
My Cannon Is Three-Kilometer-Wide

“A qualified Artillery Master must have enough attack range! That is why it’s reasonable for me to have a 3-kilometer-wide cannon,” Kerr Cowell said as he watched the people around him react with dumbfounded reactions after his firework display. Tens of thousands of different races were thrown to another world and forced to wage wars against each other. That marked the start of a new world where survival was the sole focus.

A Medieval Rabbit · Sci-fi
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689 Chs

Chapter 49: "Crush him, give him a number that will make him despair at the sight of it."

Translator: 549690339

Meanwhile, in City 18, they are figuring out a strategy.

However, Kerr Cowell has no intention of stopping.

The 110cm caliber shells, fired at a rate of 2900 rounds per minute, are like mini missiles covering and bombarding the edge of City 18.

With the energy shield and Spider Web Anti-aircraft Firepower System of City 18 completely incapacitated.

City 18 can't put up any resistance at all.

The merit points have been exhausted, the energy shield and Spider Web Anti-aircraft Firepower System are all offline, and authority over the missiles cannot be unlocked. Even if it could be unlocked, accurate, real-time targeting cannot be inputted due to the Sky Eye Pursuit Order not yet being in effect.

And to send troops to besiege Kerr Cowell by force.

That's an absolute impossibility.