
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs


Elena and the family went to the family grave as they said there blessings to Elena's mother, Gabriel came as well he wanted to say a few words to her. By noon Gabriel took Elena and her dad to their old apartment as Elena and Gabriel took Elena's things in the car. John stayed in Lilly's room as he packed her things he saw the photo albums as he looked through it he couldn't help but cry as he looked at each picture. He couldn't believe she was alive after all this time never remarried all her focus was on Elena there was no male in any of the photos each one Elena looked happy.

"I have the other photos of us in my box that we keep in the living room. She loved taking photos" Elena said

"You both are beautiful" John said

"I'm sure grandma and grandpa would like to see those" Elena said

"I'll put them on the carry on, then I'll get butler Kai to get me some frames I want to put some in my office" he said

"Okay, do you need help?" Elena asked

"No you go back first and have the driver get me, take some photos out and place them in my study for me" John said

"Okay see you at home" she said

John gave her the album's and Elena went back with Gabriel to their house, upon their return she gave the albums to her grandparents. The servants took the boxes to Elena's room for her so she can unpack her things when she open her box that had the picture frames in there she picked out a few to put in her father's study.

"Elena?" she heard her grandma's voice

"Grandma, did you finish?" she asked

"Yes, Lilly took wonderful pictures of you" her grandma said

"Yes, she had a camera always glued to her hands" Elena said

"Are there more pictures?" she asked

"Yes, dad said he wanted some for his study" Elena said

Her grandmother came in and sat on the floor looking at the pictures while Elena talked about each picture, when it was taken, where it was taken. They laughed at the memories as Elena talked soon it was dinner time, so Elena quickly put the photos in the study and went down her father still hasn't come back from their old apartment. Gabriel stayed for dinner, he sat by Elena.

"So Gabriel, how's work?" Old Zhou said

"Good" Gabriel said

"What will you be doing when Elena is off at school?" Susie asked

"I want to start doing business outside, so I will be traveling" Gabriel said

"Did you already find a secretary to travel with you?" Emma asked

"Yes, I will take my assistant Jim and he has a nephew that recently graduated he has all the qualification that I am looking for" Gabriel said

"That's nice" Madam Zhou said

"Yes, we are training him when I take business trips he will be with me and Jim can stay behind and work from the office" Gabriel said

"I heard Ariel will be going with Elena to Country T" Susie said

"Yes, when Elena has free time she will teach Ariel" Gabriel said

"I got my class schedule on Sunday, I will be having class from 8-2 then the rest of the day I am free and will be working with Ariel" Elena said

"Will I want your set schedule when you get there so I can know" her grandma said

"I know grandma, dad and Gabriel said the same thing. I will make sure to send one to Ann so she can put it on the fridge so you guys will know" Elena said

As they finish dinner, John came home with a box in his hand.

"Dear let me help you" Susie said

"No" John said

He went upstairs, everybody was shocked at his attitude.

"He must be emotional today" Madam Zhou said

"He must be" Susie said

Gabriel left the Zhou household, he was still looking into information that Elena gave him that night, Elena on the other hand was still nice to Susie and Emma no matter what they said, she couldn't help but feel like she was naive for her past life, however she was glad she found out the real face's of the horrible mother and daughter duo. Elena went back to her room after her shower she sat in bed and thought all about her past life, now that she thought about it when she was on the bridge she thought she felt someone push her but she was too emotional that night. Gabriel was in a accident and the family blamed her, however she was never near him at the time and she then too began to suspect her sister was cheating on Gabriel so she was following her but when she got the news she went to the hospital. There, the family began arguing and out of nowhere Ariel slapped her and accused her, Elena tried telling them she was not near him at the time and she wouldn't do anything to hurt Gabriel but nobody believed her. So she went to the one place she could be at peace where her mother past at the bridge when she saw something shinning in the river, she lean over the ramp and that's when she fell off the bridge. Elena sigh in her heart as she laid down and turn off the light to get some sleep, she need to practice with the little orphanage girls the showcase was coming up.