
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Homecoming Party Pt. 4

Emma and Susie were shocked when George stormed out of the house.

"Ann, pack our evening clothes and take it to the hotel. Darling let's go" Luna said

The Zhou couple were leaving the house, but Old Zhou turned towards Butler Kai.

"Make it's just their clothes they pack nothing else" Old Zhou said

"Yes, master" Butler Kai said

When there was only Gabriel and the two ladies here, he got the DNA on Emma in his hand.

"Brother Gabriel?" Emma said as she was about to cry.

"Save it you deceived the Lu and Zhou family house for years, just like George said pack your things and leave" Gabriel said.

He hands Susie the DNA report, and when Susie see's it, she is shocked, and Gabriel then gave her the Divorce agreement although Lilly is still alive, and their marriage is not real, but Gabriel did not want to give it away.

"Sign it and leave" Gabriel said coldly.

Susie looked at the divorce agreement and saw that she will be getting nothing she was in rage and before she could say anything Gabriel spoke first.

"You have deceived the Zhou for years and used their money for years, you don't need anything from them you came with nothing you can leave with nothing. At least old Zhou is kind enough to let you leave with the clothes and nothing more. Do not make this any harder and sign the papers" Gabriel said.

"Mom" Emma said

Butler Kai came back down with four suitcases with the help of some maids, behind them was Ann with the Zhou couple and George's suit, Gabriel held the pen out to Susie.

"The hard way or I can have these maid's force you" Gabriel said.

He looks at the maids they took a step closer, Susie glared at them, but they did nothing she then grab the pen from Gabriel and sign her name.

"Mom!" Emma yelled out.

"Quiet!" Susie said.

She quickly signs her name and turned to leave.

"You forgot to leave the jewelry" Gabriel said.

The two ladies stop, as Susie turn and glared at Gabriel again she began taking her jewelry off throwing them down.

"Emma" Susie said

Emma was shocked, but she followed her mother and taking jewelry off as well once finish and grab her suitcase following her mother, Emma never felt so humiliated in her life once out the door Susie took her phone out and made a call.

"What" a cold voice asked.

"We have been discovered; they know Emma is not his daughter" Susie said.

"Did she at least get some information" the cold voice said.

"Yes, we have it on a USB" Susie said.

"Good, seems like I have to come home. I will send you a safe house" the voice said.

"Well, he be coming home as well?" Susie said.

"Don't worry about that" the voice said hanging up the phone.

Susie soon goes a message and they made there way to the safe house. Back at Gabriel's penthouse everybody was crying when they saw Lilly. When Gabriel got there Elena was talking with her Grandmothers,

"She will be fine grandma; Jackson said the drug needs to be slowly taking out for her safety" Elena said.

"I am still upset with you for not telling us sooner, but I know you were just looking out for us but looking at your face is relaxing." Ella said.

"I know grandma" Elena said.

"How is she?" Gabriel said as he sat next to Elena.

"Fine, George is with her now" Luna said.

"Did you handle those two?" Old Zhou said in an upset voice.

"I did only clothes were taken, but I also hand someone go to the company in case they took some things" Gabriel said.

"We need them to pay more" Old Xiao said.

"Don't worry grandfather I sent news out about this, but I didn't say anything about mom Lilly for now they just know that we found out that Emma is not a Zhou and got Susie to sign a divorcee agreement saying she gets nothing, although it won't count since Mom is still alive" Gabriel said.

Elena felt happy when she heard Gabriel call her mother, mom as well and she held his hand.

"We have to get ready for the Party, grandpa you and grandpa Zhou well speak to the press about today don't give the detail of mom just tell them that Zhou got anonymous tip that Emma is not a Zhou child and that Susie and George's divorce and then bring the topic back to Elena's big day and how you will give them more information and you guys are still looking into it" Gabriel said

"Okay, come darling let us get ready" Old Zhou said

Each family went to a room to get ready and Elena went with Gabriel to his room.

"Thank you" Elena said softly.

"Don't thank me love were family" Gabriel said.

"Hmm, let's get ready" Elena said.

When the family was done getting they older grandparents left early as Gabriel well be leaving Elena and her father.