
My Cannon Is Three-Kilometer-Wide

Author: Medieval rabbit
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What is My Cannon Is Three-Kilometer-Wide

Read ‘My Cannon Is Three-Kilometer-Wide’ Online for Free, written by the author Medieval rabbit, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering SURVIVAL Fiction, FASTPACED Light Novel, FUTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: “A qualified Artillery Master must have enough attack range! That is why it’s reasonable for me to have a 3-kilometer-wi...


“A qualified Artillery Master must have enough attack range! That is why it’s reasonable for me to have a 3-kilometer-wide cannon,” Kerr Cowell said as he watched the people around him react with dumbfounded reactions after his firework display. Tens of thousands of different races were thrown to another world and forced to wage wars against each other. That marked the start of a new world where survival was the sole focus.

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ALINEA (Français)

Elle était la princesse qui se devait de mourir… Alinea, princesse bien aimée de Ritz, et érigée en héroïne de la guerre immortelle récemment terminée fut trahie et tuée pour des raisons politiques. Toutefois, la mort ne vint pas. Elle se retrouva à se réveiller dans le Tokyo moderne, dans le corps d’une fille, nommée Suzuki Ara, antagoniste la plus détestée de tous. Il était le prince qui se devait de vivre… Homura Ryuu, héritier de la famille la plus influente du japon forcé à épouser Ara depuis sa naissance, en raison d’une malédiction familiale. Il ne pouvait se marier et avoir des enfants uniquement avec celle mentionnée dans la prophétie, sans quoi sa lignée disparaîtrait. Destiné… Le prince et la princesse de deux mondes différents, où règnent la vengeance, la haine, la conspiration et la lutte pour le pouvoir, se retrouvent dans une tournure des moins attendue. Était-ce une coïncidence ? Peut-être pas. Pour deux âmes destinées l’une à l’autre se rencontrer indépendamment du temps et des circonstances. C’est ce qu’on appelle la destinée… ======= Ara donne un coup de coude dans les côtes de Ryuu. « Chéri, tu fais fuir les gens, apprend donc à sourire. »  « Chérie, si je souris, ils oublieront totalement pourquoi ils existent, » Ryuu réplique avec suffisance, Ara n’a alors d’autre choix que de soupirer de défaite. Il n'y a aucun sens à raisonner ce têtu de husky de toute façon. Bien, il a en quelque sort raison de toute façon… Ara regarde vers le poste d'infirmière où les infirmières continuent à se rentrer les unes dans les autres ou à se cogner contre les tables tout en faisant tomber des objets parce qu'elles sont occupées à jeter un coup d’œil discret sur Ryuu. « Tu vois ? elles sont distraites comme ça sans même que je souris. Qu’arrivera-t-il de plus si je le fais ? » Ryuu lui dit d’une voix amusée. Puis encore, la malice se met à danser dans son regard bleu et finalement il envoie un sourire éclatant en direction des infermières. BING! BANG! Ara regarde le chaos éclater dans la station puis elle tire rapidement le coquin de husky sur le côté et lui lance un regard noir. « Quoi, Qui m’a dit de sourire ? » demande-t-il innocemment. « Je l’ai fait OK ? C’est de ma faute, » Ara lui dit-elle alors qu’elle l'entraîne au loin.

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46 Chs
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Medieval rabbit



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Title: 我的炮台口径三千米 Author: 中世纪的兔子 Status: 166 Chapters and ongoing This was hard to find, google translates the title differently as "My turret has a caliber of 3000 meters" or "My gun caliber 3000 meters". And the author's name as "Medieval Rabbit" aka "Middle-ages Rabbit" not Middle-aged Rabbit. I have 10 books to try before getting to this so not sure why I searched so hard.


It's sci-fi witten by a science illiterate author to a science illiterate readership. 3 kilometers wide canon, really? How would you fire that. With magic? If you have this kind of magic you don't need the canon.


scientific without any rhyme and reason . I didn't read that many chapters because it was uninteresting , who is the MC it's Scar Face 😮‍💨 ( not sure either ) . starting of this story is uninteresting for me , i didn't know what's going on , what is this story about . so i didn't read it very much , i will still read two or three more chapters next time just to be sure for my review


Raw? [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


There is no clear Main character… just two guys, one has the talent to teleport to a random place but it is costly, while the other (who I suspected was the mc) has the ability to upgrade weapons and isn’t held back by physics. The “mc” doesn’t have any clear cheats or advantages, since all humans are granted “talents” upon arrival to the new world. What’s even more wierd is how the “suspected MC” gives a RARE card (the type that announces your name to the world as the “First achievement kind”) that allows racial change to any race to the other guy.


Good part first... I really like the concept of the novel, new and interesting in my opinion! The main goal is like the Title of the story, really fun focus. the bad... This is the author's first book he is writing.. and you can tell... Then it is written in Chinese... and Translating Chinese to English never goes well... hence why i try not to read Chinese Novels.. The miss translations is A LOT, the names get translated in to other names many many times.. not sure why.. the paragraph point is lost many times in the translation.. and/or the author is not that good of a writer since this is his first book.. the main character has 2 names, his birth name and his "Business Name", very confusing... but i think it will be to his advantage in the story later on with regard to how the world is set up.. the author gets side tracked sometimes.. (4 chapters of a Dream Scar Dog had..) yet again, this is the authors first book and it clearly shows.. but at the end I really like the concept of the book and keep reading! just hope the Translator can proff read the translation more...!


I rate it 5 stars because of the characters development throught it all nd the world buildung is a but subpar but its fleshing out


The story is different and the world setting is cool. BUT..... it is translated from Chinese with Google translate and the author is not a professional writer.. and then with Google translate ala Webtoon from Chinese, the sentences becomes horrible. that is the problem with translation from Chinese, you actually need a person to read -> translate what is being said -> write anew in English -> Then read the section and re-write it again!!!! this is why I hate Chinese novels!!


seriously underated! Scar Dog the mad invetor is hilarious!some sentence structure problems tho


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