
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Birthday Party/Surprise! Pt. 2

Elena looked at the ring on her finger again, and thought about that night.


Gabriel and Elena went for a walk in the neighborhood he held her hand. Elena was all smiles but then out of no where Emma's face came in her mind.

"What are you thinking about" Gabriel said

"I thought you like Emma?" Elena asked

"No, is that why you hardly talked to me?" Gabriel asked

"Yes, I didn't want to be the sister that took her boyfriend" Elena said

"I never like Emma, she was always just a family friend to me" Gabriel said

"Oh" Elena said

"You don't have to feel bad Elena, I know she likes me but I want to be with someone who likes me" Gabriel said

"What if I didn't like you" Elena said

"I know you do, why else did you say yes" Gabriel said

Elena blushed as she looked down, Gabriel used his hand to left her face. They looked at each other soon he kissed her, she felt butterflies in her stomach it was her first kiss.


Elena couldn't help but blush when she thought of that night. Her new daily routine she would always have lunch with Gabriel as his work, the employee's would say hello to her every time she came. For a week she never missed lunch with him, she also talked with Emma if she was okay. Emma just told her she was okay, as long as her little sister was happy, and she is happy for her and Gabriel as well. The family wanted to do the engagement and Elena's birthday in September so Elena will be coming back for those three days, she would check her school schedule when she gets it in august. Everything was going perfect the only thing was her mother's death anniversary was coming up which was a few days after Emma's birthday.

"Daddy do you have time?" Elena asked

It was a free day for Elena, so she wanted to talk with her dad.

"Yes, what is it?" he said

"Well mom's anniversary is coming up and are you going to be joining me?" Elena asked

"Yeah, I got the information when we found you. I'll have the servants have her remains go to our family cemetery" he said

"I wanted to ask, who are my other grandparents?" Elena asked

Like in the last life she never knew who her mother's side of the family is.

"Did you call them and told them I was alive?" Elena asked

"No, when we thought your mother past they left aboard. You have an uncle who is older than your mother, he has a son and wife. Last both your grandparents were alive, I have someone looking into their were about's" he said

"What were their names?" Elena asked

"Your grandparents are David and Ella Xiao, your uncle's name is Bradley Xiao his wife's name is Dianna Lin their son your cousin is name Theo Xiao" he said

"Was this there hometown?" Elena asked

"Yes, there is four powerful families her the first is Gabriel's family, your mother's family, us. then your uncles wife" he said

"I wanted to go back to the apartment to get the rest of the stuff and pack up the rest" Elena said

"Okay" he said

"I'll be back in the morning" Elena said

"Don't forget the party starts at 8" he said

"I know" Elena said

Elena took the town car to a warehouse to get moving boxes and other moving supplies, after she went to her old apartment, the driver help her take the things up and she asked the driver to leave and she will be spending the night. That evening after packing the books and music sheets, Elena's grandmother call her and she told her, that she will be back in the morning after she packs everything up. She started on her room when the doorbell rang and thinking it was her dinner, she open the door and saw Gabriel/

"What you doing here?" she asked

"I saw the delivery guy, so I brought up your dinner and your grandpa told me where you were" he said

"Well since you are here you can take apart the entertainment center for me" Elena said

Gabriel nodded, came in and gave the food to Elena and she hand him the tool box, he took his jacket off and rolled up his selves.

"I have a white shirt that you can wear" Elena said

"Why do you have men clothes?" He said

"Relax, we would show ladies how to use their husbands old clothes into clothes don't worry these one's are new" Elena said

Gabriel nodded and Elena went to her room and grab the shirt.

"This should fit" She said

"Bathroom" he asked

"Down the hall to the left" she said

Gabriel went to the bathroom as Elena began eating her dinner, once Gabriel was out he began taking the entertainment apart, when Elena finished eating she began taping the box that were filled in the living room.

"Where will you be moving the stuff" Gabriel asked

"My things will be going to my room and my mom's things I will put it in the storage at her studio and the rest will go to charity" Elena said

"Have you started on the other rooms yet?" he asked

"Not my mothers, can you hand me the marker" she said

"To much memories?" he said

"No, dad wants to see it. After the anniversary though" she said

"Do you have pictures?" he asked

"Fine, only because your mom showed me yours" she said

Elena got up from the floor and went to her mom's room and came back out with Six photo albums.

"Each book is every three years since birth" Elena said

Gabriel grab the albums.

"After my mother died either my friends or Sister Helga would take photos for me on ever contest, showcases, birthday and just the little things" Elena said

Gabriel nodded as he looked at the albums.

"You looked pretty since birth, and you look like your mother" he said

"I know. Oh, wait" she said

Elena went into her room a few minutes later she came back out with a picture in her hand.

"One day this came into the mail, my mother and I were confused. It's my mom when she was 17" she said

"Did you know who sent it?" he asked

"No, there was no signature on the envelope" she said

Gabriel nodded and continue to look at the albums as Elena kept packing, by ten she was finished in her room and came back out seeing that Gabriel also finish taking all the entertainment and other shelves apart.

"I tie them together and tape the screws onto them" he said

"Okay you should get going, it's getting late" Elena said

"I'll pick you up at 6 and we can go together" Gabriel said

"Okay then" she said

Gabriel gave her a kiss and left the place, Elena changed and went to her mother's room and went to sleep in there.