
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Taking The Family To See The Building

Two months later Elena got a call from Chen telling her the was done, after that she called the design team to put in the office things and other stuff needed. Elena was happy they told they would be done on Friday, so Elena made plans for the family to take them out on Saturday morning they were all free, she been busy training for the show case which will be on next Saturday. By Friday evening Elena went home as usual, she ate with her family and made sure they were not busy tomorrow morning, she then went up her room and took a long bath before she went to bed. The next morning Elena slept in a bit and got up at 8 she than got ready and went downstairs her grandparents were in the living room.

"Morning" Elena said

"Morning darling" Luna said

"Everybody else still sleeping?" She asked

"They should be getting up soon, why don't you eat breakfast first" her grandpa said

She nodded and went towards the dinning area as Ann gave her breakfast, when she was about halfway her father and Susie came down.

"Is Emma still sleeping?" She asked

"Yes she was busy all night with school work, she won't be joining us today" Susie said

"Oh, okay well I am almost done with breakfast I'll wait for you to finish in the living room with grandma and grandpa" Elena said

"Go ahead" George said

Elena went into the living room and she set up the chest set and began playing with her grandpa, Old Zhou wanted to win this time but before he could win they were about to leave.

"Checkmate" Elena said

"How I was clearly about to win" he said

"Grandpa you were focused on the queen all this time you for got about my other pawns" Elena said

Old Zhou looked at the board again and she was right he was focused on the queen cause she used that last time he forgot about the other pawns.

"Let's go! We can do Chinese checkers when we get back, chest is to easy maybe you might win on the other" Elena said

Her grandpa nodded her head as the five went out of the house taking separate rides she went with her father and Susie. She talked to them what Sister Helga said so that was why she needed to open the stores earlier and grandma was her partner she'll run it when she is away at school.

"We're here" Elena said

The family got down the ride the dance studio was one faded grey and Elena changed it to dark red bricks outlining the big windows above it said NINA'S she had the keys in her hands the door was glass with black trim it had the studio name on the glass. When they went in there were two steps they had to add it higher so the floor can bounce when the girls jump under the board we're springs but the floor was still hard. The front desk was was brown matching the floor it had a chair and computer with a telephone. Mirrors were all around the walls with bars the light were four long rows on the ceiling making it bright inside.

"That corner door is we're we keep the ballet supplies that I need to order, they we'll come in next week, so I asked Sister Helga to take time off from school on Friday to be here when they come" Elena said

"The place is better than we imagined" her grandma said

"A fine dance studio" her grandpa said

"It's lovely dear looks so professional" Susie said

"You did a wonderful job" her father said

"Let me take you upstairs" Elena said

She showed them the staircase then went towards the elevator taking them up. On the second floor one side was the locker room with showers the other side was the employee locker room and a staff lounge. Elena showed them her office had it own private bathroom for her when she would go after dance class. There was a painting of her mother behind her desk she was in the flower field with her big sun hat and white sundress.

"It's a beautiful painting" George said

"Gabriel has the other half" Elena said

Elena didn't see the look the both grandparents made when they looked at each other with a knowing smile. After showing them they went out and they saw her go to the building next.

"You ready" Elena said

Only her grandmother knew Elena pulled the rope and the sheet came off the big sign of EVERLASTING written. Elena then open the door as they went inside there was a oval shape jewelry stand they were two couches on the side of the oval where the hues can sit. Elena took them to the second floor where there was more different size glass cases, there were a shelf against the wall with more glass cases. They soon went up to the third floor was the VIP one where there was a vault as there was a place where the person would sit and be shown the Jewelry.

"Each floor has a check out where the employer would go, on the second floor is where is also the employee lounge as will as the employee lockers, we keep the refreshments there only the third floor has the a place like that but also my office as well." Elena said

"The layout is wonderful it screams High-End" Susie said

"The two top floor was my mom's idea and grandma and I came up with the first floor" Elena said

"Yes Lilly had wonderful idea's, I'm glad Elena learned from her" her grandma said

They went out to eat lunch together, on the other hand Emma went to see Ariel so she could see Gabriel but luck was not on her side he was busy with work and hasn't come out of his study room so she stayed with Ariel as she talked about school, Elena and her friends.

"Why didn't you go with Elena?" Ariel asked

"I was tired from school" Emma said

"I wonder how the studio looks" Ariel said

"What studio?" Gabriel said

"Nina's studio, she bought two building two months ago because Sister Helga wanted her to do a showcase with the Junior High Class and the little girls from the orphanage." Ariel said

"Did she connect the two buildings?" Gabriel asked

"No, one is the dance studio and the other is her jewelry store" Ariel said

"Oh, I see" Gabriel said

"Brother Gabriel, are you done with your work?" Emma asked

"Not yet" Gabriel said

Emma was about to talk again when her phone beep, she looked down and saw a message from Elena.

[Sister, if your up. I want to show you my shop]

She didn't reply, and looked back at Gabriel.

"If you need help, I can help you" Emma said

"No need" Gabriel said

Ariel's phone beep next.

"Okay well if you need help I can" Emma said

"Emma you want to go see Elena's building?" Ariel said

"I can drop you" Gabriel said

"Sure" Emma said

"Okay let me get my purse" Ariel said

"I'll get the car" Gabriel said

"I will come with you" Emma said

Emma sat in the front with Gabriel as Ariel sat in the back as they made their way to Elena's place.