
My Alienic Life In Omniverse(MHA[My Hero Academia] /Omniverse)

A Random dude gets reincarnated in My Hero Academia. As he catches the interest of a certain ROB. Will his life be the same old quiet life or will it be filled with action. What changes will his presence in this world, bring about. It's a multiverse story, with first or main world as mha. Further world's will be selected based on reader's vote. Mc will have gacha option, where he can draw forms or transformations from other fictional verse. There is no limit to whom he can pull, from jerry to TOAA or Scarlett King or Hajun. It can be anyone. Mc is overly overpowered and I have tried to balance the story a bit. At the start his aliens are nerfed a bit but by the start of canon, his transformations are as strong as original or even stronger in some cases. Though some people will be angry about that nerfing of his aliens but i haven't nerfed them like I said earlier, I have just shown him to be powerless against ROB and nothing more. Well many people did consider it as nerfing so I had to mention it. [Omniverse] Start World - My Hero Academia 1st World - Haven't decided, waiting for readers votes. Starting 3 chapters have a lot of gramtical mistakes. They were just rough drafts which I myself have not read and have just uploaded it. The next chapters are fine, I guess. Please bear with me and give it a try. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. I can't tell much about the upload time, as I am busy with my college I will try to upload 2-4 chapters a month. Except starting 1 to 4 chapters, all the chapters have a minimum of 4500 words to 8.5k words in some. Disclaimer *I do not own cover picture, it belongs to its original owner. If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to remove it, comment in the latest chapter posted. *I do not own or have rights for My Hero Academia as it belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, Ben 10 as it belongs to Duncan Rouleau(Warner Bros) aka Man of Action and any Marvel element in this show as it belongs to Marvel and thereby Disney. *I own nothing except the Main Protagonist who is an OC and ROB who's also a OC atleast his character design. *If you are the original owner of any elements used in this fanfiction you can contact me if you wish to remove the said elements from this fiction or wish for this novel to be taken down. *This novel is a fanfiction written by me for entertainment purposes and is a non profit fic and under no condition am I monetizing this piece of work and I am under no condition earning anything from this novel.

Vanitas_24 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

My Alienic Life Part-02

There was a boy, who looked to be about 7-8 years sitting on the bed in what looked to a bedroom.

"Hulk huh..."

*signs loudly

'Not bad considering my luck. The Rob told me that my luck is very good but I had never had anything where I was lucky happen to me in my previous life.

If what Rob said is true than I did defy fate with my luck but I didn't have any lucky things happen to me, like maybe win a lottery or atleast get a good draw when I opened a collection or game cards packs.

Sure I was lucky in some instances.'

*signs once again

He gets up from his bed and starts walking towards his room balcony upon reaching,

He gazes at the night sky from his balcony

"Its beautiful, the night view in this island sure is beautiful. So this year I got Hulk, well it could have been bad and Hulk is strong. MCU's version it's as strong as comic versions but he is a good option"

'Now lets get going, i have to sleep early today since my father has told me to meet him after breakfast since he wants to introduce someone to me I don't have much time left if I wish to get some good sleep.'


*green flash covers the balcony,

After the green flash dies down in place of the Arthur there is a tiny creature to be about 1cm standing on the rails of the balcony;

"Nanomech. Alien [NamoMech]

Nanomech sure is a good alien for a lot of purposes.

Anyway I should get going now, I have return early today or else I won't be getting any sleep"

Just as he finished his sentence he took flight and is flying away from his room every second,

"So Jarvis how is the project coming along."

<It is coming along good. We could expect some good results from it very soon. Since we don't have much facilities it has taken more time>

"Well it's good that it is showing positive results"

While he was conversing with Jarvis he had reached his destination. His destination this time happens to be a mountain. He flies down to a area which is covered by trees. He maneuvers in between the trees and comes near a dead end with rocks at the side of a mountain and moves through the tiny space available at top between the rocks and enters the place.

Inside that hole at the side of the mountain covered by rocks is a spacious cave, whose entrance happens to be covered by rocks.

Arthur flies inside cave for bit, he slows down he starts hearing some noise and sees a light in a distance.

When he nears the light he could see some machines and robots doing some work.

