
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Birthday Party/Surprise! Pt. 4

Elena was the second to the last, to go on stage.

"Sister I made the design myself" Elena said

When the guest heard that they step a little closer, Emma unwrap the gift it was a blue box when she open it was a simple blue diamond necklace the shape was a tear drop about an inch big that had small diamonds with it the chain was also diamond as well. There was a pair of ear rings and a ring with it as well they all had a tear drop blue diamond with the outline of small diamonds there was a bracelet the was all diamonds around. Emma liked the gift that she smiled bright as her eyes shined, she showed the gift to the guest and they all gasp it was a simple Jewelry set yet it was breath taken. Everybody murmured as to why Gabriel didn't send her a gift.

"Maybe he will make a speech and propose to her" a guest said

They soon began to talk about it as well, when Elena was in the bathroom the two grandfathers had to talk to Gabriel about what was going on, and asked him to make everything clear since they can't wait until Elena's birthday people might misunderstand. So, Gabriel nod his head and when he saw the grandparents nodding to him Gabriel went to the stage as the guest quite down.

"Good evening guest, when I was young my mother told me someday I would find someone that I will spend the rest of my life. I began looking forward to my one and only, and my little sister Ariel and family friend Emma would always ask me what their ideal woman was and my answer would always be I don't know but in my heart I knew that she would be kind, gentle, friendly person that wears her heart on her sleeve. And when she came into my life I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, you men would probably know how it felt asking the woman you love to marry you" Gabriel said

"Hear, Hear" some said in the crowd

"Yeah, I was scared of what she would say and nervous that if she said yes I would have to be responsible of her for the rest of my life. So, last Friday night we had a family cook out, with her family and mine. I got down on my knee took the ring out and asked her to marry me, I felt so relieved when she said Yes." Gabriel chuckled as he remembered

He cleared his throat.

"I know, it's Emma's birthday and didn't want to steal the spot light but we the family thought it would be a good time to announce our engagement to my future wife Elena Zhou" Gabriel said

The whole crowd was in shocked, it was like a surprise they never knew. Now they all thought that Emma to him was only a family friend and nothing more so soon there was applause through out the hall, Elena's grandma told Elena to go on stage. When Elena went on stage Gabriel gave her a hug and kissed her cheeks making her blush.

"That was a beautiful speech" Elena whispered to him

"All was true" he whispered back to her

They smiled as people took photos, showing their engagement rings on their hands. After they showed their rings they got off the stage as people went to say their congratulations to them. Elena looked around for her sister and Susie but couldn't find them so she excused herself from the people and went out the hall.

"Don't worry you'll get your try when she's away at school" she heard Susie's voice

"We failed every time, even Gabriel stop talking to me when dad brought that bitch home" Emma said

"Don't worry you'll get your chance again, how do you think I'm now the lady of the Zhou family" Susie said

"Well you had my dad's help he got rid of her for you" Emma said

"Enough let's go back to the party" Susie said

"Why that slut took my spotlight" Emma said

"That's because Old Zhou saw how people were gossiping about you and Gabriel they wanted to make things clear, those sly old foxes" Susie said

"Fine, we have to keep up our act" Emma said

"Me? More like you" Susie said

"Fine whatever let's go" Emma said

Elena quickly went behind the door, as the footsteps faded she came out and saw the backs of Susie and Emma. This was one hell of surprise she had gotten, all this time this life and her past life she treated them like family but they were scheming against her?! She felt shocked and emotional with what she heard. Gabriel found Elena in the hotel garden crying.

"Elena what's wrong?" He said

Elena hugged Gabriel as she cried her heart out, she couldn't describe what she was feeling all she could do was cry for herself but mainly for her mother. After awhile Elena calm down and told Gabriel what she heard.

"How can one do that? To a pregnant woman, I have been nothing but nice to them I even push you to her! Just because she like you! Am I too nice that's why they took advantage of me?" Elena sob again

"I don't know Elena, but that just shows how disgusting they are. You just wanted a family but maybe to them you were taking away their life line of power they have in the family" Gabriel said

"What do I do now, I don't know how to act around them? I don't even know how to be mean like them but I do feel anger for my mother, she died! What if they had something to do with that? I mean Emma is not even my real sister for Christ sake!" Elena said

"Just let them have their fun for now and when the right time comes I'll help you crush them" Gabriel said

"Even than I'll probably feel bad. Is that wrong of me?" Elena said

"I'll be careful when you go to school, I'll take a lot of business trips just to avoid her" Gabriel said

"But you'll miss your family" Elena said

"Your my family now too, and I promise I'll have someone watch over the your family too and find out about your mother and who they are getting help from" Gabriel said

Elena nodded and hugged Gabriel until they got back to the car to go home.