
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter ten: generation z

Author notes:I feel alone please comment people and you know the avocado is a fruit not a vegetable, for think 🤔 and for the moment I am don't do it a rewrite but i am editing the first chapters but is only for the mistakes and a little more text

Thanks for the people who read this and comment

(I forgot put the title,sorry but know is good)


While Izuku sees all the destruction and the fallen heroes he feels a big mental and physical fatigue, especially because he feels the weight of having all for one and one for all 'well this is over now, he should go back and sleep in a regeneration capsule, yes that sounds good'

And just when Izuku was going to leave, he feels like somehow his mind is going into his subconscious by force, normally he could easily prevent it but he is so exhausted to do anything else, especially because of the last attack with which he defeated all might.

~~~with Kaina and Alice~~~

"Alice I think you should go fast for Izu-" Kaina tries to say but before she can say the so-called "super mecha" (a stupid name in her opinion although at least she gave Alice a good name) was already flying at speeds that he could barely see towards Izuku

'Shit, since he plans to fight all these heroes and villains a few days after getting all for one, I should have convinced him to wait longer' Kaina thinks as he watches Izuku's emaciated body enter the super mecha

Then Kaina says over the communicator "Alice you should go with Izuku I'll be back alon-" and just as he was about to finish speaking, Star and Stripe arrives in smalls planes

"Shit, this bitch can't let me talk without interrupting me," Kaina says as he readjusts his position to shoot.

While with Alice the situation is even more tense "Cathleen I ask you for all our previous collaborations to let me go" Alice says with a robotic voice but somewhat impatient

"Alice I know all the good you've done to the world but this has to stop now" says Cathleen (A/N: star and stripe's name is Cathleen for those who don't know)

"Well as consolation for your impending defeat I won't let the world have evidence of your loss" Alice says as she communicates with Kaina

"Kaina I'm going to have to ask you to put a bullet in the head of the Russian hero who is 200 meters to my left, he looks like a bodybuilder and has long red hair" Alice says

"You really asked me to kill when Izuku promised me he wouldn't ask me about kill, but consider it done" Kaina says as he shoots.


And with those words, Kaina sent the Russian's head to fly and although she knows with an emotionless face inside, Kaina remembers the times when he worked for the commission of heroes and his old traumas.

"The only reason why I didn't restart the society is because Izuku lives in this society so I don't mind killing" Alice says sounding creepier by the minute.

'I'm going to ignore Alice's comments for the good of my sanity,' Kaina thinks as she prepares to fire in case Alice needs help.

"Well I warned you" says Cathleen as she jumps out of the plane and goes towards Alice [new order: the atmosphere of 100 around me is concentrated like armor] says Cathleen as she launches towards Alice and with a kick that Alice dodges by moving back while 6 drones get on Alice's back and fire a plasma beam which Cathleen dodges and goes to occupy [new order] but Alice shoots a sound blast from her drones that makes Cathleen's ears bleed but before Alice can defeat Cathleen, Hawks arrives, taking Cathleen away.

"Alice is your name, isn't it?" Says an injured Hawks trying to lighten the atmosphere but then a bullet hits him from behind but surprisingly this bullet only knocks him out and doesn't kill him

'Fucking obtrusive' Kaina thinks as she fires at Hawks but now she prepares to fire another non-lethal round at Cathleen.

But then Cathleen despite all the damage the sound attack did to her, says [new order: the atmosphere in 100 meters in front of me will compress] says Cathleen as the debris begins to compress next to Alice who is charging up a lightning bolt to get out but before the compression is finished or Alice tries to escape a bullet hits Cathleen knocking her and go out because the quirk of Cathleen turn off, Alice flies and activates invisibility mode to avoid being shot by the planes accompanying Cathleen

"I'm go to you location," Alice says over the comlink as she goes to Kaina to pick her up and return.

~~~in Izuku's mind~~~

"What the fuck" Izuku say out loud when he sees a person similar to all for one (they only see similar is the hair) along with what appears to be him in his red hood suit hitting all for one tied up to a chair with metal levers while the white-haired guy laughs and yells at him "take this fucking ntr fan, sadist and abuse fucking mothers!!"



It can then be seen how he shows an expression of delight at the situation showing a sinister glint in his eyes as he tosses his white hair back with one hand.

And while he turns he sees what seems to be when he was superior spider man having 4 people tied up in cobwebs "you are not at the level necessary to call yourself heroes if you are not even willing to kill to save people, and even less if you believe that people like Overhaul deserve a second chance" says superior spider man while sitting as if he were a king looking at insects and the worst thing is that he or Oliver is next door? Eating popcorn with a guy while he watches all the shit what happens like they're at the movies

"You know I'm not so against killing and new guy I would appreciate your help" says one of the guys who is trapped by superior spider man

"Ah, mistress you really train all might that's great, can you give me an autograph please" upon hearing that Izuku turns and sees a smaller Izuku with green hair next to a woman who looks like a stereotypical heroine

"Sure, kid, but you'll have to wait a bit, please, we adults have to see some important matters" says the woman while she makes eye contact with the older Izuku

*sigh* 'this is my mind and although there are still fragments of my old lives, they are only parts of me as memories so I just have to accept them and they should come and join me' Izuku thinks as he begins to shine and little by little all his other lives go to him

"Well Yoichi next time we will torture your brother in other ways" says red hood as he fades away

"See you Jason" Yoichi says as he cries with such force that he would humiliate the canon Izuku

Then all the fragments that make up Izuku's being that unconsciously survived vanish as they join the real Izuku.