After getting near it he lands upon a robot,

"This sure is amazing to watch. I can't believe we managed to achieve this Jarvis"

<Thank you Arthur, it still is incomplete but we should get results soon enough >

"Yes, seeing this fills me with pride. It was difficult but we managed to achieve this with less resources"

'I am right now standing right in front of what you might call a research lab. It resembles the cave in which Tony stark was stuck and where he created his mark 1 suit.

This lab is a bit crude and it is not fancy but I am happy with it.

Well It all started when I got interested in making robots and Other things after seeing my father's lab.

He had a lot of robots and other machines similar to the ones I had seen in some sci-fi shows and movies. His whole lab screamed futuristic.

I got interested in making robots, like I could maybe recreate some of the things I had seen in movies and shows. I don't know for sure but with Jarvis I am sure I could do it.

After seeing the lab and those people working in it, I even started to dream about having a lab and making new things.

I had even made plans and even created a design for my lab.

But the reality wasn't so kind with me, when I approached my father about this and asked him for a lab and Other resources, I was rejected instantaneously.

It was like I was in the world of dreams having the best dream and enjoying myself in this dream but then he suddenly poured cold water on me and woke me up from my dream.

I was rejected saying I was still 5years old. He would allow me to have my lab once I am 16 years old.

I was sad, after all I had my dream crushed once again. But didn't give up and put my petition or project to higher authority, my mother. But I was once again dissappointed saying that I can't handle or use those equipments as I am still a child and I could hurt myself.

I was heart broken after this but I didn't give up and asked my last ray of hope Jarvis.

Well he completely annihilated my dream.

Sure he is a genius and by the way he communicates I forget it but he is a AI who is better than humans in everything maybe except his absence of body. He is a genius and could do and perform any task given to him but he isn't omnipotent or omniscient. Like all AI even he needs data, information and commands to perform any task.

As my whole plan and my dream lab revolved around him, this completely crushed my dream and I had lost all hope.

But as I had lost all hope and was contemplating my life, I found new Ray of hope in this MCU dna draw.

When I pulled iron man DNA and transformed into iron man, well it was complicated but I turned into a cyborg but it was more like a robot.

Well after transforming Jarvis gave me good news that we could maybe do it after all. Maybe we could make a robot and Other things. We'll I gave my affirmative for it and Jarvis began doing his task.

He scanned my body when I was Iron man and studied how the hell does this body works and what is the theory behind this suit.

Later by luck I happened to pull cyborg's dna or whatever it is.

So we had success after it and created a cave using my aliens silently and brought the junk or waste parts and other resources available in storage house, well it is a big storage building where they store all the useless and failed products or old items. I sneaked some of the usefull items among those junk to cave after Jarvis saw them.

I even asked my father for some working and old and broken robots instead of a lab, but he refused again so just like last time I had to take my case to even higher jurisdiction for my demands and after a lot of trials, I got it.

I had asked for them so that Jarvis can scan them to find and understand the technological level of this world and maybe even use those robots or parts in my project.

It is good that he learns very fast and I don't need to teach him. '

As Arthur was marvelling at his and Jarvis work in his nanomech form something caught his attention, he heard a sound from even deep inside the cave.

"What's that sound Jarvis?"


*sounds of footsteps approaching



"What the fu*k is this. There is something wrong those, whose's there? Answer me?"

*sounds of footsteps is getting louder

"What the fu*k are you doing Jarvis answer me"

'where the fu*k did Jarvis go, why isn't he answering me? Whoever those footsteps belong to, is here'


He was paralysed in his spot after seeing who those footsteps belonged to.

"It seems I managed to surprise you master"


There standing or now bowing infront of Arthur is robot who looks similar to Ultron.

"Is that you Jarvis, but how did you manage it. You said that it was not complete and how did you manage to get yourself there in that body? "

*before Jarvis could answer Green flash fills the room and after it dies down there is Arthur standing in front of Ultron or Jarvis.

" It was complete but I wanted to surprise you after all that wait. So are you angry Arthur? "

" No, but just suprised"

They have their chat and Arthur checks out somethings before heading back to his room without alerting anyone and falls asleep.


