
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Dinner Alone

Elena got dropped off, as she waited she went to the website where, they got the ballet from the mall, she then called the head mistress of the orphanage to take the fifteen little girls on a field trip at the end of the month to get ballet things for the little girls for their showcase. Once she was done she checked the time, as she waited after five minutes she saw a black car driving up, it stop and Ariel came out real quick.

"Nina!" Ariel said

"What do you think?" Elena said

She used both her arms to show the buildings with the sign on them, Ariel screamed and hugged Elena.

"I am so happy for you they both look beautiful, looks classy" Ariel said

"Thank you, sister your here!" Elena said as she took Emma's hand

"Yes, I was with Ariel" Emma said

"I am glad you made, do you guys want to go in?" Elena said

"Yes!" Ariel said

Elena went to the dance studio first and open the door as she showed them inside, they walked around and Elena talked about the rooms and everything inside the building. After that was done they went to the jewelry store there she showed them all the rooms and where she will put the jewelry they used the elevator and went to each floor. In middle of the tour Emma left saying she had to finish her homework, then they finish the tour it was now five in the evening.

"I will take you guys to dinner" Gabriel said

The girls agreed, Elena was about to sit in the back but Gabriel open the front for her so she had no choice but to seat in their, Elena heard a tap on her window and saw Ariel was there.

"My old friends from school asked me out you won't mind eating with my brother" Ariel said

"Okay" Elena said, but her mind was screaming NO!

"Okay, see you in the morning" She said

"Okay take care" Elena said

Ariel waved and she left to hail a cab, Gabriel started the car and went to a restaurant, they got down from the ride as they went in and up to one of a private booth.

"This is a nice place" Elena said

"Yes they have great veggie food here" Gabriel said

Elena nodded and looked at the menu, she saw what she wanted.

"Good Evening, I will be your server for tonight what would you like to eat" the guy said

"I will have sparkling water with lemon, and I will take the vegan spaghetti with the house salad with the dressing on the side no cheese" Elena said

"I will have the steak well to medium rare with the house salad as well no need to put anything on the side, and I'll take water" Gabriel said

After the waiter put the it down he went out.

"No red wine?" Elena asked

"I am driving" Gabriel said

"Oh, how's work?" Elena said

"Works good" Gabriel said

"That's good" Elena said

The waiter then came back with there drinks, Elena took a few drinks as she had been thirsty earlier from talking, when Gabriel was about to speak the waiter came back with the salad and pour more sparkling water for Elena. They began to eat their salad in silence, Elena didn't want to talk much with him or she would yarn for him, so she chose to ignore him and didn't get to close to him. The waiter came back and took their plates while another place their main course down, and began to eat they didn't talk which Elena was help with, while she was happy Gabriel wanted to keep her talking so all he can do is sigh in his heart. When they were done it was 6:30 and they went back into the car, as Gabriel drove after a while, Elena saw that they were going some where else.

"Where we going? She asked

"You'll see" he said

Elena just looked out the widow as he drove, when they came to a stop. Elena got down from the car and looked around she didn't know where they were at.

"This way" Gabriel said

Elena followed Gabriel as they walk, Elena looked around and saw they were in a park the park lights light up and the tree's cherry blossom were in full bloom Elena looked at the flowers as she walked the park. Elena remembered that in her last life she watched as Gabriel and Emma walked in the park when the cherry blossom bloom as well too, she knew is because she followed them. She sometimes can't believe she stalked her sister and Gabriel and when he propose to her it felt like her heart crushed to million of pieces.

"I want to go home now." Elena said

"Why don't we walk-" Gabriel was cut off by Elena

"No, I would like to go home" She said

Elena began walking back towards the car, Gabriel didn't know what happened he saw how happy she looked then she went into a daze and wanted to go home. When Gabriel go to the car he saw Elena sitting inside already to go so he just started the car and took her home like she said.

"Elena, did I bring up sad memories?" Gabriel asked

"No, I just want to get home. I don't want the family to think bad of me going home late with a guy" Elena said

"Oh, okay" Gabriel said

When they got back it was 8.

"Elena I'm sorry, if you want I can talk to your parents" Gabriel said

"No it's okay, thank you for dinner Gabriel" Elena said

"Have a good night Elena" Gabriel said

"You too, drive safe" Elena said

Elena got off the car and Gabriel left, in the shadows a person came out as they saw everything.