
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

07: MP stands for Milk Points (Danmachi / Seikon no Qwaser SI) by ENIYA

Fic type: Si

An NSFW fic where mc is the qwaser of oxygen in danmachi(i.e. can control oxygen).If none you know about the other anime,you need not worry as knowledge of that is not required. If you want to know, I can just say that mc needs to suck breasts to gain 'soma' to get stronger. This is actually quite fun to read.


Words: 64k

Link: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/mp-stands-for-milk-points-danmachi-seikon-no-qwaser-si.9738/reader


Chapter 1

It's rather telling that I can tell where I am by taking a good look at the type of orcs present.

"Nope, penis is too small." I released my finger's grip from the dead orc's loincloth after I had completed my investigation.

Eww, gross. I never want to do that again.

"At any rate, this doesn't look like Konosuba or a hentai series."

Almost all male orcs have been exterminated in Konosuba, leaving the female orcs to perform the usual "capture and rape the humans of the opposite gender" activities (Poor Kazuma), which meant that I wasn't in Fantasy Australia.

Had this been a hentai series, then this orc would have had a huge bitch-breaking dick, and with this size… well, thank goodness I'm not in a hentai world.

"I woke up here… the lone orc came up from this passage leading to another level, there's tons of mist… it's settled then. This is the Dungeon."

And I didn't mean any old dungeon, I meant the Danmachi dungeon.

Well crap, I'm at the 9th floor, aren't I?

Just great.

Getting dropped into another world's equivalent of a dangerous coal mine with some unknown power that can cause monsters to suffocate at great effort, wow, if the chances of death weren't so damn high I would have been a bit happier about getting to do a variant of Force Choke.

No sense sticking around. I may as well take advantage of the adrenaline earlier to find my way to the surface.

If I knew that I was going to another world then I would have worn my sneakers instead. Nope, it just had to be the day that I had to wear my business suit, didn't it?

"Fuck! Fuuuuuuuck!"

My complaints were met with more War Shadows breaking out of the wall just to get at me, making all sorts of unnatural sounds that I really didn't want to hear.

Unable to sneak around them like the other monsters from the preceding floors, I had to, unfortunately, run in my shoes that were ill-suited for this activity.

Come on, come on…

I turned the corner, giving a quick glance to the ceiling in the event of another monster lying in wait there, before continuing to put some distance between me and the monster mob that was gaining on me.

"Hah! Haa… come on-" My legs couldn't take this anymore.

Why didn't I keep my exercise up? I shouldn't have been such a lazy bastard. Damn it all!

I looked back, the tip of the monster's unnaturally long arms looked like black knives, and they were about to chop me up like sushi.

"Get away!"

Desperate to cling onto my life, I swung my hand to the side in order to bat the attack away.

It shouldn't have worked. The humans and other beings of this world required a god's blessing in order to have a chance against these monsters.

My arm was knocked back when the air exploded outwards, sending the group of monsters crashing against the dungeon's wall, their bodies shattered by the force of the attack.

"What… the... I'm alive." Those words came out of my mouth as if I needed to affirm that fact.

What was that? I knew I had a weird power somewhere but I couldn't use it again until now.

That didn't look or feel like a Force Push. There goes the Force Sensitive theory. Besides, even if I was a Force user, I wouldn't have been able to use the Force like that as such a move required years of training, unless you're fucking Rey or some other OP hack, after all.

I could see a few shiny items sticking out of some of the monster's crushed bodies.

Magic stones.

Well, I guess I'm in the light novel verse. The bodies won't disappear if the Magic Stone isn't taken out of them.

Needless to say, I carefully looted what I could from the bodies. I didn't have the energy to dig out the rest of the magic stones that didn't stick out of the bodies, however.

Whatever power I used was very draining on my body. I sincerely doubt I could manage another miracle like that again.

That said, I still placed a foot on the remains of one of the monster's head.

"Not so tough now when you're dead, huh? If I get a blister then I'm going to come back here and kill not just your brothers, but your sisters and your children too!"

Wait a minute, these monsters don't have genders, do they? Well, I guess that doesn't really matter. I'll get my revenge on them anyways.

I wipe the odd smile off my face. Why the hell was I smiling? I'm not a bloody psycho.

I placed the magic stones in my suit's inner pocket, no sense placing it a pocket that's more easily reachable by Orario's cutthroat population.

After taking a moment to rest, I continued my trek to find the damn stairs.

