
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Homecoming Party

A year and half has past as Elena went back to school, she spent two months with her mothers family, the family also were going to move back to there home town, Theo went ahead of them to open the business which is now on it's own feet, with the help of Gabriel and her father plus her Uncle Bradley's old friends. Diana helps out at the ballet studio while both her grandmothers do the jewelry store, they were happy to see each other again after so long. The grandfathers were the same just nodded and played chess and drink tea like they always do. As for Emma she was a manager at George's company, she took the position just before the beginning of the year instead of taking Gabriel from Elena she would have the company instead and leave nothing to her, however she didn't count on her father to find Elena's other family so now she had to call in back up to help her. Gabriel was still trying to look into Susie background but couldn't find anything much just who her family was, but nothing sticks out, even the man that is Emma's father he still hasn't get that information as well all he can do is trust his men to look for the information. Elena was smiling as she was walking in the airport many of the family members ask when she would be back but she only told Gabriel, so Gabriel was waiting at the baggage pick up.

"Gabriel" Elena said

Gabriel ended the call and walked towards, Elena. His family were happy to see that he was speaking more. Elena went up to Gabriel and hugged him.

"I missed you" She said shyly as she blushed

Gabriel chuckled as he hugged her, she missed him even though he would always go to Country T just to see her whenever she wasn't busy but a month ago he stop because she became so busy with school that she was working through the weekend just to finish school faster.

"It was only a month we haven't seen each other" Gabriel said

"I know but it feels like years" Elena said

"I know what you mean but now we are in the same place and we can see each other more often" Gabriel said

"I am almost finish with the dress, I had to do your suit first. I can't wait to see you in it" Elena said

"The family is doing a welcome home party for you tomorrow" Gabriel said

"Great, what are they planning?" Elena said

"Well first is to congratulate you on finishing business school, then give the announcement of our wedding date, that should be about it" Gabriel said

"Shouldn't we hold an engagement party?" Elena said

"You know how our grandparents are, just let them have there fun. But, all the wedding planning will be only up to you" Gabriel said

"Is there anything else?" Elena asked

"Nope just that, nothing else" Gabriel said

"Okay, how's everybody doing? We never talked about that whenever you visit me" Elena said

"Well our grandfathers all three play chest, our grandmothers all help each other at the Jewelry store, your auntie is watching over the ballet studio, your stepmother Susie is taking care of the fashion shop your dad recently open, and your so call sister is now a manager at your dad's company. Theo is now knows that your not after the family money" Gabriel said

Elena chuckled at the last sentence and gave his chest a light slap.

"Don't be mean at least he's taking care of the family and looking out for it" Elena said

"Oh and your fathers plus uncle Bradley play golf on weekends" Gabriel said

"Golf? Really" Elena laughed

"I played with them and they suck, but don't tell them I said that" Gabriel said chuckling

"I want to open a fashion shop with mom and Diana" Elena said

"Okay" Gabriel said

"Oh hows mom doing?" Elena asked

"She is bored at home, she misses you" Gabriel said

"Will I would need a lady's day with her." Elena asked

"How was it living with Ariel?" Gabriel said

"Fun! She was excited when I showed her the dress for the wedding so did the girls, now you would need to find at least four guys" Elena said

"I have a few in mind, I will call them later" Gabriel said

"Okay is there anything else that I missed?" Elena asked

"No your all caught up, my friends will be at the party so I will just tell them there right now I want to spend time with you" Gabriel said

They reached home as Gabriel help Elena down from the car, she saw her father there with both her grandparents.

"Dad! Grandma, Grandpa all of you are here" Elena said

"We knew you were coming in today, so we decided to wait for you here" Ella said

"We have everything ready for the party so let's go inside you must be hungry" her father said

They went inside everybody was waiting for her, except Ariel she was finishing her class and would be on the flight back home tonight. The family caught up with Elena they were glad that she was able to finish school early and come home, they caught up all the way into the night.

"So Elena what you going to do next?" Diana said

"Well I would need all the ladies to come with me on Monday for the fitting of the maids dress as well as my wedding dress I also had gowns done for auntie and Lynn as well as both my grandma" Elena said

"Elena can I speak to you for a moment" Gabriel said

Elena nodded her head and followed him towards her mothers studio, she took the key that was around her neck and open it as she looked around, it was kept clean. Elena played on the piano a bit as Gabriel sat beside her and listen to her play.