
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Bring Lunch

It was now middle of June, the showcase was success Elena's family brought her flowers as well as the Ariel's family gave her flowers, they all went out that night to eat dinner, Emma began her intern at Gabriel's company. Elena put a show together for the Junior High Girls she asked what they wanted to do they came up with the Princess theme some played the princess some played the prince. Now she was busy with the orphanage, her online class, and her jewelry with her grandmother's help they found at least three dance teachers, and also got to get some stone's for the jewelry. With her grandma at the jewelry store working Elena would be at the dance studio with the little girls they would take a bus there every afternoon leaving Elena to do her class online at home her father got her apple desktop. She asked the girls what they wanted to do as a play they said fairies be friend a princess to help them fight the darkness in the woods in the end the princess gets a spell cast on her when the darkness is gone so a prince has to save her, they told Elena to be the princess and now Elena has to find a male dancer to help her. On her free time Elena had to come up with the dance and music and compose it herself so on weekends she spends her days in her mother's studio to write the music. She talks to Ariel and Gabriel from time to time and her friends all went to the school they wanted they started summer sessions already so they were busy but they call when they have time too or they all group chat. As Elena finishes her homework she looks at the time sees it's ten so she changes and goes downstairs.

"Elena can you take Emma's lunch to her she forgot" Susie says

"Sure I was going to drop a painting off for Gabriel anyways, he said he needed more color in his office" Elena said

"Okay, here's the lunchbox" Susie says

Elena hands the paint to butler Kai as he places in the car and Elena follows with her sister's lunchbox and she tells the driver to go to Gabriel's company. When Elena reaches the company she went to the front desk with the stuff in hand.

"Hello" Elena said

"Hi-um hello your here to see the CEO right" the lady said

"Yes a-" Elena was cut off by here

"The elevator is right there top floor" she said

"Thank you" Elena said

She was confused as she walked towards the elevator, Gabriel must have told them she was coming to see him since she already texted him yesterday he'll drop it off today. What Elena didn't know was that Gabriel's secretary saw the painting in his office of her, that she took a picture of it and sent it to some of her co-worker saying it was the bosses girlfriend and the news spread like wildfire. Before Elena could step in the elevator the whole building knew that the bosses girlfriend was in the building, so on her way up the people would press the elevator button just to get a look of her without getting on.

"The boss girlfriend looks more beautiful than in the painting!" One said

"I heard she goes to Heaven's all girl school" another said

"Don't you guys know? She's the lost daughter of the Zhou family!" Another said

"I heard she was kind and gentle" a guy said

"I heard that too!" One commented

As Elena reaches the top floor she walked out and went up to the secretary desk.

"Hello I'm Elena, is Gabriel in his office?" Elena said

"Hi, no he's still in a meeting you can wait in his office" she said

"Okay thank you" Elena said

She made her way to the double doors as the secretary open it for her.

"Would you like anything?" She asked

"Water is fine thank you Miss?" Elena said

"You can call me Teri" she said

"Okay Teri water would be fine" Elena said

Teri nodded and quickly went out Elena put the lunchbox down and and place the painting against Gabriel's desk as she took the cloth off it, this time she drew Gabriel walking in the park as the cherry blossom bloom withe notes of Clair De Lune around his body it was bright.

"Wow that's a beautiful painting" Teri said

"Thanks spent three days painting it" Elena said

"And I'm guessing you painted that one as well" Teri said

Elena looked at the painting of herself on the wall behind his desk, she didn't know he would actually put it here she thought it would be at his house or something.

"Yes" Elena said

"Your much prettier in person" Teri said

"Thank you" Elena said as she blushed

Teri went out the office as Elena figured out where the painting would be placed at she looked at the lighting, and she saw the best was behind Gabriel's desk when she was thinking Gabriel came into his office when he was told that his girlfriend was here he was confused. However, when he came in and saw that she was talking about Elena he felt happy in his heart.

"Elena" Gabriel said

"Oh, Gabriel. I brought the painting, I saw that the best lighting is behind your desk however there is already my earlier painting there." Elena said

"It's okay I can put it beside yours, it'll look like a set" he said

"That sounds about right" she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Let me have a look" Gabriel said

"Oh, right I used the music note from Clair De Lune, you once said you like it" Elena said

Gabriel hummed as he looked at the painting it was the park, he was walking with his head down. Did she look back when he was walking back to the car? He wondered, it must be because it was the same suite he wore that night.

"When I was walking back to the car that night I looked back to see if you were coming and I kept it in my mind, then you asked me to make another painting so this came to my mind" Elena said

"It's perfect I can have my assistant put it up" Gabriel said

"Okay, well I have to deliver Emma her lunch" Elena said

"I'll take you" Gabriel said

Elena nodded, and grab the box as she followed Gabriel by her side, when that got to Emma's floor people were looking at them, Elena just smiled at the people not knowing that their brains were full with thoughts of it was their boss and his girlfriend.

"Gabriel, why are they looking? Is there something on my face?" She whispered to him

"No, you look lovely" he said

Elena nodded when they got to Emma's cubical, Emma was working on documents.

"Sis! Mom said you left your lunchbox" Elena said

"Oh, Elena. Gabriel?" Emma said

"Why don't we go to lunch" Gabriel said

"Okay" Emma said

She went with Elena and Gabriel said.

"Emma, what's it like working here?" Elena asked as she had her arm around Emma's arm.

"Great!" Emma said

"Do you guys have company parties?" Elena asked

"What do you mean?" Emma said

"Well at the studio or Jewelry store we would celebrate for the employee that works for me. You guys don't do that?" Elena asked

"No, haven't seen one yet" Emma said

"Only when they make a deal or finish project" Gabriel said

"Well you should, it makes the office feel more relax and you keep your employee's longer" Elena said

"Wouldn't that make them work less?" Emma said

"No, it encourages them more. And at the same time they can also relieve some stress from work" Elena said

"Elena, your still young and don't know business yet" Emma said

Elena didn't say anything thing she just nodded her head. As they made there way to the company cafeteria.