Where's an Escape Rope when you need it?

There were a lot of monster corpses on my trek to the surface. No magic stones were harvested.

Either a party carved their way through only to get killed unceremoniously in an ambush or one of those top tier familia's were on the way back from an expedition and no one could be bothered to waste time collecting the magic stones of weak monsters.

The rude scavengers on the first floor reinforced my second theory.

"Hey, what are you looking at? We got these leftovers first!"

"Okay, okay, I heard you. If you'll just point me at the exit I'll be on my merry way."

"There! Now scram!"

"Have a nice day, good sir."

He was too busy to comment on my clothes that looked way too out of place.

I didn't expect that to work, but it turns out that he wasn't lying about the exit being in this direction.

The gossip and chatter on Babel's ground floor confirmed that a large number of people had recently made their way out.

Well then, I would certainly like to get these magic stones exchanged for money, but I'm pretty sure there might be a rule against non-registered members of the Guild selling Magic Stones, likely targeted at blacklisted members rather than people without the Falna.

Still, I made my way to the Guild anyways in order to ask a few questions.

Thankfully, I did some research on the series at one point in my life and a few facts stuck in my head, the most useful one being the rough location of various buildings.

My fortunate yet unsurprising ability to comprehend both the spoken and written language of this world helped me out a lot as well.

"Hestia? I'm afraid we haven't heard of that Goddess before."

"Hmm, I see… How about Miach?"

"Oh yes, you can find him at-"

So Hestia hadn't descended to this world yet, huh.

Well, time to go with my next best option. Miach is a nice guy after all.

On the off chance I get a couple of OP skills when I get a Falna, I would rather have a trustworthy god backing me up rather than one willing to exploit me or force me to Level Up fast.

I followed the directions to Miach's Blue Pharmarcy.

For some reason, it was on the Eastern side of Orario, which contradicts my memory.

The size of the building confirmed my suspicions that I was currently at the point where his Familia was still a mid-ranked one.

Well, here's to hoping I can enact some positive change to the timeline, at least for good guy Miach.

I entered the store, there was only Miach sitting right at the counter. It was quite obvious it was him, he was, after all, stupidly handsome and the only male within his Familia. (The rest were females that liked Miach for his looks rather than anything else)

He was tall and lithe, his long blue haired looked really damn good on him, for a guy that is.

"Welcome to the Blue Pharmarcy! How may I help you?"

"You are Lord Miach, is that correct?"

"I am indeed."

"I'm Nick, a sales enablement consultant. Due to circumstances outside my control I need a change of career and I was wondering if you were accepting any new Familia members at this point in time."

Best to be honest with these living lie detectors. What I said was the absolute truth, from a certain point of view.

Being an adventurer was the fastest way to an early grave, on the other hand, I couldn't hold a desk job here with little to no credentials anyways.

There was also this little part of me that wanted to crush those monsters into tiny pieces for attempting to kill me, I'm not sure why I feel that way but I would rather be smashing in some goblin's faces rather than learning how to forge a sword or some other trade.

"I see, you've been through quite an ordeal, haven't you? Please follow me to the back, I'll be happy to help."

"You mean-"

"Yes, welcome to the Miach Familia. Well, technically I'm supposed to tell you that after I apply the Falna, but I thought you might want to hear that first."

"Thank you so much!"

What a swell guy!

Turns out that literally, everyone was out today in the dungeon, even the potion makers, I guess that even they want a bit of action now and again.

The elaborate light show was completed rather quickly. I don't feel too different, although, this time I could feel my power as a weak kind of… extra limb, no, a new "feeling" attached to my senses.

I couldn't quite describe it but somehow, I knew that it was "weak", as if it was largely depleted and whatever amount of power I was regaining by resting was barely notable.

"Wow, you have two skills! Congratulations. Although I'm not quite sure what these mean, I have my suspicions on the second but I haven't heard of the first one at all."

He handed me a paper with my stats displayed with all zeroes and two skills at the bottom.


Stigma est Ventus: Marked as the Qwaser of Oxygen.

Alchymia Mysterium: Allows the user to transmute an element under the user's control to a new form, create magical items and perform miracles.

Fucking called it.

The "OP skill" part of being a multiverse immigrant, that is.

Miach pretty much said that he thinks my second skill is a better version of the Development Ability "Mystery", to which I agreed with.

As for the first skill. Well shit, no wonder my power isn't recharging.

