
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Sunday Shopping

Elena got up earlier, as she grab her duffel bag with her tights and ballet shoes and some extra clothes and went downstairs her grandmother and grandfather were eating breakfast.

"Morning grandma, grandpa" Elena said

"Morning darling, oh I almost forgot." her grandma said

She took out a black card and handed it to her.

"Your mothers dowry money, there's no limit your pin is your birthday. I won't be joining you today, we are planning your announcement to the family so I will be busy planning the party, since Ariel will be joining you we asked Gabriel to take you guys" grandma said

"Okay, I am just going to help Ariel with her ballet stuff, I'll probably buy some new tights as well with some new ballet shoes and teach Ariel how to break it in" Elena said

"It's wonderful your helping her, I will also ask Helga if Ariel can join some classes" Grandma said

"Yes I can see how dedicated is wanting to dance. Where is everybody?" Elena asked

"Sleeping they are not earlier birds like us" grandma said

Elena nodded as she drank her green smoothie with grapefruit on the side.

"Ann can you make another glass I am sure Ariel hasn't hand some" Elena said

Elena, phones beep.

"Ariel is outside, have a wonderful day, thank you Ann. See you guys this evening." Elena said

"Bye darling" her grandma said

"See you" her grandpa said

Elena grab her purse and bag with the drink in her hand as she waved and went out the door, Ariel was leaning up against the car.

"Sleepy?" Elena said

"A bit, with the new sleeping schedule you gave me" Ariel said

"You will get use to it, here healthy smoothie to start your day." Elena said

Ariel took a sip and almost puke it up.

"Eyck what is this stuff?" she asked

"Nothing but greens to keep you energize and healthy" Elena said

"Will lets go" Ariel said

Ariel sat in the back, and Elena followed behind her. What she didn't that Gabriel was in the back as well, he was sitting there working on his laptop, Ariel talked and drank her smoothie as they drove to the orphanage. When they got their Elena introduce Ariel to the headmistress and they went into the small studio where the little girls were stretching.

"Good morning ladies" Elena said

"Good morning Teacher Nina" the girls said

"Today we have a new student, so I want all of you to help her" Elena said

"Yes Teacher Nina" the little girls said

"This is student Ariel, even though she is new to ballet she know a few moves but she does need help with stretching so you young ladies have to help her" Elena said

"Yes Teacher Nina" the girls said

"Okay will get change as you girls keep warming up" Elena said

They nodded and went back to stretching, Elena showed Ariel where to change at. They went back to the studio and began the class by eleven, little girls were saying their goodbyes.

"Oh my god! I am so beat" Ariel said

"You'll get use to it, this is just the easy stuff I am teaching but if you want me to train you it will be a whole lot harder" Elena said

"Are you going to be strict like Sister Helga" Ariel teased

"Maybe harder" Elena said

"I believe she is right" they heard a voice

"Sister Helga" Elena said as she gave a bow.

"This must be Ariel" Helga said

"Yes, Sister. Did my grandmother already called you?" Elena said

"Yes not to long ago, I saw her train earlier, she has potential. You and Nadia can train her since you two are both my top student" Helga said

"Yes Sister" Elena said

"And you Miss Ariel, in order to be a dancer listen to your teachers from here on out, I have asked Elena's grandmother to have you live in the dorm. Your parents have talked with you school you will start Monday, Elena will take you around so come with her on Monday morning. Elena your first three periods will be excuse as you show Miss. Ariel around and make sure you get her the thing she needs" Helga said

"Yes Sister we are going shopping after this, I saw that Ariel doesn't have the proper equipment so I will be getting that for her" Elena said

"Were will make sure you brake in the equipment for her, and you Miss Ariel pay attention when she shows you" Helga said

"Yes Sister Helga" Ariel said

"Very well, I will see you both on Monday. Good day ladies" Helga said

"Good day Sister Helga" Elena said and bowed

"Good day Sister Helga" Ariel said and bowed as she saw Elena

Helga left, and Ariel squealed out excited and hugged Elena.

"We are going to be schoolmates! Thank you Elena" Ariel said

"It's all thanks to grandma, come we have to hurry and shower and go get your things" Elena said

The girls went back to the locker room they were at this time, there were little girls changing. At the Lu house Jonathan, Lynn and both Lu grandparents were happy to hear that Elena helped Ariel become a student at Heaven All Girls School.

