
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Homecoming Party Pt. 2

When Elena was finish playing, Gabriel looked at her. Elena saw the worry on his face and she frown her brows.

"What's wrong?" Elena asked

"When you told me about your mom's death you said it was a car accident, but you told your family it was robbery. Which is it?" Gabriel said

Elena sigh out, she looked around but didn't say. She just took Gabriel's hand and they walked out of the studio she closed it and locked it, she walked with him around the house instead of going through the front when they walked down the Villa, Elena hailed a cab that was going by. They got inside and Elena passed a paper to the taxi driver on the way to where they were going Elena didn't talk nor did Gabriel when they arrived at a small cottage Elena paid the taxi driver a big sum of money and told not to tell anybody.

"Elena where you taking me?" Gabriel said

"You'll see" Elena said

Elena took Gabriel's hand as she knocked on the cottage door and elderly woman open the door.

"Miss! It's not time for visit why you here?" she asked

"Hello Mrs. Chu, I just came back so that's why I didn't come the past year" Elena said

"And who is this? Can we trust him?" She said

"This is my fiance Gabriel. We can trust him" Elena said

Mrs. Chu nodded her head, they went inside.

"How was it this past year?" Elena asked

"Everything is still the same" Mrs. Chu said

"Nobody didn't come around?" Elena asked

"No, other then myself and the maids none yet" she said

They reached the closed door and Mrs. Chu looked at them.

"I will be downstairs" she said

Elena nodded as Mrs. Chu left, she open the door inside laid her mother on the bed with wires hooked up to her, Elena took her hand and sat in the chair.

"Mom, sorry I haven't see you in awhile. I brought someone with me, this is Gabriel. The one I told you about" Elena said tears were coming down her face.

Gabriel was shocked seeing Elena's mother, but everything in the report he got was right.

"Elena how?" Gabriel said

"My friend in the neighborhood Heo Ji Seo, he was a intern at the hospital where my mother was at, when he told me about the accident I knew there was something wrong, the first time was the robbery but she was lucky that Mrs. Chu called the police. When the accident happened I begged Ji Seo to fake the death, we were lucky that the hospital director was the same man that saved my mother's life back then and agreed to help." Elena said as she wipe the tears

"But your family?" Gabriel said

"I know but she's still in danger, and if they know they would be in danger too. Didn't you saw your still looking for the person?" Elena said

"I think you should just tell at least your Uncle, with his help" Gabriel said

Elena thought about it and sigh out and nodded her head, she went to the window and place the phone to her ears, Gabriel looked at Lilly she looked like an older Elena, even though she was in a coma she hardly had any wrinkles on her face.

"I would ask Mrs. Chu to do her usual routine for her face and body" Elena said

"Hmm, I can tell they both don't have that much wrinkles" Gabriel said

"Yes, Mrs. Chu has no family but my mother and I, she's also been helping getting information she has a old friend in the military that helps her, but all we get are dead ends" Elena said

Gabriel saw that Elena was looking at the wall, he saw all the information that happened to them just minor incidents but still the board was filled up.

"Uncle Bradley is here" Elena said

"I'll get him, you haven't seen your mom for awhile stay with her. I need to talk to him first" Gabriel said

"Okay just tell Mrs. Chu" Elena said

Gabriel nodded as he began walking to the door, he saw Elena fixing her mother up. When he reached he saw Mrs. Chu talking to Bradley.

"Ma'am I'm not lying my niece Elena gave me the address" Bradley said

"Mrs. Chu it's okay, we need all the help we need. Why don't you take some drinks upstairs for us" Gabriel said

"Yes sir" she said

Gabriel lead Bradley to the living room they sat down.

"Gabriel what's going on, Elena called she sounded like she was going to cry" Bradley said

"Bradley, I just want you to promise me that you won't be mad at Elena, she just wanted to protect her" Gabriel said

"Protect who? What is happening?" Bradley said

"I been helping Elena investigate her mother's accident, we know it is a connection with Susie" Gabriel said

"Susie? George's wife?" Bradley said

"Yes, I know this is going to take a lot to take in but you have to remain calm we are counting on you with this big secret" Gabriel said

"Okay" Bradley said

"I mean it Bradley, the family will be at risk if you don't control your temper" Gabriel said

"I swear" Bradley said

Gabriel nodded and got up from the couch, Bradley followed him upstairs when they got to the room, Gabriel saw Mrs. Chu and Elena setting up the tables. Bradley walked in he saw Elena at a table then he heard beeping sounds when he looked towards the bed he stop in his tracks his heart was racing he slowly walked to the bed. When he stop, he reached his fingers out and touch the hand it was soft and warm, he sank into the chair as he felt his legs go weak.

"Lilly" Bradley sob out

He held tight to the hand, he gave it light kisses.

"Lilly" he said again

He reached out and touch her face, her head and hair, she was real he thought to himself he wipe his tears, Bradley cried for awhile as Elena, Gabriel, and Mrs. Chu were looking at the board as they whispered to one another giving Bradley time with Lilly.

"I thought she died?" Bradley said

Elena went towards the bed side.

"I'm sorry uncle I just wanted to keep the family safe" Elena said

"What did the doctors say?" Bradley asked

"Comatose but she still have brain activities when the doctor comes and see her every weekend" Elena said

"Which doctor, are you sure he is a trusted doctor?" Bradley said

"He's the same doctor that treated mom when she had her first accident" Elena said

Bradley nodded and went to the wall what they were looking at.