If only Breastia, I mean, Hestia was my Goddess… it would be so much more convenient if that's the case.

"Oh, I'm a Qwaser now, well, that explains a lot."

"You understand what this means?"

"Kind of. What I know of it is all second-hand knowledge, but from where I come from, I've seen and heard of Qwasers being part of the Catholic church or other extreme religious sects that are… cult-like, to say the least."

I never said I was from that world, but I definitely "seen" and "heard" of Qwasers, through the computer screen.

Miach allowed me to explain further when he felt I had more to say.

"Long story short, they're basically humans with the ability to control one "element" that exists within nature. In order to use this ability at any useful level, a Qwaser will require to drink a substance Soma, not the wine you know of, but rather, it's a type of milk."

"Okay, I get the feeling that you're not looking forward to explaining that in detail."

"Of course not, Soma is basically a female's life force in the form of breast milk."

The normally composed god nearly fell out of his chair.

"Wha- you're serious. You're telling the truth."

"Yup. If I'm like any of the Qwaser's I've heard of then I literally have to breastfeed in order to use my abilities."

"Oh dear, how are we going to do this. If we tell the rest of my Familia I get the feeling we're both going to be laughed at, then when they realize it's the truth, they may get emotional and then angry…" He trailed off while imagining some scenario that he experienced in the past, as expected of a dense chick magnet!

"It's fine. I lived my whole life without that ability until only recently, when it activated during a time of great danger. I can learn to fight like any other Adventurer without relying on this ability as a clutch."

"Alright, if you're sure… still… hmm, try this."

Miach reached for a red potion and handed it over to me.

"If it runs on life force then perhaps a health potion could be a substitute, at least a very inferior one."

"Are you sure about giving that to me?"

"Of course, you're one of my children now. It's only right that I do everything I can to help."

"You're too kind, Lord Miach."

The potion was refreshing, strawberry flavored, and I felt some of the pains of my body (from running with these shoes and a few close calls) fade away.

"The power is still weak, I don't think it works."

"Hmm, well, if I had the right materials I could synthesize a substitute. Or perhaps you could do that yourself?"

"Pardon? Oh, you mean my skill?"

"Want to give it a try? Oh, wait, I'm so sorry. You must want some rest after what you've been through."

"No, it's fine, I want to give it a go too. Who knows? I may end up making something valuable enough that you can sell for cash."

Two hours later…

"My cauldron is gold."

"I know."

"It turned into gold in front of my eyes."

"I'm sorry for accidentally transmuting your favorite cauldron."

"What no! Don't be sorry! This is… this is a miracle!"

"More like Alchemy."

"Your transmutation is very impressive, you should feel proud."

"I didn't even know what I was doing, I don't think I can feel very proud about it."

I was literally in a trance the moment I decided to try my hand at stirring the pot.

"Yes, you were clearly… out of it. You couldn't hear me at all, and ended up using up nearly all of my mid-ranked ingredients."


"Don't apologize when there's nothing to be sorry for. This is worth way more than a hundred times of everything you just used-"

He was interrupted by a loud knock on the door and a lot of women shouting "Lord Miach".

It was a horrid sight. There was a dog girl that looked like she had just been roasted by a dragon's breath, her arm was missing, likely eaten by some large monster.

"Nick, quick, help me get that potion, and that one and-"

"-On it!"

The rest of the girls were injured to various degrees, they were grateful for the healing potions being distributed to all of them, but all their moods turned to the worse when they saw Miach stressing over the girl on death's door. Even with all the potions he used, the girl's body was still weak and her missing arm couldn't be returned.

"Nick, I'm sorry, but I… I'll need that gold cauldron-"

"-Say no more, take it."

I couldn't have made it without him anyways. He's being way too nice about this.

He had the rest of his able Familia members help him carry the gold cauldron to somewhere. Well, with what I know of canon, he's definitely going to use it as a down payment to Dian Cecht in order to get Naaza her silver arm.

And like that, everything fell to pieces overnight.

Quite literally.

I was sleeping on the couch rather peacefully, until two Weretiger demihumans threw me off the couch and onto the streets, taking the couch with them.

The entire building had been mortgaged or outright sold in such a short time!

Holy shit! Orario's property management is stupidly efficient!

It was probably the most surreal morning I ever had.

"H-hey, Nick, are you okay?!" Miach quickly helped me up the ground.

"Well… that escalated quickly."

"My apologies!! I have caused you a great deal of trouble, I shouldn't have just run off without telling you anything."

