
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Grandma/Granddaughter Day

Friday evening the family was having dinner, and when they were finished and sat in the living room as George went to his office as Susie and Emma went back to their rooms. Elena and her grandpa were playing chest as her grandma was drinking tea watching them.

"Oh, grandma tomorrow I will be looking at a place for a studio. I wanted to ask if you like to come with me" Elena said

"So soon?" her grandma said

"Yes, Sister Helga asked me to do a show for both the Junior High class and the little girls from the orphanage. However, the studio's will be under constructions after our Senior show." Elena said

"You already found a place, why do you need me?" She asked

"I need a partner, it would've been my mom. Also I know Susie is busy and I'm sure grandfather is busy as well. Right?" Elena said when she asked her grandpa the question.

"Yes, why not dear. Your always home" her grandpa said

"Okay, when we both like the place we can plan the decoration together with your mothers idea as well" her grandma said

"Okay deal, we will go half and half. Check mate." Elena said

Elena smiled to her grandpa as he looked at the board on where he went wrong.

"We can leave from here at 7" Elena said

"Yes, so then when you are at school I can hire some teachers to teach than when you come back you can take over again" her grandma said

"Okay, I will go to bed now. Tomorrow again grandpa" Elena said

"No, I will be busy" he lied

Elena went up to her room taking a bath and putting on her night clothes as she went to bed. The next morning Elena, quickly got ready she put her hair up to a messy bun, wearing a sundress and flats she was quite tall 5'9" and slim with a healthy weight. When Elena reached the dinning area her grandparents were having breakfast.

"Morning" Elena said

"Morning darling have your breakfast and we will go" Her grandmother said

Elena nodded she had waffles with fresh fruits and some orange juice today was her cheat day that she gives herself once a month, so she quickly ate. Old Zhou watched as his wife and granddaughter leave he was happy to see that his wife was happy going out with someone other then their maid Ann. Since their granddaughter return she would pay attention to each family member even her sister and Susie.

"Dad why you outside?" George asked

"Your mother and daughter went to go look at the dance studio" he said

"Really?" George said

"Yeah the school will be closing there's for clean up and Elena will be doing two showcases so she needs a place and she wants your mother as her partner" he said

"That's good mom can get out more" George said

They both went back into the house, when Emma and Susie were shocked but when Old Zhou said it was good that their mother/grandmother went out instead of being stuck at home all the time. Elena and her grandma got to the building the realtor would be a bit late so they looked at the building.

"It is a two story, the bottom can be the studio and the top can be an office and locker room with showers" Elena said

"The location is good, and we would have to knock off the rest of the wall to make windows" Her grandma said

"I was thinking the same thing" Elena said

The realtor came and they went inside the floor was cement so they would need to put down wooden floor they will put a front desk right when you go in, Elena and her grandmother was planning.

"Shall we go upstairs" the lady said

"Yes" they both said

They went up stairs rooms there was a mater office at the end again Elena and her grandmother started talking about what to do about two hours later they bought the place as her grandmother called an old friend that work with construction if they could come out in the afternoon so they can start working.

"Is this building yours as well?" Elena asked

"Yes it is a three story building" the lady said

"Can I have a look?" Elena asked

"Sure, me get the keys from the car" she said

She left, as her grandmother came and looked at the building.

"What do you think for the Jewelry store" Elena said

"If you change the outside as well to something elegant." her grandmother said

"I have the plans on my laptop. You want to see?" Elena asked

"Wait until lunch so we can sit" she said

"Okay, that way we can add on more when we look inside" Elena said

Elena and her grandmother looked around and were satisfied with the place, after another hour half Elena and her grandmother went back with the lady to finalize the paper work Elena was on the lease while her grandmother was the co-signed on their by the time they were finish it was lunch. They went to a restaurant and had lunch at the same time Elena showed her grandmother the blueprint on how she wanted the Jewelry store should be like, when finished. Her grandmother got a called from her friend that he was on his way to the location so they too also went back. When they got there Luna introduce Elena and they gave them the plans that they made on how they wanted built, he then gave them directions of high end warehouse to make orders for the other things they need and just have it sent to their company.

"Can you finish in two months I can pay double the amount" Elena said

"You don't have too we can get it done" he said

"I insist that way you can pay your workers overtime, I know how businesses work" Elena said

"Chen my granddaughter is majoring in business so let her besides I insist as will" Luna said

"Well okay we will begin on Monday" Chen said

They said their goodbye's as Elena and her mother went to the warehouse that he had given to them they began looking at the wood and the paints to go with each building then they looked at the windows and the hand rails. Then they looked at bather room stuff as well and lockers they would need and benches, doors more windows. By the time they were finish it was dinner time so Luna called home saying they would eat out, they went to another place to eat as Elena took out her laptop and searched for office website to get for the office and front desk they went throw it and they agreed to look for the other stuff on Sunday afternoon. When they return home it was nearly nine at night, everybody were in their rooms so Elena said good night to her grandma and went back to her room to get rest.