Timeskip Next Morning

"Father I am here"

Arthur announces after knocking on the door

"Yes, you can come in"



'I open the door after getting his permission and enter the room.'

"Arthur I want you to meet someone"

'As I enter the room I can see that my father is sitting on his usual spot behind the desk. I am currently in his study, and everything is normal, there is Sebastian in here and with him there is another person that I don't recognise.

It must be him, the person who my father wants me to meet, but who is he?

No point in guessing, as I'll just find out about him in next few minutes.'

"So Arthur I want you to meet someone"

"who is it father"

"Meet Damon and he is going to be your assistant or otherwise caretaker."

"Huhhh a what"

Just as Albert finished speaking, the man standing beside Sebastian stepped forward,

"Its nice to meet you Master Arthur, I am Damon and from today I am going to be serving as your personal butler"

'Why am I getting a caretaker'

*starts thinking,

'I can't think of any good reason for me to get a caretaker or butler. After all I have Jarvis with me.

Now that he has acquired a body he could do a lot of things for me, maybe even act as my butler. But he will be tailing me or keeping watch on me all the time'

"So what do you think Arthur?"

"I don't have any objection to it, but why am I getting a butler?"

"You see just recently there were intruders. A small group of people had managed to sneak in this island. They were caught but i can't risk your safety and let you come in harms way."

"There is no way I am going to lose, because I am strong and there is no one in this world stronger than me"

"I know I know, but even if you don't accept it, he will act as your butler and bodyguard or else I will tell your mother about what you're upto at night"

"What are you talking about, I'm not upto anything at night"

"Well it seems someone daily sneaks out of bed and goes somewhere."

"you must have mistaken about it. I haven't sneaked out of the room at night"

"Is that so, I must have mistaken about it."

"Yes and why would I sneak out anyway"

"Yes you are right about it.

Ahhh I forgot to tell you that there seems to be a cave in that mountain, which didn't exist just a few years ago. It seems there must be some connection between that and the intruders. So I was thinking of just destroying it"

"I accept your proposal of having a butler and please don't do anything to my precious lab"

'Well I don't have any reason to reject him so might as well have him as my butler if he is trustworthy. '

"Okay, so we have a deal. Don't worry even I was just like you when I was young but I wasn't as young as you when I first created my personal lab.

But I did used to use my room as my lab where I used to experiment at your age"

' Misson protect my lab successfull'


"So Mister Damon since you're going to be acting as my butler and bodyguard"

"Yes Master Arthur and you don't need to call me mister, I'm just a bodyguard"

"Well you're older than me, I'm just 7 years old and you don't need to call me Master"

"I can't do that master Arthur"

"You want me to trust you right and for there to be trust between us you should accept it"


After going back and forth and some arguing later,

"So damon let's be friends, I am sure that will make it a lot easier"


"Well after the debate, I think this is the best option. Let's call each other by names irrespective of our position and be friends"


Damon accepts reluctantly,

'Well atlast I have a friend now. I am 7 years old now but I didn't have any friend. Everyone has someone they can call their friend or atleast someone to talk to. I didnt want to end up as some Loner.

Everyone has someone they could call their friends, if not irl then atleast online they have someone they talk to.

Humans are social animals.

I have Jarvis but he is a genius or more better word a monster. We don't have anything in common and it feels like he is beyond norms'

<Thank you Arthur that you consider me as a friend and for your high opinion but I don't know what I can do to fix the other problem >

' It's fine Jarvis, I now have a friend at last'

<Congratulations Arthur>

"So as I was saying, now that you're acting as my bodyguard you must be strong.

So what is your quirk"

"Mast.. So Arthur I have a transformation qurik which makes my skin hard and gives me a lot of strength and I am also able to fly"

"Hmm... Thats good, so for better understanding of each other let's tell each other about ourselves"


"I don't know if whether you know it or not but my quirks called [Omnitrix]"

"Yes Master Albert has told me everything about you and even about the secret lab in the mountain. Don't worry the only people who know about that lab are me, Master Albert, Sir Sebastian and you the creator and owner of that lab and no one knows about it."

"Is that so, well then tell me about yourself"

"If that is what you wish, I was a orphan before Master Albert took me in, or it would be better to say I was abandoned after I manifested my quirk."

