm the boss here, not her.

"You're acting is really good, but get one thing straight. You will not get away so easily this time." I said to her. She had tears welled up in those big eyes. The tears fell and she wiped them away with her hand. She didn't say anything, she just stood there crying like a defenseless little girl. The first thing I hate about women, they hurt you and then act like the victims.

"Two copies each" I said, referring to the papers in her hand. She nodded rapidly and walked pass me. She looked like a kitten who hasn't been fed for months. I watched her walk inside the computer room, ignoring the cue.

"Brother." I heard from behind me and turned around. It was Afaan, all dressed up in black suit.

"Someone is looking good. What's the occasion?" I said to him.

"No occasion, I just felt like being English today. Shall we talk in your office?" He asked walking closer.

We went to my office together, talking about business. I wondered what private issue he wanted to discuss.

We passed by the computer room and I saw him look at her, he didn't look surprised. He'd seen her since day one.
