
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Will You Be Staying With Us?

As they were eating lunch, Theo got a call so he went out of the room.

"How is school going?" Bradley said

"Great, I have seven classes. With the rate I am going I should be done in a year and half" Elena said

"George said you have your own business" her grandfather said

"Yes, mom and I always wanted to open a ballet studio and right beside would be the jewelry store. So, I wanted to wait until after I graduated but Sister Helga was remodeling the studio's at the school and orphanage and the kids I was teaching didn't have a place to practice so I rushed to open the business" Elena said

"Your mother always loved jewelries, she would always look at my jewelry and then draw pictures making her own" her grandmother said

They finished dinner, and they sat in the living room Elena sat with Gabriel as the family kept asking questions to Elena and to her father George by ten they decided to stay in the guest rooms, her grandmother wanted to stay with Elena. So Elena spent the night with her singing her songs that she use to sing to Elena's mother when she was a child as well. By the next morning, after getting ready Elena went to the dining area where the family was already at, she sat next to Gabriel.

"So, Elena will you be staying with us?" her grandfather asked

The movement stop at the table as they all looked at her, Gabriel took her hand and gave it a squeeze she look at him as he gave her a small smile.

"It's up to you, I will support you" he whispered to her

Elena then looked back at the family she did wanted to be close with them, but then she thought of her school.

"I still have classes but they are online. However, I do have to go back after New Year." Elena said

"So you will be only staying for the next two months?" Her grandmother asked

"Yes" Elena said

Everybody went back to eating breakfast it was much more quiet then it was last night nobody said a word, Elena and Gabriel went to the back of the house towards the garden for a walk.

"You wish to stay longer" Gabriel said

"Yes, I want to spend a lot of time with them" I said

"I hear a but coming" Gabriel said

"I have a business now and I have to teach ballet and the school, my life is so busy" I say as i lay y head on his shoulders.

Gabriel chuckles as her kisses my head.

"Don't put to much pressure on yourself, relax a bit." Gabriel said

"I know, I will after I finish school." I said

"No you will be busy more with the wedding planning" Gabriel said

"That I don't mind since, I have an idea on how I want it all I need is your measurements!" I said

"Are you planning on doing the suit and dress yourself?" Gabriel asked

"Yes, I do have sewing skills. But, don't worry if I need help I well ask for it" I said

"Fine by me" he said

"I already started on the designs" I said

"Where you going to get the materials?" Gabriel asked

"I want to go look around with grandma and auntie today to have a look, why don't you and my father and uncle do something?" Elena asked

"We have to ask if anybody is busy first" Gabriel said

"Okay, ready to go back inside?" Elena said

Elena and Gabriel went back inside the house the family were talking to George.

"Grandma are you doing anything today?" Elena asked

"No, why dear?" she said

"I want to know if you and auntie want to come with me to look for materials for my wedding dress and Gabriel's suit" Elena asked

"Of course, I know a place." her grandmother said

"Can we see the designs?" her auntie asked

"Okay, let me go get it" Elena said

Elena got up and went to the room, she grab her drawing pad from her backpack she looked through the papers until she was able to find it she put it in a folder there was eight paper four each of the designs, she thought about it and went back to get the designs of the bridesmaid as well as the best man as well. All together there was about sixteen drawings that she made, Elena walked back down to were the family members were at and only her auntie and grandma was there.

"Where did everyone go?" Elena asked

"They went to talk business at the company" Diana said

"Well these are what I made for the wedding" Elena said

She showed them the drawings.

"For the wedding dress, instead of all white I added some blue. Like something blue something borrowed. The lace will be dye blue, which well be at the end of the dress, however I have to be careful when sewing the silk dress" Elena said

"There are all beautiful Elena. If you need help I can do it, I once did study fashion" Diana said

"Really? Gabriel was worried about me doing this since I have a lot on my plate" Elena said

"Then it's settle, we have to move back home" her grandmother said

"Mom are you sure?" Diana said

"Yes, besides I want to be closer to Lilly, and Elena would need help with the ballet studio I know you miss teaching" Her grandmother said

She looked at Diana as she said the last sentence to her.

"How did you know mother?" Diana said

"I know you go to those showcases they hold every month and on those special occasions as well" her grandmother said

Elena, Diana, and Ella all went out to find some materials for the wedding dress, as well as the other outfits for the ceremony. Elena put the drawings back in the folder and place it in her purse.