'I shouldn't have asked him. His quirk must have been something extreme to be abandoned by his own parents'

" I am sorry, if I made you remember some bad memories "

" It is fine Arthur, I have already come to terms with it. You don't need to feel bad"

'Let's just change the topic, I don't want to insult or pity'

"So Damon what other skills do you have, as you're going to act as my butler I want to know what else can you do?"

"So Arthur I have learned variety of skills and even mastered few of them, as I didn't want to dissapoint Master Albert for taking me in.

I was abandoned at a very young age where I couldn't fend for myself and lived without food or shelter.

I was lucky as at that time as when I was hungry and I stole the food but this time the shop owner chased me and then I met Master Albert who choose to save me.

I was lucky that time as Master Albert was there at that time to save me due to some meeting he had to attend at that place.

So I have learned many skills like fighting with or without weapons. I have mastered many martial arts, learned to play musical instruments and many more"

"So you know a lot skills huh.., then how did you come to be my butler if you have that many skills"

"Master Albert did give me freedom to choose my career option but I wanted to use this life of mine to repay Master Albert for saving me.

There are many people who are abandoned due to thier quirk and some are killed or even face worst but he saved me so I was lucky and want to repay him and show him my gratitude, but he did say to me that I could achieve something or do whatever I wish for and through that I can give him my gratitude."

"I know, so why did you choose to be a butler"

"I tried working for your father as people might not show it openly but they would surely discriminate others for their quirk anywhere but that was not present in his company atleast it is not done so openly, so tried working here a bit."

"So then, how did you get here"

"I didn't have anything that I wished to achieve so i tried but couldn't find anything and I had seen Sir Sebastian with Master Albert so I thought about it and finally decided to work as a butler or bodyguard and serve him my whole life and even lay my life protecting him of needed"

'That's some dedication, I doubt even I could show that dedication towards anything'

"Is that so"


"I didn't ask you but is it okay if I ask you about your quirk and what does it so"

"My Quirk is called [Monster], atleast they called it that, but some people even call it devils quirk and some people even called me Devil because of it"

"Why is that? "

"My Quirk is a transformation quirk which turns me into a stereo depicted devil form.

A red skinned monster, with horns, wings and a tail"

"Is that why you were abandoned"


"Well you sure have learned many skills"

"Yes Arthur"

'Wait am I the only person in this house or this whole island, who is useless and doesn't have anything special of my own,

Sure I have my quirk and Jarvis but they were given to me by ROB.

I don't have anything special that I can say I excel in.

I didn't even try learning anything extra or those things which aren't needed, sure I did learn about quirks a lot with Robert but that's it.

I have just wasted seven years of my second life doing nothing which wasn't required, and I only learned about quirks to deepen my understanding of quirks and to make my life easier.

I still have time so let's try learning many things like martial arts, learning to play musical instruments and many more. Which i did try to learn in my previous life but gave up just as I had started learning it. '

"Damon please teach me to fight and many other things you know about"

"Sure I can teach you but why are you interested in learning it"

"I don't know if you understand it but I want learn many things and make myself more useful. I don't even have anything special that I can call my own."

"I don't think I can understand but I won't dissapoint your expectations and will teach you all the things I can"

"Yes that's the spirit"

"Yes, so let's go now Arthur"

"Now, in the sense now"



"Let's go"


'Atleast I will learn many things before the cannon starts I think,




Wait but I don't even know when the cannon will start"

<I don't think there is anything you need to worry Arthur as you opened the gift pack, I received some information about this world and among them was the information stating that you were reincarnated at same year as the person named Izuku Midoriya>

'Is that so,

So that clears up a lot of worries and I can relax but why did you not say anything about it before'

<You didn't ask about it>


'Anyway let's just pretend that this didn't happen'


Timeskip 1 Month

"I fu*King didn't sign up for this.

'I hate myself, I will never ever take any decision in the heat of the moment'


Damon Thoughts;

'Today I met Master Arthur who happens to be my Saviour Master Albert's son.

He is totally different from anyone I have met in my life.'


