
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

87: Star Wars: The Gamer by Cosmic Dragon

Fic type: oc/si

A new Gamer fic but this one has an experienced gamer who has already lived many lives. Only one chapter so far.

Also here are some new fics here that seem good.

1. The High Human [DxD] (Good)


Erased from existence by a Higher Power on a whim then given three heavily restricted wishes, I'm transmigrated into the world of a shitty battle harem anime over a thousand years before the main plot, will I be alright..?

2. Transmigrated as Shi Feng in Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God (so-and so)

This is an okay fic but since it is a rare ROTSSG fic, it gets a pass.

3. Kakashi: The Strongest Hokage (can be good with better editing but its getting better)

The author is translating this. Its a Cn I guess. The translation is getting better with more chapters. It is better than loosing brain cells reading Mtl though.


Star Wars: The Gamer

by Cosmic Dragon

Gore Profanity Sexual Content

X7-499 is one of God's best reincarnators, His name is X7 and he's lived 499 lives.

With most reincarnators, they are given a new ability upon they start of every life but X7 never wanted to change his ability, the Gamer System.

Each time a reincarnator lives a hundred lives they receive gifts to help them out permanently but again, X7 only ever wanted upgrades for his system.

He became the most mysterious but well-known of his kind and gained a level of notoriety amongst other reincarnators.

Now, after dying in the world of Harry Potter due to old age, he sat in front of God.

God sits on a comfy leather chair with an amused smile on his face, "I know you dislike wasting time on meaningless chatter, so we'll get right to the point"

"Your next life is in the universe of Star Wars, on the planet of Nar Shaddaa, Since this is your 500th time reincarnating, what upgrade would you like?"

X7 opened his mouth instantly, "I'd like the price of all the items in my System Store to be cut in half"

God nods before shooting a small yellow ball into X7's chest, "There you go, now onto specifications"

"Anakin and Padme didn't have twins, they had triplets, You will be the brother of Luke and Leia Skywalker, you will be sent off to a separate location from them upon your awakening"

"Where you go from there is entirely up to you"

X7 nods knowingly, 'This one's gonna be fun', he thinks as his body begins to dissolve and his soul is sent elsewhere.



Opening his eyes, he sees an elderly couple wearing elegant black robes with gold trimmings.

He turns his head upon hearing a voice, "Please take care of him until the time comes for him to know who he truly is, we can't allow the empire to find him"

He sees a middle-aged Obi-Wan Kenobi, the next to talk is the woman holding him that appears to be in her forties with brown hair, tanned skin, with deep green eyes.

"We'll take good care of him, Nar Shaddaa might be filled with low lives but we have quite a lot of power on this planet, he won't have anything to worry about"

After saying they're goodbyes, the older couple takes the baby into their mansion home, Observing his surroundings, he sees bustling hallways filled with guards, droids, and slaves.

'Character Screen'

Titles: Son of Darth Vader, Reincarnator, Force Sensitive

Name: Laikon Skywalker [Alias: Laikon Fontaine]

Age: Five Months

Level: 1

System Store Credits: 211,313,767,906,001

Base Stats

Strength - 1 (This represents your overall strength, durability, fitness, and how fast you will regain stamina)

Vitality - 1 (This represents your physical and mental health, increasing this will also help with your healing capabilities)

Intelligence - 100 (This represents the speed in which you learn things, this will also increase your connection to the force)

Charisma - 1 (This represents your handsomeness and as it increases people will be more inclined to listen to you)

Perception - 1 (This represents the six senses and how strong they are)

Dexterity - 1 (This represents your nimbleness, speed, agility, flexibility, hand-eye coordination, and reflexes)



As his foster parents reach the room that will be his bedroom, he sees a king-size double bed, a large blue rug covering the metal floor, several containers lining the walls, and three Twi'lek slaves ready to serve the child's needs.

The room itself was massive, the ceiling was at least twenty-five feet from the floor, the walls were made of a beautiful white stone with large windows made from gold.

After putting him onto the bed and giving the slaves some firm instructions they leave the room.

As the doors shut and he's left with the slave that continue to stand by the wall, they are all surprised as the boy rises from his laying positions and sits himself up against the pillows.

Before any of them can act, they are shocked as the boy brings a finger to his lips telling them to be quiet.

'They're slaves, my new parents won't listen to them if they say anything bad about me'

'System, show me all available timeskips'

[Normal Three Year Timeskip - 5000 Store Credits]

[Genius Three Year Timeskip - 7,500 Store Credits]

[Normal Five Year Timeskip - 7,500 Store Credits]

[Genius Five Year Timeskip - 10,000 System Credits]

'Purchase Genius Five Year Timeskip, focus on being a well behaved and loving child while in their presence but when I'm out of their sight focus on learning about and meditating on the Force'

[Purchase Complete, Beginning Timeskip]

It was like watching a movie, he watched his body move, grow, and learn on its own without him having to do anything himself.

The first two years were filled with repetitive days of eating, pooping, and sleeping, his parents doted on him a lot and were surprisingly very kind to him despite being people that owned dozens of slaves.

As his body turned three years old, he started to show his genius-level intellect, he could walk, run, talk, read, and write as good as someone three times his age.

On his fourth birthday, his parents bought their son to a small party for the most powerful and the richest people on the planet.

They unveiled him as their biological son with his approval and that's when he noticed just how powerful his parents were, people very rarely looked them in the eye, most people lowered their heads when in the presence of them.

After returning home from the party, he found hundreds of presents from pets, slaves, books, etc.

Four years of meditating and learning about the force had started to show serious improvements, he could levitate objects, jump ten feet into the air, and pull small things towards him.

Several days after his fifth birthday, the Timeskip ended and he regained control over his body.

Once he had stretched and got a good feel for his body, he noticed as he looked at the slaves he didn't know any of there names.

Sitting on a padded couch, he looks at the three slaves waiting for orders. "Come over here and line up in front of me"

The slaves did as they were told, Two of the slaves were female Twi'leks and the other was a Sith Pureblood male.

The Sith Pureblood took the lead by standing at the front, he had black and red skin, the patterns on his skin reminded Laikon of tribal tattoos, he had bright yellow iris's, and a completely shaved head.

"Name, age, and a thin description of your life from birth until now"

Despite being a slave the Pureblood stands with his feet apart, his back straight, and his hand behind his back, "My name is Jen Wo, 122 years old, I have lived a long life and it's hard to remember the tidbits but I worked as a merc for almost a full century"

Laikon nods his head, "How long have you been a slave and how did you come to be a slave?"

"I have been a slave for 15 years, I became a slave due to a large debt to your family I couldn't pay off", The words the boy said next were ones he thought he'd never hear.

"What would you do for the one that gave you freedom?"

"Anything", The word came out before he could even think, he wasn't mistreated despite being a slave but he missed the freedom of doing whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.

"I'm still a child so I can't make any decisions yet but If you promise me your loyalty until I turn twenty then I'll grant you freedom when I'm able to do so"

Jen Wo got on his knees and planted his forehead firmly on the ground, "I will serve you for the remainder of my life if you grant me freedom", Laikon was suspicious if he was telling the truth or not,

The Pureblood currently in a groveling position meant every word he said, he would gladly serve his you master for eternity for a chance at freedom.

The boy looks at the two other slaves and smiles.