
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter eleven: endless broken worlds

Author notes: I write the title in four times because i didn't like the title but i can do it and please enjoy the chapters because is cost me a lot write this chapter

and please give me stones tomorrow, I want to be in the top of stones for 1 day please


~~~two days after the attack on Deika City~~~

"Alice, tell the president of the USA that if he wants him to extend his life even more, he must complete the plan to authorize the licenses for the use of Quirks for the public in this year" says Izuku as he sees a multiversal portal in front of him supported by multiple cables and types of energies

"Finally" Izuku whispers and takes a moment to appreciate the result of his hard work seeing the portal with infinite colors and paths that he can barely see a fraction of it due to all the perception quirks.

Then Izuku unconsciously drops a tear that reflects his pain, joy and desire to go and end all those beings that only nasty the multiverse as he has always dreamed of in recent years, so that no one else has to "clean" those worlds, so that no one else suffers for the mercy that is given to the sinner, for that no one else suffers so that the hero has a villain to make him shine and to save the helpless who die because the strong have decided that their battlefield will be their homes

"Alice it's time, activate mecha squad number 6.1, bring me the adaptation and regeneration serum and the SSS serum, also call Kaina" says Izuku as he watches the same portal that caused death and his rebirth being contained by his technology

Then Kaina walks into the room as he cautiously looks towards the portal "So what kind of fucking black hole did you create today Izuku?" Kaina says as she seems more used to the fact that Izuku keeps breaking whatever kind of common sense she ever had.

"Well that's not the most important thing, I was going to offer you to take some serums with permanent abilities, because if you decide to accompany me on this crazy journey you will need to be able to occupy the energies that the others worlds possesses" Izuku says as a floating stretcher arrives his side

"So what are these "sera" going to do?" says Kaina as she looks at them with curiosity and a hint of fear.

"The first will give you adaptation and regeneration, and the second will enhance all your physical aspects so that you can lift up to 1 or more tons" says Izuku as a robot made for these procedures arrives.

"It's fine, even if it doesn't go, they will be very useful, so what is the procedure like?" Says Kaina

"Well, leave everything to Alice, for you it will be like an eye blink, so if you want, get on the stretcher and do what Alice says" says Izuku

"Okay" Kaina says as she gets on the gurney "I'm already regretting it" Kaina says as the gurney goes to another room

"Good luck" Izuku says to kaina as 5 mechs arrive with 20 drones

"Well if my all blades have multiversal energy theoretically they could take me to another world but the problem is that it is too difficult to travel between worlds so unless I program it beforehand I prefer to use technology since I can end up on my little pony if I don't have careful so first we go with this squad through the portal while we select the center of the earth I'm on, if that will be useful before we see all the multiversal chaos" Izuku rambles as his mechas are placed in front of the portal

"Alice diverts the energy and looks for the center of this multiverse plane following the base and origin of this reality" says Izuku as an armor identical to the first one he wore arrives and was immediately placed on the floor.

"Well, it's time, vestiges emerge" says Izuku letting himself be consumed a bit in the darkness of the drama

While he says that, seven shadows come out of the while they take the form of smoke so that finally 7 people with peculiar costumes and different brightness come out.

"It feels good to breathe fresh air" Yoichi says as he stretches.

"Well then we're going to go to a variant of this world, right?" Nana asks as she stretches.

"Well, before you see that, you should know that you all currently have 40% of my strength" Izuku says as he walks towards the portal and stops 4 meters away.

"And it's somewhat risky to travel all separately so they will go inside me until we arrive" says Izuku While the vestiges wonder why I take them out if they have to return immediately to his mind but they return immediately anyway

"Alice activates the portal and in case I doesn't return in one week sends mecha squad number 1"

While saying those words, Izuku slowly walks with his fuses around him towards the portal while several of his sensory quirks go crazy as they feel thousands of dangers and energies coming from a very small part of the multiverse.

And then against all his instincts Izuku crossed the portal created from the same catastrophe that created he

As Izuku traveled he saw and felt multiple turbulences and energies penetrating the path he created to travel between the multiverse, so as a grown man with his new and improved all blades he was able to somehow cut? His influence, although it is not exactly that, but ignoring that, he managed to reach the other world, however, at the moment he arrived, he was devastated to see an entire city in ruins and dying people everywhere "what the hell happened here" Izuku says while noticing how one of his wicks lost an arm and only 3 wicks and 8 drones arrived with the

'Well this situation isn't as bad as it could be' Izuku thinks 'Alice is this place safe to take off my helmet?' Izuku asks Alice with one of his technopathic quirks 'is it safe sir'

"Okay," Izuku says as his helmet retracts into itself, compressing his neck.

"Alice checks on the internet what is happening and hacks if necessary to verify the information" says Izuku as he commands his mechs and drones to save the survivors with his technopathy quirks

"Go quickly and heal the survivors" Izuku tells the vestiges that appear again, and seeing the destruction they quickly understand the situation so the vestiges leave quickly without saying a word

Then Izuku multiplies and sends several clones to save people.

They will wonder, why did Izuku want to go without a mask even though it may be a risk? And it is because an unknown person with a robotic red helmet is not ideal to reassure someone especially with the catastrophe that seems to have happened in this place, and although it may not seem like it, Izuku likes the experience of seeing a new world with his own eyes

So without wasting time Izuku is going to save as many people as he can and using the combinations of healing quirks he can save people even on the verge of death (A/N: remember the boy who can heal even better than recovery girl from the movie two heroes)

"Wait, you're Deku but you're not him" says a strange girl with an imitation of an astronaut suit next to a frog girl

'They're wearing spandex so they're heroes' Izuku thinks 'Alice give me a summary of the information you've found so far'

'Yes sir, so far I have seen that he is quite similar to your world but all might has retired and all for one was able to let his successor grow, and the current bearer of one for all is an alternate version of you who is a student of hero' says Alice in Izuku's mind ending the mental conversation that lasted 2 seconds due to the speed of thought enhancement quirks

Izuku tells them without even looking at them because he is healing the people that his clones brought earlier with the portals "You don't know what your relationship is with this world's version of me and how you recognized me even though I must be very different, however You are not going to insult me ​​by calling me deku, since my version of this world lets you call it that is beyond me" says Izuku while wondering what the hell the Izuku of this world is doing when he shouldn't have less than 150 IQ 'does he have less IQ? ' Izuku wonders seriously.

"What?, I'm sorry I must have seemed a bit strange, let me introduce myself, I'm Uravity, a hero in training" says the girl, totally confused by what Izuku said, for what she simply believes is someone with mental problems, It's not entirely wrong, but it's not entirely correct either Izuku is a only person with mental problems

"Hello I'm Froppy a hero in training" says the frog girl

"You must have a very good healing quirk, but if you want to help even more we could take you to the wounded" says Ochako thinking that she found a good ally

'Why do I have to meet this destruction and girls on my first trip to another world?' Izuku thinks as he considers knocking them out for how annoyingly optimistic they sound.

But at that moment the two heroes-in-training saw purple portals so they immediately took defensive stances.

"It's interesting how the human being refuses to believe what he has in front of him, but it doesn't matter, you two are going to go save people somewhere else and forget that this happened" says Izuku occupying multiple memory manipulation quirks

'Sir, you should know that from what I have seen in this world, no one has stopped all for one's plans and what you most feared would happen in your world is happening here, including the fact that people are worshiping villains and those murderers who they kill unjustifiably' says Alice

'I must kill those who are in prison before they escape but that will cause chaos, I know, I will present myself as a deity who came for all for one because he stole a part of my powers and the vestiges will be souls who agreed to serve me after dying or some shit like that, if that worked after all my great physical condition already improves the quirks of all for one and one for all has grown a lot since it's in my body it's like my body adapts to one for all and one for there to the natural strength of my body'