"Ok, ok now if someone could tell me what the fuck is happening here" says Izuku while looking all one for all users

"Well, while you stole one for all we came to your mind that it was not only much stronger than any mind of the previous users but it was also divided into 4 parts and while we all watched this everyone went to one part and I went to hit my brother" says Yoichi calmer but also with a smile

"Oh and don't worry about me or the second and third user because we can understand you and although we like heroes and the heroic spirit we are from the old school and we know what the world is like and how necessary it is to kill unlike Batman who does not want to kill the joker nor any of her boyfriends" says Yoichi as he starts hitting his brother again

"But what the hell happened to Yoichi, he was always calm and relaxed," Banjo says.

As he stares in shock at his friend

"Well, he has always been like that, he only like in a more peaceful way because he accept his death but knowing he can torture his brother, has revived his spirit, oh and I introduce myself, my name is Yoshida Seiichi, I am the second user of the one for all and according to me, you qualify to occupy my quirk Gearshift: this quirk allows its user to alter the speed of anything it touches" says the second user while continuing to eat popcorn

"Well, we are not going to let you occupy our quirks and even if you want to do good, killing will not make you better than them" says Nana while the other users support her less the the bald guy

"You do know that all for one grants me authority over all the quirks within me so I don't care about your permission" says Izuku as he looks at the users indifferently as if he doesn't care what they plan to do

"Hey boy, I understand that we don't all get along but they're good people, just a little naive, so don't get so mad at them" says Seiichi as he takes a coke out of nowhere and starts drinking

"We are not naive and although we understand your anger since we have felt the same with all for one it will not get us anywhere" says Hikage

"Yeah well I don't need to debate with hypocrites who are willing to kill all for one because he was mean to you but don't be willing to kill villains like overhaul who were even worse than all for one for certain people" says Izuku as he walks towards Yoichi

So all but the first,second and third users look at it like it's the second coming of all for one and get very worried about what someone with that much power and that kind of mentality will do.

"So Midoriya from what I saw you are the reincarnation of multiple people right?" Yoichi says as a mentally broken all for one lies next to him.

"Well you could say that but what do you really want to get to" Izuku says noticing how Yoichi seems very happy for his answer

"You were trained by Batman right?" Says Yoichi with an increasingly rare twinkle in his eyes.

"I'd rather not talk about that racist" (A / N: Batman is technically racist according to canon and this is because he never kills humans but he has no problem with killing aliens or demons even if they are intelligent beings and emotionally equal to humans )

"So the multiverse is real and all the anime I've watched are real somewhere and maybe this world is an anime in another world, LET'S FUCKING GO!!" says Yoichi as happy as if he had received the news that he was not the father of his pregnant girlfriend's child

So Izuku starts to think, although he didn't see that many animes and he only knows a few, he knows that they have absurd things to be stronger like the shenron of dragon ball or the eyes of the Uchihas of Naruto.

"You know, Yoichi, I have a very good deal for you that might interest you" says Izuku as he smiles to himself.

"Oh yeah then what's the deal because I'm sorry to tell you I don't have anything to give you" says Yoichi as he looks at him with anticipation

"Well you know a lot about anime right?" says izuku

"Yes" says Yoichi

"Well while I got to this place I saw worlds of some anime but I didn't know them all, I only knew is a anime because at some point I saw their cover and despite the fact that with Alice we have data from some anime and series of your time due to all the chaos, almost no type of series or anime remained whole and this is because there were quirks that even completely erased them from the internet and not to mention the manga since nothing survived before being ashes. So you will help me when go to a world that I recognize and in exchange you will go in one of my clones that will look like you" says Izuku

"You have a deal, although I think it would be good if you let me go with the other users since we could not betray you and together we would work very well since spending so much time together head to head makes us even know how we breathe, so we could coordinate very good" says Yoichi

"You know, in all this time, I would appreciate it if you didn't ignore me and get me out of these cobwebs" says a bald guy with a black hat while Izuku realizes that he forgot about the guy because of everything that's happening

"ah wait what's happening in reality, shit, sorry guys but I have to go in a while I'm going to make you come back in the form of clones so wait a while" Izuku says as he concentrates on getting out of this place

~~~ In Izuku's mind after he left ~~~

"Yoichi I swear I thought you were more heroic and less villainous" says Nana pouting Yoichi

"Nana is not about being heroic or villain, it's about doing the right thing for a better future" says Yoichi showing an air of greater wisdom and not that of a psychotic otaku like before

"We already know all that speech and all that moral bullshit but can someone get me out of here, please" says the nameless bald man with a black cap already tired of being hung in cobwebs

~~~with Izuku in reality~~~

"Ugh" Izuku says as he realizes that he is in his bed with his whole body in perfect condition.

"Well, well, what happened while I'm was out Alice" Izuku says while yawning from the fatigue of fighting while occupying so many new powers (A/N: Izuku in canon could only correctly occupy up to 3 quirks at a time before getting used to more and that that he is a genius since he has an IQ of 150 and a person who have 130 IQ is a genius, and the original Izuku have more time to train with the quirks)

"Well sir I had to fight some heroes and order the death of one to save you even though it was a corrupt hero so it was better for the world kill him" Alice says as the door opens and Izuku sees Kaina with Eri

"You know you're too impulsive to be a genius" she says while Izuku notices that she looks a little stressed

"Izuku-ni chan look while you were sleeping I managed to read this story by myself without anyone's help" Eri says as she shows Izuku a children's book

"Well every day you get more smarter Eri, that's good and without a doubt one day you'll be smarter than me" says Izuku while he thinks it's time to prepare for the multiverse

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: I trie to have before ready the chapter but I missed a lot of time edited the mistakes of the before chapters and the edited of the befores chapters is only for the mistakes is not very different of the first version

A lot of people forgot the fact of Yoichi is canonically a person who born in 2000-2010