
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Birthday Party Planning/Surprise!

The following weekend it was Emma's birthday, so the Zhou household was busy. Elena on the other had was getting a jewelry set ready for Emma's birthday. Although she was busy with the showcase, the music, and the jewelry shop along with her classes online. The reason was because Gabriel would announce his engagement with Emma, he did that in the last life and with Elena helping the two spend time alone so she will wait for the good news than. It was now Sunday so Elena came out of the studio in the afternoon to have her lunch everybody was home, she had finally finished her music for the play with the kids she cut them down into three parts and gave the draft to Sister Helga the other day to see what she think and also just awhile sent her the music.

"Elena, will be having dinner with the Lu's for dinner a little get together" Her grandmother said

"Okay" Elena said

The afternoon, Elena played Chinese chest while her grandmother, Susie, and Emma plan the birthday party and her father was reading the newspaper also watching herself and grandpa play.

"Father, your losing again" George said

"Will you give it a try" Old Zhou said

"Maybe after you lose" George said

"I win" Elena said

Old Zhou looked at the board again as he was trying to figured out where he went wrong, so he then gave up and resetting the board.

"Daddy your turn" Elena said

When George heard her say daddy, he felt happy that he gave a big smile.

"Okay" George said

They began to play half an hour later after three wins for Elena, George was beginning to get frustrated.

"Sir, the Lu family are here" Butler Kai said

"Okay send them in" Old Zhou said

"We should have, Old Lu play against Elena maybe he would win" George said

As the family came in, Elena reset the board before going to say hello to the family. Elena went up to grandpa Lu.

"Grandpa Lu, you want to play some Chinese chess?" Elena asked

"I am guessing you the two couldn't win against you" Old Lu said

"Yes, they said you might be a challenge" Elena said

"Give me a moment us men want to talk. Why don't you show Ariel how to play" Old Lu said

"Okay" Elena said

Elena, went to the board with Ariel as Mrs. Lu talked with Susie and the rest of the ladies as well as Grandma Lu too. While the four men went upstairs to George's study room.

"Okay, Ariel this game is all about the poker face. By making the person think you are winning and calm" Elena said

Ariel and Elena played for an hour until Ariel got the hang of it.

"So where will you throwing the party?" Lynn said

"The Grand Hotel" Susie said

"We would start at 7" Madam Zhou said

"How many guest" Madam Lu said

"About 200" Susie said

"When's Elena's Birthday?" Lynn asked

"She will be at school during her birthday in September" Madam Zhou said

"Why not let her do a three day trip back?" Madam Lu said

"I will have to ask her" Madam Zhou said

"Yes, George also wants to do a party for her as well. Since it will be the first" Susie said

"Okay, now back to the party for Emma" Lynn said

They began to talk about the party again. An hour later the men came back down, Elena reset the board and she began to play against Grandpa Lu, usually it would take Old Lu to win with in fifteen minutes but after thirty minutes they were still playing.

"You are worthy to play again Nina" Old Lu said

"Thank you grandpa Lu you are also a worthy to play against usually I would win against grandpa in twenty minutes and with my dad in ten minutes" Elena said

"And what about English chest?" Old Lu said

"Twice with grandpa, but haven't play against my dad yet" Elena said

"I would lose, I didn't get to learn that one" George said

"I will teach you that way we can play too" Elena said

"Okay" George said happy

"Elena, what other gifts do you have?" Lynn asked

The group soon were around her and Old Lu as it was intense game, between the two.

"My mom taught me a lot of stuff" Elena said

"Elena showed me her and her mothers handkerchief embroidery" her grandma said

"Wow, I always wanted to learn embroidery" Lynn said

"Yes, we use to sell those every weekend one summer" Elena said

"What about cooking" Madam Zhou said

"Yes, and baking as well" Elena said

"So your basically a threat to woman society, every man would want to marry you and every mother would want you as your in law" Ariel said

"I wouldn't know about that" Elena said

"Can you sew as well?" Lynn asked

"Yes, I did my Halloween costume one time, it was a fairy" Elena said

"Wonderful" Madam Zhou said

After ten minutes later Elena won against Old Lu.

"We will try English chest after dinner" he said to Elena

They were soon called to dinner, they chatted and ate during dinner after that they went out the backdoor sitting in the yard as they had tea and fruits, soon Gabriel stood up and everybody looked at him.

"Family, friends." he said

Gabriel paused he looked at everybody, and he cleared his throat and began again.

"I want to ask in front of our families I would like to ask a someone a very important question" Gabriel said

Emma gasp, Elena was confused wouldn't he suppose to do this at the party? When she saw Gabriel coming towards her, Emma and Ariel's seat, she had to calm her racing heart. Don't look heartbroken this was meant to be between them. Elena said in her heart, Gabriel took a small box out and open it up had a heart diamond ring inside was light pink.

"Will you marry me, Elena?" Gabriel asked

Elena was in shocked her eyes were wide open as she looked at him in disbelief with her mouth open a bit, she looked around saw her family smiling at her and Ariel was excited as well. She never believe in this life time he would ask her to marry him, she felt all kinds of emotions going through her, her eyes tear up. She couldn't speak but some how her head moved up and down, Gabriel smiled as he place the ring on her finger.

"This calls for a celebration, Kai go bring out the best wine" Old Zhou said

Ariel hugged, Elena before her bother and she looked at the ring, congratulations were made as they celebrated their engagement.