
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Seeing The Painting/Losing Control

The whole company came to the cafeteria right away, seeing the boss's girlfriend was here and she had a sister that works here, they knew Emma as the Queen of the company but next to her sister it looked more like she was just so and so while sitting next to a goddess. The company watched, as she talked and laughed being polite to the staff that served them how she carried herself elegantly, the ladies of the company were jealous but also envious of her, while the men took in her beauty and envious of their boss.

"They make a great match" One said

"They look like gods" one commented

"Look at this" one said

They looked Elena on social media, her paints were posted as well as her playing instruments and ballet showcases.

"Wow, the rumors are true, she look more pretty dancing and playing the different instruments" one said

That afternoon, the whole company began following Elena on her social media.

"Look she just finished Senior High and already has two business. Indeed she is a match for our CEO" a woman said

They looked at Elena's Dance studio and Jewelry store.

"It says here. [Elena Zhou 18, youngest Jewelry designer, open her store Everlasting three months ago, Miss Zhou and her mother design all their Jewelry. Miss Zhou got an early acceptance to the top business University in Country T, Miss Zhou will be attending in the fall and will be getting her degree in two years.] Wow! She's amazing!" the man said

"Isn't the Zhou and Lu family friends?" one asked

"Yes, I heard the father's are childhood friends" answer another person

They then went back to looking at Elena's table, they admired Elena more having read more information about her.

"You finish?" Gabriel said

"Yes, I have to go. Why don't you two finish up" Elena said

"It's fine I can walk you out" Gabriel said

"It's fine. Sister I'll see you at home" Elena said

Elena left the two and went out the company towards her ballet studio the girls well be arriving in another hour so he had time to take a walk and then head on over. After Elena left, Gabriel excused himself and went back to his office, Emma finished her lunch and went back to her cubical as well however, when she saw people gathered around in the lounge talking she went on over to see what was going on.

"When do you think they will get married?" one said

"I don't know but all I know is that Miss Zhou will soon be Mrs. Lu" another commented

Emma stop and her tracks when she heard that, were they talking about her? She wondered.

"No doubt about that Miss. Zhou is beautiful! And excellent" one said

Emma blushed when she heard that.

"Yeah have you seen the painting in his office and when they were together, differently a match made" another said

Emma thought there was a painting of her in his office? Did Elena do a painting? Gabriel did ask her to do another painting for him, was it a painting of her? Emma got excited and left the talking group to his office. However, she didn't get to hear what the next person said.

"Of course Elena Zhou is the best for our CEO" a lady said

Emma got to the top floor but there was nobody at the front desk so she went to his office door, she knocked but nobody answered the door so she went on inside and looked around and the office was empty as well. Emma went inside the office as she looked around to see if Gabriel was there, but no one was inside in the office. Emma saw the painting of Gabriel on the wall she like how she looked in it, but when she looked at the other painting it wasn't of her but Elena. Emma just stared at the painting for a long time that she didn't know Gabriel came inside his office.

"Emma?" Gabriel said

"Oh, Gabriel. Hi" Emma said

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I was looking for you" she said

"What do you need" Gabriel asked

"I just wanted to know if you were going to go to the fundraiser that my grandma and Elena's Principal put together" She said

"Yes" he said

"Well, um do you want to go together?" she asked

"I will be going with Ariel" Gabriel said

"Oh, okay then" Emma said

Emma began to walk towards the door.

"Emma" Gabriel said

"Yes" Emma said hopeful

"Next time, don't come in my office when I'm not here. I have important documents" Gabriel said

"Okay, sorry Gabriel" Emma said

"And Emma, please Mr. Lu in the company" Gabriel said

"Yes" Emma said

Gabriel nodded and then left his office, Emma went out to the company garden nobody was around.

"Argh!" Emma said out loud

Emma couldn't control her anger anymore, ever since Elena came to the house her mother has been telling her to do better than Elena, and be more elegant than Elena, everything was Elena this, Elena that and Emma was getting sick of it. Elena took everything from her slowly her father's love, her grandparent's use to spoil her but they hardly do it now telling her she should start being like Elena and make her own money and be independent. She even took the Lu family's love away from her as well, they loved Elena more than her, although Emma herself was just using Ariel's friendship just to see Gabriel but now Ariel is hardly spending time with her and more with Elena and with Elena's friends she can't even manipulate Ariel anymore. Emma just wish to destroy her, at first she thought she was fake being nice to her but seeing the way she would try to leave Gabriel with her. But Elena didn't know that Gabriel like her, only Emma can see it even her family and his family can see it but Elena herself doesn't know and this is what got her mad. She had been friends with Gabriel since they were kids, her friends left him alone knowing that Gabriel was her's. However, he never showed any liking towards her, he even told her he see's her only as a family friend and nothing else. Thinking of all this Emma clench her fist as hatred can be seen in her eyes, she would use Elena's kindness and destroy her with it, Emma smirk and went back inside the company.