Timeskip 4 years

Mc Pov

'My life has been going just as before except the lessons I am getting from Damon.

Well the positive thing is that I have learned and i am learning many things from Damon and I am now In America as my father had to attend some meeting'

"Arthur are you enjoying America?"

"Albert it's his first time coming outside of Ark(Name of the Island) he must be enjoying himself,right my little star"

'But I miss my island'

"Right, so enjoy your time here as you will be staying here for quite some time now"

"Okay father and mother"

"We will meet in the morning and don't stay up late my little star"

"Jeanne I am sure he understands it. Let's go or else we'll be late to the party"

"Fine, we will going now my little star take care"

"Okay take care.



'I am feeling tired now, my mind just went blank there for a second.

I should get some sleep, I haven't slept properly for a month now.

Since I came to America I haven't properly slept, after all I miss being near my lab so daily night I am going back and forth to my lab from here with my jetray form.'

Alien [Jetray]

"So Arthur do you wish to practice hand-to-hand combat before going to bed or perhaps before going to your lab"

"No, I'm not in the mood to practice today"

"Okay, so what are you going to do then Arthur"

"Nothing special. I was planning on going to sleep,so good night Damon"

"Good Night Arthur"

Arthur starts walking towards him room,

*Opens the door and closes it

Arthur goes and lies down on his bed,

'Today was very tiring. Coming here was totally a surprise to me as they had not said a word to me about it.

Well my mother had said to me that I'm going to be studying in America to get more experience and social exposure when I was a kid bit she didn't tell that it was going to be this soon, I'm eleven years old now studying here in America and I'm also planning to go join UA high school in Japan to be there when the cannon starts.

I can think about that when the time is right, for now a very important thing happened, I as hell didn't expect it.

I'm sure Rob is behind it. So when I went to my school here for visiting purpose and I met someone there that I totally didn't expect to see there.

I met Gwen Stacy there, and our first meeting wasn't so good either just like Miles Morales. He happened to cut her hair and I by mistakenly spilled juice on her hair.

She was really pissed off after that, I did apologise for it and at last she did forgive me after she saw that I was really feeling sorry about it and that's it, she was gonna walk out but I did manage her to accept to be my friend. I never imagined seeing a marvel character in Mha, atleast the one didn't ask for.

She is still a bit angry with me for that juice part but I am sure she will forgive me for it in the future and so we talked a bit and got to know each other a bit and I got to know a lot of information about her,

1.Her dad works for my father but he manages Asia region of the company and she stays with her mom and grandparents here. Since her dad is always travelling, they have decided to just stay here with her grandparents and her dad visits her here whenever he has holiday, she only told me this information upon knowing my identity as the son of her father's employer.

2.She has spider quirk which gives her spider power and also some other secret abilities. She didn't specify it but she might have the same powers as her original counterpart Ghost Spider.

She sure is one dangerous enemy I can't make light off. I can't face her without any preparations and if she hits me with intent to kill before I transform then I am done for. I don't know her true strength but if she has the same strength as the original Spider-Man Peter Parker comic version then I am dead next time pissed her off.

The original Spider-Man was strong enough to lift and throw mjolnir. I don't know her current power I can just hope she is not as strong as him or only has her original counter parts power and not all spider mans power. But knowing Rob I am sure he will do exactly that to just piss me off. Even I have spider mans form as I got it in my 8th year pull followed by venom and groot as my 9th and 10th year pull. Well since my Alien X form is inaccessible right now as last time I happen to really piss off both the voice of aggression and love. It happened a year ago, I was really Intrested in transforming to Alien X see what it fells like and just like Ben I got voice of Reason seat but they didn't give a fu*k about me and were busy in their own fight and I had to give up.

Till now I have transformed into Alien X for three times, first was when they ignored me and second time I brought Jarvis with me and made him play a very loud music in that space, it was enough to get their attention and also piss them off. So I made a deal with them to stop the music for giving me control of the body and after getting it, I went to space to explore it and it was fu*king beautiful and came back.

Alien [Alien X]

So the third time when I went they scammed me by bringing a audio proff orb around them. It was a failure. So here i am worrying a lot about my future enemies.'

And so he goes to sleep;

------------------------The End-----------------------

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