"What's done is done. Did you get that girl more help? It looked like whatever you wanted needed a great deal of money."

"About that… well… I am deeply sorry, if you want to leave like all the others-"

"-Calm down, start from the beginning."

It looked like even he was quite shaken up by everyone deserting him all of a sudden once they heard of the loan.

In the end, we were right now setting up the Blue Pharmacy at the West side of Orario, where it should be in canon.

It was a much smaller building, just as I envisioned it.

Well, it could be worse.

I got introduced to Naaza Erisuis, who Miach had placed there earlier on, until he had to run back to his old place after realizing I had been sleeping there.

She was currently in a bad state, her other arms and legs couldn't move the way she was used to, and she was still missing her right arm. Guess magical silver arms take quite a while to create!

"Wait a second… if you wanted a magical prosthetic, I could have tried making it."

"My apologies, I wasn't thinking at all that time, and um, well, I didn't know for sure if you could."

"Sorry, you're right, I'm not sure if I could do that and my ability is rather… random in nature thus far."

Naaza didn't talk much, like, at all.

I had to help out at the store for a few days, helping Miach make potions and sell them to customers. Unfortunately, his altruism had begun to rear his head in an inconvenient manner, as he already started (or simply continued) his practice of giving away free potions.

"Look, I took a few accounting modules back then… I was never great at it, but even I know our books are totally cooked."

Miach was looking more and more uncomfortable as I went on.

"Well… I think I can go make some cash at the dungeon, or maybe I can try transmuting something into… well, anything more valuable to make up for the shortfall."

"I'm so sorry for putting such a burden on you so quickly."

"Look, it's no problem, besides, I need to stretch my legs a bit."

A few hours later…

"Hahaha! Fuck you filthy gobbos! Thought you could take me, could you?!"

I smashed the green little fucker's head underneath my foot.

That was therapeutic.

I mostly relied on my sword and shield for killing monsters, but when I felt that I could manage a single big attack after "collecting" power for about a week, I unleashed it on a huge mob of goblins.

Smashing them into green little chunks of flesh and bone.

Ah yes, now, I have become the slayer of the weakest of monsters.

I sold the few magic stone shards I got from the Goblins along with the War Shadow magic stones, when they asked about how I got them, I said that some high-ranked adventurer pitied me and tossed me his "junk" stones.

When I got back to Miach, he was very happy for me (on my survival) and asked about what had happened in more detail. I omitted my uh… stress relief sessions with the goblin corpses, and focused on the tactics I used and the use of my power.

"Did it get any stronger?"

"Not really. I could use it on intent now, but it still tires me out all the same, without any Soma I won't be able to use another attack like that until another week has passed."

"I see…"

"Cheer up my Lord! I'm not that bothered by it. My skills as a Qwaser is just another tool. One that I won't get to use that much since it's not like I can walk up to a woman and suck on their breast for Soma without them killing me, like you manage to."

"What… what are you talking about? I h-haven't sucked on a woman's breast so brazenly." He looked very confused, after hearing his words, I could only grin and follow my urge to mess with him.

"Interesting choice of words, so you did suck on them eh…"

"It wasn't by choice! Demeter pulled me in out of nowhere and- uh, I shouldn't talk about this."

What seriously? Come on, it was just getting interesting!

The conversation was over then, unfortunately, as Miach heard a loud crash and had to help Naaza up the floor. She was doing some exercises to regain the use of her body.

I wanted to cheer her on but she didn't seem particularly enthused about it, so I encourage Miach to be her cheerleader on this when he had the time.

Another week had passed.

I made some good progress with my status. I knew Qwaser's had some crazy superhuman feats so I guess I shouldn't be surprised if it enhanced my growth and performance by just a tad bit over the norm.

Naaza had left for the dungeon by herself in the morning before Miach could stop her in doing the sensible thing by having me tag along.

"Is this gold?"

"More like gold dust. I literally picked up some street trash and trampled flowers to transmute this."

"Well… I guess we're having a bigger dinner tonight."

"What was your loan repayment deadline again?"

"I'm sorry."

Okay, I admit, I may have underestimated his altruism by a lot.

Well, in the worst case scenario, I can hope that Bell does his magic and get those two other girls to join up with Miach after the whole War Game fiasco.

Naaza came running through the door at a high speed and all but fell on the floor.

