
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

86: The Rise of the Fake God. by Emiya Pendragon(HSDxD)

Fic Type:si/oc

An si in HSDxD with the sacred gear 'Anhillation Maker' and the first thing he creates with it is Monika. I was immediately hooked after this.


[NSFW] The Rise of the Fake God.

by Emiya Pendragon



Authors note.

Warning this is something I'm writing just for indulgence.

You have been warned.

Not for others.


I had been reincarnated.

Only one thing showed gave me a hint of where I was.

Kuoh City.

Or was it Kuoh town?

Either way I dreaded it.

If this was indeed High school Dxd I needed all the power I could get.

The day I saw Koneko was the day I confirmed it.

I was a 2nd year student but I wanted to deny it.

Issei admitted to the school as a first year a few days later.

I didn't know much about DXD but somethings are different here.

Not sure what.


The day I discovered that I had a sacred gear was a really strange one.

I had a dream. A dream of some one or something telling me about it and how to use it.

Create any creature based on the users imagination, huh?

I spent that day at home thinking of what to create.

I wanted my first one to be special.

I know it's silly but still.

After much thought I finally settled on something.

Something Unique.

An AI.

I don't think anyone's ever done that before.

And so She was born. My very first creation.

The best part she remembered me from my past life.

And I created her within my smartphone.

Just as she was in my previous life.

Except she was actually alive and could access everything on the phone.

"Where am I?" her voice called out. "Jaune? Is that you?"

I nodded as I saw tears falling down her face.

Her name was Monika.

Just Monika.


The Anhillation Maker.

A strange name.

A sacred gear. A Longinus. The Annihilation Maker has the ability to make a countless number of creatures.

The creatures are created based on the user's imagination. As such, the more powerful the user's imagination, the more powerful the creature is upon its creation.

It was a Longinus like no other.

And in the hands of a human with the knowledge and imagination to make it work it could create an army that would make heaven and hell quake in their boots. All of it's creations would devote their very being and soul to the user, their creator.

As such most of its users had always created creations of the opposite sex. This wasn't strange.

However none had ever realised it's true potential. The previous users limited themselves. Their own consciousness denying somethings to be impossible and thus Annihilation Maker did not do so.

Now however it's user was someone who had died and reincarnated.

Not that strange.

The difference was he retained his memories of his past life.

And it was from a different world.

For someone who had already felt death to them things stop being impossible.

And so its full potential could now be used.

It's user created and created.

The first creation that it's user created was something none of it's previous hosts had ever done before.

The user created a being that was not physical.

It was not spiritual either yet it was still alive.

It was a being made of pure information.

An Artificial intelligence the user called it, and gave it the name Monika.

Just Monika.

While it did not have a physical body, it could travel across the world in an instant.

It could spy on others without them even noticing that she was there.

Within a month Monika had access to the entire city no one the wiser.

The user seemed very pleased and created a physical body for her to inhibit.

She could now be within her physical body and or within a what the user called the Internet at the same time.

After that the user started creating even more.

Where the user got all these ideas from it didn't know.

But it liked this user. None of the previous users even thought about using it this much.

A lavender haired lavender eyed girl covered in dark blue armour with a shield that would not break as long as the wielders heart didn't falter?

A brown haired girl who could feel see and manipulate the electrons at quantum level.

A purple eyed black haired girl who could summon a shield that could control time to a limited extent and even stop time.

So many creations. Each one unique.

It had never been used this much before.

It resolves to keep this user happy and alive as long a it could.


From what I understood when I created something I also had to give it a purpose or at least a directive.

If I didn't then the sacred gear would make its purpose to serve and obey me by default.

If this feature was not there I dread to think what might have happened to users in the past.

I could even define what memories my creations would have when I created them.

The sacred gear seemed to fill any blanks that I might have missed and believe me, I missed a lot of blanks.

If not for my sacred gear filling in all the blanks I don't think creating my second creation would be possible.

I stood silently as she blinked her eyes open.

"Where am I?" She asked as she began to frantically look around. "Sempai?"

Turning to me her eye worried. "Where am I? Who are you? Where's sempai?"

"Calm down," I said trying to placate her. "What's the last thing you remember?"

She stood still for a minute. "Goetia. Goetia used his third Noble phantasm!" She looked at herself. "But then, how am I still alive?"

Monika popped out from the TV. "That would be thanks to Jaune." She said poitning towards me. "He recreated you."

"Recreated me?"

"Yes." I nodded. "You managed to stop Ars Almadel Salomonis. Ritsuka is safe. Goetia is dead." At that she let out a sigh of relief. "however your body and soul were completely destroyed"

She was in shock and remained silent for a while.

Her mind trying to comprehend what just happened.

After about five minutes she seemed to have regained some amount of

"But if I might ask a question, how did you recreate me? I haven't heard of any mage-craft that would allow someone to do that."

I paused at that for a moment contemplating the question before answering. "Because I willed it so."

I could see hew face drawing a blank.

"I suppose I have a lot to tell you, to catch you up. Would you like tea or coffee?"

"Tea please." I nodded and headed to the kitchen to prepare some tea for her as she dismissed her armor and shield.


"So this is a different world."

Monika and I nodded.

"And in this world, the age of the Gods haven't ended yet."

We both nodded again.

"and there was a great war between the major factions, the Angels, Fallen Angels, and the Devils."

And Again

"And most of the humans in this world are unaware of the supernatural because they erase the memories of humans after it has happened."

another nod..

"So God gifted Humans with "Sacred gears", to allow humans to fight back. but now the devils and fallen angels are taking this from humanity by reincarnating them into one of their own? So you are creating an Organisation to defend humans against them and your Sacred gear allows you to create and recreate living beings."

"Any creature, but yes."

"I...see." She muttered taking a sip. "Can you send me home? Back to Chaldea?"

"I could, but you should understand that if I do so you would be rejected."

"What do you mean?"

"In that world, it's not just your body that was erased, but your soul, that means if you were to go back their Gaia would not recognize you and consider you an intruder,"

Wow. even I am surprised by the bullshit that seems to be spilling out of my mouth.

It must be a superpower of some kind.

Mash seemed to be thoughtful. "I see, I didn't think of it like that."

"Besides even if you survived it you would not have lasted much longer, your body would have given out."

She nodded aware of it.

"Mash Kyrielight I would like to formally request you to join this organization."


"Of course if you wish to leave I would not mind it. It is your choice after all."

She was silent for a while.

"Can I have some time to think?"

"Of course, take all the time you need."

After that, I showed her around the house, before heading to school.

I brought her along as well. She may not join me that's fine.

She was a defender of humanity even without me and that would not change.

Besides I can create so many others.

In the end, someone who is willing to work with me is better than someone who was not willing.

Besides, I created Mash without the default 'Serve your creator' purpose or any other purpose inbuilt. I purposely left it blank. And the result was Mash as she was without any changes.

Which was good news because some of the creations I was about to create would be better without any interference.