
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs


When the music end Elena was back in the same pose as she started, soon claps were heard as Elena smile as she grab a towel to wipe her now red face.

"Bravo Miss!" Ann said

"Wonderful Miss" butler Kai said

"Such grace!" Her grandpa said

Elena wanted to hear more from her grandma knowing that she did study dance.

"Okay but a part when the music picks up you need to work on your pointed toe but everything else was wonderful dear" she said

"And the spins?" Elena said

"Right on the music" she said

"Final score?" Elena said

"10" Ann said

"10" grandpa said

"10" butler Kai said

"9, work on the toes" her grandma said

"Yes grandmother, now piano score me again" Elena said

They nod as they went around the piano as Elena sat down.

"I will be playing Beethoven Fur Elise" Elena said

"Good choice darling" her grandma said

Elena smiled as she open the music sheet, she wiggles her hand and began playing the piano music started out soft then quickly picked up, a few minutes later the music died down. Once the sound stop there was another clapping.

"What do you think, do I need work?" Elena said

"No, not a single mistake" her grandma said

"Was really beautiful Miss" Ann said

"Truly enjoyable master piece Miss" butler Kai said

"You'll beat your grandmother's record in no time" her grandpa said

"We will leave you to it, I will call you when dinner is ready dear" her grandma said

"Thank you for being judges today usually always mom" Elena said

"Of course dear thank you for letting us be, now we'll head back to the house you keep practicing" her grandpa said

Elena nodded as they went out the studio she turn back on the cd and practice her swan lake. Inside the mansion, George and Susie were talking with Jonathan and Lynn when they heard voices coming from outside.

"Miss is really good madam should I ask when the play is?" Ann asked

"No I well ask on Monday when I drop her off" Luna said

"Jonathan! Lynn! Hello" Terrence said

"Old Zhou, George here was talking about finding his daughter after so long" George said

"Yes wonderful child she has grown up to be. She just gave us a wonderful show" old Zhou said

"Really? I would love to see! I heard it was hard for young girls to go to the Heaven all girls school, I wanted so much for Ariel to go but didn't make the cut" Lynn said

"Shall I ask young Miss?" Ann said

"Yes, she what she says first" Luna said

Ann nodded and went out the house towards the back.

"Where is your son?" George asked

"Oh, he will be here shortly" Lynn said

"And Ariel where is she?" Luna asked

"She is upstairs with Emma" Jonathan said

Ann came back into the house.

"Young Miss said it will be fine" Ann said

"Shall we" Old Zhou said

"Butler Kai please show Gabriel the way when he comes" George said

"Yes master" Kai said

They went out the back door, Elena was looking for what to play when she saw sugar plum she took out the record and place it in the CD, she heard a knock on the door.

"Grandma" Elena said

"Elena these are our guest Lynn and Jonathan Lu" she said

Elena was shocked but quickly smiled.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs Lu" Elena said giving a slight bow

"So elegant" Lynn said

"She is a looker George" Jonathan said

"Thank you both" Elena said

"Well dear what will you do you already did swan lake, Elena is the head for swan lake in two weeks her school we'll be doing a showcase, I will send you the invites" Luna said

"Wonderful I will go" Lynn said

"We can go together" Susie said

"Please have a seat, I will be doing the sugar plum fairy for you" Elena said

They went to seat down, as Elena thought to herself if his parents are here so will he she had to slow down her racing heartbeat. Elena press play on the CD she went to the side a few seconds later the music began shoo her body moved to the music this was the first dance she learned with her mother, Elena couldn't help but smile at the memories as she was dancing. Gabriel walked towards the sound of music with butler Kai.

"Youngest Miss has finally been found after 17 years! The family is happy to see her! She is a nice child always polite she goes to the heaven all girls school" butler Kai said

Gabriel was silent as he followed him, as he got close the music started to slowly pick up when he went in he saw a girl in pink tights smiling in middle of the floor twirl on her toes with perfect sync to the music she did a few leaps he watched as she gracefully dance when the music stop she stood on her toes and pose. Elena did a graceful bow as the people in front of her clapped their hands she saw as her father whistled as he clap.

"What did I tell you beautiful" Old Zhou said

"You been working on your toes. I give you a 10" Luna said

"Elena that was beautiful" Lynn said

"Thank you Mrs. Lu" Elena said

"Wonderful darling" Susie said

"It was absolutely perfect my little girl so magical how you danced" her father said

"Thank you father" Elena said

"Come play the piano, your grandmother said you play" Jonathan said

"What would you like me to play?" Elena said

"Clair De Lune" a voice said

They turn towards the door, Gabriel came forward.

"Gabriel you made it" Lynn said

Elena looked at Gabriel still as handsome as she remembered him to be, Gabriel looked at Elena as well taking her beauty.

"Gabriel this is my youngest daughter Elena, Elena this is Gabriel. Jonathan and Lynn's oldest son" her father said

"Hello" Elena said giving a slight bow

"Don't worry Gabriel that's just how Elena is" Jonathan said

"Hello Elena" Gabriel said

"Clair De Lune it is" Elena said

She went towards the piano, her heart was racing she closed her eyes and count to five take deep a slow breaths. Once she was clam she began to play, she didn't need to look at the music book as she remembered this by heart as is was Gabriel's favorite piece. When she missed him she would always play this on her keyboard that her father got her. In the last life she wasn't allowed to come back here but when she told her father about her and her mother's dream, he immediately cleaned up the place here for her so she can practice. She wondered if she could've just asked in the last life maybe he would let her but now that she was in here playing the stuff that belong to her mother she felt close to her again. Elena finished the song and turn to the people that were listening she gave them a soft smile.

"Heaven school sure lives up to their name, that was beautiful" Lynn said

"Thank you Mrs. Lu" Elena said

"Please call me Aunty Lynn" she said

"Yes aunty Lynn" Elena said

"Sir, madam dinner is almost ready" butler Kai said

"Why don't we head to the house, Elena these are the keys to the studio come when you are finish her" her father said

"I will father" Elena said

The people praised her as they walked out the door, Elena put the CD's away and fixed the papers back on the cabinet then closed the piano case, she saw Gabriel putting the chairs away.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Lu" Elena said

"Gabriel, you can call me Gabriel" he said

"Oh, thank you Gabriel" Elena said

When she placed everything where they needed she grab her water bottle and towel to wipe her face as she and Gabriel walked out the studio, she locked the door.

"Shall we?" He asked

"Yes" Elena said