
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs


Elena and Gabriel didn't speak as they walked back to the house it wasn't an awkward silence but more of a comfortable silence. Elena thought how this changed she wasn't supposed to see him or his family until they announced her into the family.

"Brother Gabriel!" Emma said

"Brother" Ariel said

The two girls came up to them halfway on the back door lawn.

"And who is this?" Ariel said

"This is the younger sister I was telling you about" Emma said

"Hello my name is Elena" Elena said with a slight bow

"Ariel Lu nice to met you" Ariel said

Ariel had her hand out, Elena shook her hand lightly.

"Wow! Softest hands!" Ariel said

"Thank you, if you'll excuse me I have to change for dinner" Elena said

She smile and bow again as she continued to her room passing the adults on the way, when she got to her room she put her hand to her chest which was beating.

"You have to calm down, remember he like your sister. You promised to let him go" she said to herself

Elena then went to her closet, her grandma must have gotten her new dresses she picked a light blue with some blue flats and underwear then went to the bathroom to shower when finished she dry her hair it became wavy it reached her in middle of her back, she then got a blue hand band to keep her hair out of her face then put her Flatts on after she lotion her feet and legs as well as her arms, face and neck. She like the cherry blossom smell from the lotion when done she went downstairs.

"Elena time for dinner" Susie said

"Coming" Elena said back

Gabriel watched as Elena came downstairs, the way her hair wavy back and fourth, how she held the rail and walked slowly down with elegance how she carried herself was gentle.

Elena looked around the only seat was left by Gabriel so she sat down beside him.

"So Elena your father told me that you'll be studying business at country T the top university" Jonathan said

"Yes, I will take online classes starting Monday and when I finish high school I will only need to go for two years then I will be done" Elena said

"Will you be working with your father?" Gabriel asked

"No Elena will be following her and her mother's dream" George said

"Oh, and what's that?" Lynn asked

"Jewelry store as well a dance studio" Elena said

"The jewelry store will be called Everlasting and the dance studio will be called Nina's" her grandma said

"Nina's sounds beautiful" Ariel said

"Thank you that's my nickname my mother calls me" Elena said

"Dear why are you eating only greens?" Lynn asked

"She is a dancer Lynn, mother had her on a strict diet. She can have meat once in a while but mostly greens" Susie said

"Yes she's right aunty Lynn I am use to it don't worry" Elena said

"What will you be teaching at the dance studio?" Ariel asked

"Young girls that want to learn ballerina, my mother and I teach at the orphanage every Sunday" Elena said

"Really? I didn't know and I wanted to take you shopping on Sunday" her grandma said

"It's fine grandma I teach morning classes" Elena said

"Which orphanage?" Jonathan asked

"Saint Heaven, since they are contacted with my school, we recruit the girls their to join our school they are given scholarships" Elena said

"Do you have a scholarship?" Emma asked

"Yes, I have the height one" Elena said

"That's right Elena here is trying to beat my record she is almost close" her grandma said

"So what do you do when you are home on the weekends?" Ariel asked

"I practice, I have a schedule on my phone reminds me and I gave one to my father and also put one on the fridge so in case anyone ask where I am" Elena said

"Don't you ever go out and have fun?" Emma asked

"I do, we have big sister, little sister for the orphanage that we do after school" Elena said

"What she met with kids your age" Ariel said

"Oh, I hang out with my friends on brake time or during lunch. But the school is strict keeping us busy with different organizations they do for us" Elena said

"So basically your life is a prune" Ariel said

"Ariel!" Lynn said

Elena chuckled.

"No, the school is strict because it's teaching use to be young responsible ladies, but also be strong independent. Like our Mayor for example his wife went to school at Heaven and you never heard any bad news about her have you?" Elena asked

"Well no actually, she's some our classmates role model she nice with all the organization she does for the city" Ariel said

"See that's what the school teaches us" Elena said

"Wonderful answer" Lynn said

"What about dances do you guys have those?" Ariel asked

"Not the one your hoping for, but we do showcase. This year the Mayor and his wife will be coming to our school and they play we're doing is Swan Lake" Elena said

The conversation now took place in the living room with tea and fruits.

"Do they teach you how to pour tea too?" Ariel asked

"Yes, let me show you" Elena said

The group watched as Elena placed a tea leaf in the cup as she left the hot pot, they saw how she sat her back straight her right leg was behind her left ankle only her arms we're moving as she pour the tea once done she placed the cup on the small plate.

"Wow! Only your arms were moving how is that possible" Ariel said

"Years of practice" Elena said

Gabriel picked up the cup that she poured, and took a sip.

"How is it brother?" Ariel asked

"Good" Gabriel said

"I been taking ballet classes for a while now can you teach me?" Ariel asked

"Sure I can give you a copy on my schedule that way you'll know when to come over" Elena said

"What about you Emma?" Susie asked

"I have weekend classes maybe later " Emma said

The adults talked about other stuff, as Elena and Ariel went to the kitchen, Emma started talking with Gabriel but he was just looking at the direction of the kitchen he enjoyed the way she spoke soft it was like honey to his ears and when he heard her chuckle earlier at the dinner table it's was like sweet beautiful music.

"Excuse let me get some water" Gabriel said

He got up, he can hear his sister laughing in the kitchen.

"Really your saying that lady has been their when grandma Zhou was in school?" Ariel laughed

"Yes, grandma said she was a teacher assistant than but now she's a principal" Elena said smiling

"And her name is Sister Helga?!" Ariel laughed

Elena giggles with her and nodded her head.

"Oh my god!" Ariel laughed more

"Can I get some water?" Gabriel asked

"Sure" Elena said

She went to the fridge and got a bottle out and gave it to him when his finger touched the back of her hand his sister was right they were soft.

"Thanks" Gabriel said

"Your welcome, this is my schedule. Oh, and if your serious about becoming a ballerina you should have this diet plan hold on let me write it down for you." Elena said

"Okay, let me get some fruits for us" Ariel said

Elena nodded she wrote in a straight cursive that can be read as she wrote down daily food and snacks.

"You have a beautiful handwriting" Gabriel said

"Thank you" Elena said

When she finished writing she took the page off the note pad.

"Take pictures just in case she forgets I can remind her" Gabriel said

"Okay here you go" Elena said

She had the papers to him, then got herself a drink. Elena knew just how much Ariel wanted to be a ballerina in her last life, some how Ariel got into an accident when she went to addition they never found the other driver, Ariel broke her legs and when she finally was able to walk again she was happy but became depressed when she couldn't dance anymore.

"Okay! So will you be able to get me ready by next year?" Ariel asked

"Why?" Elena asked

"There's this ballet school, I want to get into. With out the help of my brother" Ariel said as she lightly pushed Gabriel

"I think I know which, if that is the cause. I can ask Helga to let you join our ballet classes and I would need to change your diet than" Elena said

"Why is it different from yours Nina?" Ariel asked

Elena looked at her with wide eyes as she heard her nickname begin called.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ariel asked

"No, nobody really called me by nickname before." Elena said smiling

"Well now you have a person, so back to the diet plan?" Ariel said

"Right, I will make a new draft for you and send it to you and your mom" Elena said

"Okay, give me your phone" Ariel said

They gave each other's phone number and email, soon they were about to leave and Elena invited Ariel to come with her to the orphanage on Sunday so she can start with the basic and that afternoon, Elena and her can go with her grandma to get the things she needs for ballet stuff.