"The Zhou youngest daughter is so nice to help our Ariel" Madam Lu said

"Yes, oh mother she is so lovely, kind, and beautiful. You should have seen the way she was dancing with such elegance. I am glad Ariel will be going to school with her, she can learn from Elena" Lynn said

"What else does she do?" Old Lu asked

"She is the top student at the school, she is about to brake her grandmothers record. She can sing, dance, art, music, and she also got accepted to Country T's top University for business she will finish in two years since she already started her online classes" Jonathan said

"Not only that she already started working on a business in jewelry, we saw some of her drafts that her and her mother made" Lynn said

"We should invest, when she starts her business" Madam Lu said

"Ariel just text they are going shopping now, she will spend the night at the Zhou house and leave with Elena from there" Jonathan said

"We will have the driver take her lugged to her, ask Elena what she needs" Madam Lu said

"I will call her" Lynn said

At the Zhou house the adults were sitting down in the living room talk as well.

"Elena spoke with Sister Helga at the orphanage. Ariel will be dorm mates with Elena" Luna said

"Did Ariel get into the school?" Susie asked

"Yes, Elena will take Ariel under her wing" Luna said

"That's good, how is the party planning going?" Old Zhou said

"Don't worry father I am sure Mother will handle everything will" George said

"Yes father, mother is good at planning parties" Susie said

"Where is Emma?" Luna said

"I'm here grandma, afternoon" Emma said

"Barley getting up?" Luna said

"Yes, I been busy studying" Emma said

"Good, we have two bright granddaughters" Old Zhou said

"Emma, Elena and your grandma got Ariel into the Heaven All Girls school! Isn't that wonderful?" Susie said

"Really? I didn't believe Ariel would be interested in ballet" Emma said

"She probably has someone to keep her in check now" Luna said

Emma sat as she listen to the adults about Elena and Ariel's school then it went on to the party for Elena wanted to introduce her as the youngest daughter of the Zhou family. In the shopping mall Elena was dragging Ariel to all different shops for her ballet stuff, they than went to the uniform store.

"Do I have to wear this?" Ariel said

"Yes, if not you will be out in the hallway with books on your head and you can't make them fall or you will have to stand there with books on your head with your ballet shoes doing toes" Elena said

"Have that happened to you?" Ariel said

"Yes mother use to do that with me when I was started Ballet lesson" Elena said

"Your mom sounds strict but awesome, no wonder your good at ballet" Ariel said

"Yes, she was always strict. She just wanted me to be a lady like she was" Elena said

"Okay, just get the uniform I will not complain" Ariel said

"Good" Elena said

The girls shop as they ignored Gabriel, he felt hopeless. He wanted to have a chance to speak with her but all her attention was on his sister, giving her information on the school but he could tell how happy his younger sister was so he left it alone. By three they went back to the Zhou home, as Gabriel help take the clothes inside for his sister, he than gave it to the servant, taking it to Ariel's guest room.

"Gabriel why don't you stay for dinner" Luna said

"Yes, Gabriel" Ariel said

Gabriel wanted to say something but he saw Elena coming back down with her tights on and the equipment that they just bought.

"Ariel go change, I will show you how to brake in the equipment" Elena said

"I'll have you take it" Gabriel said

"Thank you, grandma we will be in the studio" Elena said

"Okay, will you be joining us for dinner?" Luna asked Gabriel again

"Yes" Gabriel said

Elena went to the kitchen grab some waters, and went out the door Gabriel quickly followed.

"Darling is it my eyes or is Gabriel is smitten with our Elena?" Luna as her son

"He must been, look at the way he follows her around" Jonathan said

Emma, was standing from the stairs as she heard her grandma and father talking. She turn around went to Ariel's room.

"Ariel? I heard you will be classmates with Elena, I thought you didn't like her?" Emma said

"No, you don't like her. I just had a few doubts but Emma she is not like what you said she is nice" Ariel said

"Are you sure? She's just not getting close to you because your brother?" Emma said

"Emma, my brother has been with us all day and not once did Elena pay attention to my brother as for my brother on the other hand wanted to talk with Elena but he hasn't gotten the chance" Ariel said

"Yeah will they are alone now in the studio" Emma said

"So, doesn't mean she will try anything" Ariel said

"Why are you defending her I thought I was your friend" Emma said

"I'm not, your just judging a book by it's cover your not even reading the book" Ariel said

"Well I can tell she is a fake" Emma said

"That's what you think, I have to go Elena is waiting for me" Ariel said

When she finish talking Ariel left the room. Imagine what Elena will think when she finds out that the sister she loves dearly is badmouthing about her behind her back oh, yes she wouldn't believe that sister is not like the one in her last life or is she?