~~~half an hour later~~~

"W-who are you?" Says one of the civilians after he has thousands of them waking up after curing them "don't question it, thank you sir for saving us" says another person while she prostrates herself

"Who I am does not matter but your mission and one of the reasons why I save you is so that you announce to the world that I come to recover a small part of my power that an unfortunate mortal assimilated with him, so announce to the world the destiny of All for one and Tomura Shigaraki is sealed" says a being floating with clones of him who join him through a strange show of lights and darkness 'shit I want to kill myself for God, I swear Alice I'm going to look for a skill or magic in the multiverse to eliminate my memories of this, luckily I didn't bring Kaina or she would have made fun of this all her life' thinks Izuku wanting to lock himself in a room to watch television with a pizza and a coke~cola

Then the being that seems like a deity to people who is actually dying inside due to what he is doing and the shame that it causes him disappears while multiple rays go towards him and later the whole sky clears up as if it were a day anyone 'finally, occupying so many quirks so that the heroes ignore me is exhausting' Izuku thinks appearing on the outskirts of Tartarus "it's going to be more difficult to raid it without an army of robots like before" Izuku reflects looking at the prison

Then some portals appear behind the one from which their robots and the vestiges come out.

"Well guys" Izuku spoke looking at his vestiges seriously "we are going to raid Tartar and you vestiges are going to have to act as if I were some kind of divine being and you serve me because I found your lives interesting" Izuku finishes speaking while some of them they don't care and others look at him as if they fear his madness while Yoichi makes himself an armor while kneeling and says "accept my loyalty god of darkness"

"If you do something else like this Yoichi for a week I won't let you torture your brother" Izuku says as he stares at him

"And I know it sounds like I'm crazy but it's the only way the world isn't in so much chaos, so people see that experimenting so much with the quirks and getting to the point that the league of villains is coming is wrong but so that don't idolize the heroes I'm going to kill some while Alice leaves a copy of her to lead the world to a better place" and with that explanation the vestiges look at him with more sympathetic looks

"But there are no better ways" says the vestigial number three that I do not want to name

"Script needs" Izuku replies as everyone looks at him with blank eyes.