"Naaza! Are you alright?!" Miach quickly attended to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't, I just can't-" Okay then… panic attack comes with monster trauma.

The canon reason for why she can't fight monsters anymore is rather painful to see play out in real life.

"Lord Miach, it seems that she will need you by her side tonight. I'll get us all something more filling tonight."

"Thank you. Truly."

The next morning, I made up my mind to do more overtime in the dungeon, at a lower floor. If I group the monsters up and run towards the stairs, I should be able to kill a large group at a relatively safe location.



Naaza called out to me before I made it through the door, her drowsy eyes made it clear that she hadn't gotten much sleep at all.

"Can I help you Naaza? Is everything alri- wait, no, stupid question. Can I get you something?"

"No, it's… follow me to the back, Lord Miach is still sleeping. Try to keep quiet."

Hmm? Did she have suspicions or some sort of complaint? She's a Level 2 so she could still kill me rather easily unless I use my power quickly enough.

She opened the door to her room and beckoned me to come in.

"What's this about? Is it something Lord Miach shouldn't here?"

"Not… exactly. I have… heard about your skills."

"Did he tell you?"

"I overheard the both of you at first, I asked Lord Miach for confirmation later on."

"Hmm, skeptical."

"No, I trust Lord Miach's words, and you've more than proven yourself loyal to the Familia."

Now this sounded more like a Captain of the Familia.

That confidence was gone just as quickly.

"The beast ate everything, my flesh, my bones… sometimes I still feel like I'm being burned alive." Oh no, please stop, I'm not a lover of gore or Ryona, "Ever since that day I haven't been able to fight a monster, my body can't stop shaking the moment one is right in front of me. I can't even stand up to a goblin…"

"I… I won't lie to you and say I get it. I've only had a few close brushes with death, but never to this extent."

"I know and… I thank you for being honest. Anyways, ever since that day… I've been nothing but useless, less than useless. I can't fight in the dungeon anymore, I will devote all my time to making medicines and other potions."

Well, I didn't see that coming.

"It's all my fault that Lord Miach had to beg on his knees to that bastard. I… I don't want to be useless anymore, I will do what I can, even if… please be quick."


As if to tear off the band-aid, she reached down with her arms before pulling her shirt all the way up to the neck.

Exposing her medium sized breasts to me.

"You don't need to do this." I offered her a way out despite the temptation.

"I… this is for Lord Miach's sake." She was embarrassed from the act, I could feel my little man rising, thankfully hidden by these new pants of mine. "Don't let him hear of this, please."

She loved him, I knew that much, oh my… and she was still letting me do all this?

"Very well. I won't let you regret this."

"You better not."

I cupped one of her breasts with my hand, god, this feels great.

"Ah! Nnh! Stop, just, stop doing that. Get it over with."

Oh man, her shy face, the way her bushy tail was wagging, the flush in her cheeks...

"I'm surprised you haven't heard of foreplay."

"I don't need it, this is nothing more than a… transaction."

"Hmm? Fine."

Her nipples were erect enough for me anyways.

I moved my face closer, leaning down until my mouth was level with her pink nipple, then clamped down on it gently, sucking and squeezing her tit as I tried to drain the "sacred" substance.


I felt a small amount of liquid reach my tongue, I sucked harder while moving my head back a bit, pulling on her breast before leaning forward again, repeating the action as I drank in the sweet, sweet milk that I've hadn't known I needed until now.

I could feel my power being filled up to the brink, fueled by her very life force and her emotions.

Looking up, I could see that her expression showed unwanted pleasure along with great humiliation.

I let up, not wanting to drain her too much, lest she becomes fatigued.

Her first-time experience had been extreme, and I had to lay her down on the bed gently.

I licked my lips, making sure I didn't leave any milk behind, "Thank you for the meal."

"Go… just go…"

My feet moved quickly to take me out of the building.

Just in time before my mouth twisted to that of a gleeful smile I could scarcely hide.

What have I done?

"Haha… hahaha…!"

It was delicious. Not just the taste.

Oh no. The way her body reacted, her swallowed pride, her shame, the feelings of guilt and betrayal by allowing someone else other than the love of her life partaking in her body, all of it…!

I wanted to see more of it. I needed to see that expression again, oh, and not just that kind, but all sorts of reactions to when I take their "Soma".

I need more power, if only so that I could experience this kind of happiness over and over again!

The wind, Oxygen, gathered at my fingertips as easily as wanting to lift a finger.

Time to grind.

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