
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Birthday Party/Surprise! Pt. 3

The next day was the party, Elena went home early in the morning the ladies of the Zhou family and Lu family went to the spa, hair and nail salon, by the time they were back at their houses with stylist were there getting them ready. By six Gabriel came and picked up Elena, Elena said goodbye to her family they would see her there, Elena help Emma's gift in her hand while Gabriel held her other hand.

"I want to take you somewhere first" he said

"Okay" Elena said

They went to Elena's Jewelry store, Elena was a little confused as to why they are here, they got down the ride.

"Why-" Elena was cut off by a voice.

"Mr. Lu, ah boss" Gina her employee said

"Take us up to the vault" Gabriel said

Gina nodded and they went up to the third floor, Gina went into the vault and came back out with two small black boxes.

"Thank you that's all" Gabriel said

Gina hesitated for awhile.

"It's okay Gina, just lock up when we leave" Elena said

"Yes, boss" Gina said

Elena and Gabriel goes back in the ride, and looks at Gabriel.

"I know I shouldn't have taken it but your mother left a note with a design" Gabriel said

Elena looked at him, Gabriel took a paper from his pocket and gave it to him.

[My dearest Elena,

I made this ring design for you and your future husband, and I for one can't wait for that day whoever that lucky guy is cherish each other, I am sorry I never told you who your father is because I couldn't remember him and when I do remember I will find him so he can be there for you on your special day. He will get to walk you down the isle and I will be there with my camera to capture the happy moment so this is my gift to you and your husband I call it Forever.

Love Mom]

Elena had tears in her eyes, when she saw the box in front of her she open was a green Jade ring in a heart shape the middle had a diamond in it, Elena took the ring out and saw the engraved of Forever on their.

"I think you would want to wear her ring" Gabriel said

Elena nodded as Gabriel took the ring he had given her and put the ring onto her finger, Elena then did the same Gabriel's ring had a small hearts around his ring it also had the word Forever on it as well. By the time they got to the hotel it was seven an hour before the guest came.

"Where have you two been?" George asked

"Dad look! Gabriel found a letter to mom and she made this design" Elena said

The family gathered around as they looked at the two, rings. Gabriel gave the note to George for him to read as well, he cried for awhile and went to the restroom to wash his face.

"It's a beautiful design" Madam Lu said

"Thank you" Elena said

"The guest well be coming, why don't you guys go inside" Susie said

"Come let's go to the door" George said

"Elena stand by dad and I'll stand by mom" Emma said

"Don't worry I'll be beside you, since I am part of the family" Gabriel said

They agreed, Gabriel stood between Elena and Emma as the guest came in and gave their greetings some of the guest were confused as to why Gabriel was standing with the Zhou family, they soon began to gossip if they will be announcing the engagement between him and Emma. When Emma saw this she wanted this to happen, so that way when they announce the engagement they would think that Elena took her sister's boyfriend from her giving her a bad reputation. When they finally invited all the guest they went back into the hall, Emma had changed her seating from in between her parents to sit next to Gabriel and then Elena.

"Can I have your attention please, thank you. Today we will be celebrating our eldest grandchild's birthday Emma" Madam Zhou said

There was an applause sounded as Madam Zhou passed the mic to Emma to say a few weeks.

"Good evening guest, I would like to say thank you for taking your time out of your daily schedule to come celebrate my birthday with my family" Emma said as she moved her hand left to right.

"Is the eldest miss saying that she would be engage to Gabriel?" a guest whispered

"Of course they been childhood friends, it would be understandable" another said

"Why do you think Gabriel was receiving guest with the family he even stood by the eldest miss" another commented

Emma finished her speech, and sat back down they began eating dinner when finished the servants came in and took the tables to the side as the guest could mingle, Emma made sure to stay close to Gabriel. Soon Old Lu and Zhou started hearing the whispers of what was going on, and they looked at each other, they talked to their wives and told them what was happening they also too told them the same thing.

"We will announce it after the gift opening" Madam Zhou said

Madam Zhou, took Emma away from Gabriel and Elena, Elena then gave her gift to Gabriel to hold while she went to the bathroom when she got there nobody was around so she quickly went and then came out to wash her hands, she say Emma's friends standing there.

"Hello" Elena said

The girls just looked at her with disgust but Elena didn't see so she went on to washing her hands.

"So, I have this friend and her little sister stole her older sisters boyfriend" one said

"What?! What a little slut!" the other said

"Can you believe it, a little sister taking her older sister boyfriend she must be a slut" the first girl said

Elena heard them, and she too was didn't know juicy gossip that are coming from Emma's friends, she didn't want to hear more she felt bad for the girl they were talking about because she has been their once. Elena return back to hall and found Gabriel and Emma talking.

"Hey, you ready to open presents?" Elena asked Emma

Just then her friends came up to them.

"Hey Gabriel long time no see" Jean said the one that started the gossip

"Hi, Emma, Gabriel and?" Tina said the other gossiper

"Elena" Elena said

"Emma's young sister right?" Jean said

"Yes, and you must be Jean" Elena said

"Yes, nice to meet you." Jean said

Gabriel hand the gift to Elena, and Emma's friend saw the ring finger on his hand.

"I guess congratulations are in order" Jean said pointing his ring

"Yes, thank you" Gabriel said

"Excuse me, we will now open the gifts. Emma please come up" Madam Zhou said

Emma went on stage.