
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Homecoming Party Pt. 3

Bradley, Elena, and Gabriel left the small two story cottage they got into Bradley's ride as they drove away.

"I will have some guards set up around the place 24/7" Gabriel said

"I will also look into the matter" Bradley said

"Uncle you have to make sure not to tell anyone not even grandma and grandpa" Elena said

"I know, whose cottage is that?" Bradley asked

"The doctor gave that to mom and I when I was a baby, but in order for me to attend school we moved back into the city" Elena said

"Who is this doctor" Bradley said

"His name is Greg Han" Elena said

Bradley step on the brakes hard making a screeching sound Elena scream and held on to the seatbelt.

"Did you say Greg Han?" Bradley said

"Yes, Why?" Elena said

"Greg Han stalked your mother all they until she married your father, we have to go back" Bradley said

Bradley turn the car around and speed off to the cottage, Gabriel was on the phone. When they reached back Elena took her seat belt off and ran inside all the way upstairs when she got into the room her mother was still there and went up to her.

"Elena?" Mrs. Chu said

"Did Greg come today?" Elena asked

"Yes, he said he will be back same time next week" Mrs. Chu said

"I have Jackson bring an ambulance from his hospital. Tyler, Nick, and Adam are setting up my pent house, we can take her there" Gabriel said

"I am going to find Greg" Bradley said

"Uncle don't be rash, we have to look into him first before next weekend" Elena said

"Miss? What is going on?" Mrs. Chu said

"My uncle just told me that Greg use to stalk my mom when they were younger" Elena said

"Oh, heavens. He looked like a kind man" Mrs. Chu said

"Kind" Bradley scoffed

They all looked at Bradley.

"When Lilly was sixteen, Greg kidnapped her since they were under the age he was only on house arrest. When we moved he found her a year later. When boys asked Lilly out they would all end up in freak accidents" Bradley said

They all had there eyes wide when they heard what Bradley said, Elena had chills down her spin and thought of all the time Greg came around when she was young. Gabriel saw Elena shake and held her about an hour later Jackson came.

"Let me take some blood test and everything first before we move her" Jackson said

They nodded, and went down stairs and waited the EMT people went up stairs a few minutes later they were bring Lilly down and taking her into the ambulance.

"She is stable we can take her to the pent house" Jackson said

By the time everything was settle it was four in the morning, Jackson would be back in an hour with the tests so Gabriel, Elena and Bradley just stayed, Elena got some rest in one of the guest rooms.

"This is one Homecoming" Bradley said

"Tell me about it" Gabriel said

Gabriel's phone rang he picked it up and went to the balcony and talked, Elena woke up from her sleep and came into the living room.

"Morning, you ready for tonight?" Bradley said

"Yeah, how's mom?" Elena asked

Bradley was about to answer but Gabriel came back in he had a worried looked, Elena saw it and stood up.

"What is it?" Elena said

"Jackson found a new kind of drugs to keep her sleeping in her system. He said we were lucky to get her away before it done a lot of damage, she will most likely wake up in a year at the most we cant forcefully take the drugs out or it will harm her all we can do is let it come out her system slowly" Gabriel said

Elena sob out, the man she knew had done this to her mother.

"I'm going to kill him" Bradley said

"The next question is do we start the plan tonight?" Gabriel said

Elena stop crying as she looked at Gabriel then Bradley.

"For mom" Elena said nodding her head

"Okay" Bradley said

"Elena why don't you stay here, Bradley will talk to the family and I will talk to your dad and grandparents." Elena said

"When were both done will bring them here" Bradley said

"Jackson will be here they can keep you company, I'll bring the dress here for you we can all get ready here" Gabriel said

"Okay, Mrs. Chu here too so I will be okay" Elena said

"You can wear some of my clothes for now" Gabriel said

Elena nodded as the other two left once Jackson came, Elena went to shower and found a shirt and sweatpants from Gabriel's closet, she ate breakfast as the other three friends came Elena spoke with them, they were told to keep her spirits up. Bradley walked into the house as he saw his parents, and his wife and son.

"Bradley what is it?" Ella said

Bradley looked at them as he sat down and began to explain what he was told last night. Gabriel went to Elena's house he saw it was only her grandparents and George there.

"Gabriel what a surprise" Old Zhou said

"Is Susie and Emma home?" Gabriel asked

"No they went out" George said

Gabriel then sat down, he had a file in his hand and began telling them. Bradley was sitting there as his mother and father crying.

"Where's that evil man" David said

"Gabriel has his people watching him but we have to wait and make sure if he did this on his own or someone told him" Bradley said

"Where is Lilly?" Ella said

"At one of Gabriel's pent house, we can see her now but take your dresses for tonight so we can get ready there" Bradley said

The family nodded as they went to there rooms getting their things. On the other hand George was angered, the Zhou couple were in disbelief and shocked by what Susie did and to make it worse when they heard that Emma was trying to ruin Elena and Gabriel's marriage. What was more shocking was that Emma and Susie knew that George was her real father but a man that wanted to kill his first wife.


The family looked towards the door as Emma and Susie came in.

"Brother Gabriel" Emma said

George had hatred in his eyes as he looked at the two that ruin his family all this time he was raising someone else is child and that child knew about it.

"Butler Kai" George yelled

"Sir" Butler Kai said

"I want you to watch them pack and leave" George said

He got up from his seat and left the living room.