"Don't stay like that, but we have to wait for Tomura to arrive, since from what I've seen thanks to the all for one quirk, I know he's coming now"

"Well my lord but while we wait you want to hear an idea I have" says Yoichi

*sigh* "well Yoichi what idea do you have now" Izuku says internally swearing to hit him if he does something stupid again

"Now you know that you can travel through the multiverse, I was going to tell you if you could look for the world of Jujutso Kaisen, because they have cursed energy capable of healing or doing damage, and you could even make barriers to isolate battles and the most important thing is that they have domains which is literally making a whole area the image of your soul and since we vestiges are parts of united souls maybe we could have a joint expansion and you could have an expansion with four effects or something because you are the fusion from various people" says Yoichi

"You know it's not a bad idea but how strong are those people" Izuku says as he considers the idea

"Well the strongest have domains that give you infinite information which makes anyone collapse, normal people if they are 0.2 seconds suffer a coma and others have a domain that takes you to a place as hot as the sun" says Yoichi as he occupies some of the quirks of the Izuku clone in which he is to remember better

"It sounds very dangerous, let's go when we're stronger" says Izuku

"It's true, but if you master domain expansion, you could do it quickly with all your intelligence, it wouldn't be so problematic, and in that world there are many tragedies and people who commit genocide just because they don't want to achieve their goal, look, see my memories," Yoichi says. "

Then Izuku sees Yoichi's memories but when he sees Sukuna's laughter he feels a deep hatred for him, feeling the need to go and torture him so that he feels the pain he has caused, so that he feels the flames of hell that he spreads for fun and dies. promises that even if it takes a while he will destroy all curses except those that aren't exactly evil like Choso


"Well, well, look what we have here, garbage going to release garbage" Izuku says as he looks with disgust at Tomura and the nomus he leads.

"If you want, just kill the nomus but if you try to stop me by killing the prisoners you will be the first to die" warns Izuku to the vestiges

"Now it's time to kill the same bastards again in their different versions" says Izuku while Alice hacks the entire system and Izuku with the vestiges fly towards the prison to join the whole fight

Then they all land while smashing nomus and Izuku stares at tomura [new order: I have an aura of godhood around me] [new order: the all for one quirk is unable to steal from me] Izuku whispers in such a way that no one hears him

"Tomura Shigaraki you will be judged for your sins by the God of death Yamraj"

"And that you think you are a god and I thought that the heroes were stupid" says Tomura / all for one

"I'm not a god, I'm just one of his subordinates and my servants" Izuku says that he would rather burn alive than be doing this

Then Tomura/all for one launches towards Izuku while trying to disintegrate him but Izuku activates [eraser] and when Tomura/all for one touches him and nothing happens he is surprised but tries to steal the quirk he is using with all for one but discovers that he can't do anything so he tries to get away quickly but Izuku grabs him by the wrist of his right hand and takes all for one to steal all the quirks that this version of all for one has although Izuku is disappointed to only feel a few differences then with multiple fire quirks it forms a black flame that completely burns Tomura/all for one

Then he looks around and sees the vestiges fighting against the nomus but each one fights in a different way despite the fact that they are practically the same with the only thing that the quirks they occupy are weaker, however he is surprised to see Yoichi dodge the blows of a high-level nomu and then cut it with a sword that produces blue fire preventing it from regenerating but is even more surprised when he sees how Yoichi had destabilized the ground so that the nomu falls into the sea and then takes up several charge quirks instantly killing another high level nomu 'his spirit is stronger than it seems, he is using at least 8 active quirks and 10 passive which is less than half of what I can currently use but unlike me he has a lot more years alive even if it is a vestige' sees Izuku in Yoichi

Then Izuku flies with an emotionless face while all the doors open allowing him to move forward without problems 'Alice controls the system so that it kills all the prisoners who deserve to die' Izuku orders Alice as he goes to the cell of all for one' and it also frees those who are unjustly imprisoned' Izuku finishes as he reaches the all for one cell "how do you do everything what do you do?" asks an all for one clearly puzzled by what is happening

"These are the consequences of your actions, it's as simple as that" says Izuku knowing that Yoichi and the vestiges are going to enjoy torturing an all for one that is not mentally broken

~~~End of the chapter~~~

Author notes:It took me a long time to write this chapter so I hope you like it and although many may want more fights it is necessary to have a separate chapter like this the mc already has jjk in his sights so those battles will not be so easy especially with the mc he will want killing all the strongest curses and Jogo would be a challenge to defeat by mc