
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter sixteen: “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”

Author notes: I write this with one day without sleep and i can't sleep because I need doing something but I wanna sleep and write but I wanna more sleep

Enjoy the chapter and tell me about what do you think about the story, the comments are appreciated

for the people who don't know about Jujutsu Kaisen: 

The classification in jjk is somewhat strange but I will say it below but so that you take into account a sorcerer of the same grade that a curse should be stronger than the curse, for example Gojo is in the same category as Mahito and Jogo but he can fight with them as if they were children, although this is still because Gojo is the strongest sorcerer and other special grade sorcerers could have a little more problems, although they should still win. The classification is:

4th grade: they can be defeated with normal weapons such as a sword or bat (with curses it does not work since they can only die from cursed energy)

3 grade: you can treat it with a gun

2nd grade: It is difficult but you might have a chance with a shotgun or weapons of that style

1 grade: a war tank would not be enough

Special grade: only a bombardment like this would have the entire area a chance, although it can be seen that the special grades can destroy cities while fighting and not only that, each of the 4 special grade sorcerers can defeat a country alone.


~~~1 day before the Shibuya Incident~~~


"Not bad for only a few days of training," says Gojo Satoru after Izuku deflects the attack from him only with the Falling Blossom Emotion technique.

"Yes, however, every time I try to use what would be my damn technique, my whole being rejects it," says Izuku, slightly annoyed.

"Well this seems to be a problem that you have to solve yourself and the only advice I can give you is to give in to your inner sorcerer" says Gojo, pretending to be wise.

"Fuck your bullshit sayings," Izuku says as he walks back to his temporary quarters.

As Izuku leaves he sees how the first year students look at him as if he were a monster.

Then Izuku, tired of pretending that he didn't notice that they were atoning for him while he was training with Gojo, tells them "bags of hormones, stop hiding like bugs" visibly bothering Nobara.

"What are you talking about, bastard, if you are also our age," Nobara replies while Itadori tries to restrain her.

"And why are they so surprised and curious to see our training" Izuku says as he wonders if he is socializing correctly.

"It's not obvious," says Itadori.

"What do you mean?" Izuku says curiously.

"Well according to Fushiguro and also from what I see you have even more cursed energy than Gojo-sensei and these days you have mastered advanced techniques that only second years know, honestly I'm a little jealous I also want powers that don't work with cursed energy, But Sukuna hasn't given me any of that, just problems," says Itadori.

"Oh, it's true that they think I got my curse skills out of it, but Yuji Itadori, you are a great candidate for the group I plan to create, so as a symbol of trust and so that you can see that unlike other groups, I just want to help the world," he says. Izuku while everyone looks at him with curious eyes full of doubts, since generally what Izuku says would mean that someone wants to recruit him for a crazy sect "but first tell me, what would you prefer, regeneration or being able to fly?" Izuku asks while inside he hopes that after the Shibuya incident he can recruit all the sorcerers he plans to recruit after all Alice already has names and addresses of all the people he wants to meet and all the people he plans to kill

Itadori makes a thoughtful face, thinking if he is going to give him some kind of strange technology, "well, flying has its advantages and could be very useful for fighting, but the most necessary thing would be regeneration since there are attacks that I simply cannot dodge and it would increase my abilities much more and with that I have more chances of survival in a battle" says Itadori as if he had discovered the cure for cancer

"Okay, but remember what I told you Itadori because when more you see the world of sorcery you more will understand me" says Izuku as he gives him a futuristic looking phone and touches him on the shoulder to finally walk away.

"That guy is weird," says Fushiguro and Nobara nods, but Sukuna is one of the few who understands the weight of what Izuku does and he wonders why someone so intelligent would show his abilities openly.

~~~30 minutes before the Shibuya Incident~~~

At the top of a building you can see a black dome in the distance that seems to engulf the entire city while a conversation begins between the 2 people who are in this place.

"Well, well, I see that you were right Izuku~" Gojo says while having his characteristic smile but deep down he is totally serious and ready to make a massacre if necessary after all he knows that no matter what happens this battle will change the current state of the world, after all the plan that Izuku has, is going to expose the sorcerers yes or yes

"Are you sure your friend should act as a sniper, after all, although she has learned the basics quite well and could be qualified as a third or second grade sorcerer, that still wouldn't be enough to be present, or is it because she is special like you~" he says Gojo half joking and half serious, because he knows that a power that does not require cursed energy is a powerful weapon that the entire world of sorcery would covet.

"Don't worry about her, she should be fine," Izuku says seemingly unconcerned, but the truth couldn't be further away.

"But you know that no matter how much you try to save everyone, you won't always be able to and you have to accept that," Gojo says dramatically.

"Just shut up old man, I'm not that naive," says Izuku.

"Yes, yes, but tell me about what you want to do after this, after all I would like to know what you plan to do with Mechamaru and about that proposal you gave to Itadori~" Gojo says mockingly. 

"Anyway I was going to tell you after everything I want to do is like a wet dream for you" Izuku says.

"Wow, now you hooked me, however, even though I know your abilities and I haven't asked you much about them due to our current situation, I need you to confirm, are you sure you can make them not notice you and deceive all the curses while I fight with them?" Gojo says

"The truth is that I'm only 60% sure, because my illusions don't contain cursed energy to fool them, but I can alter their perception to a certain extent so it should work, I think," says Izuku.

"Well, I guess you should start taking people out and I'll go in a little while," says Gojo.

"Wait, remember that you should not kill the curse that has the blood control technique," ​​says Izuku.

"Yes, if I'm not so impulsive after all you said I could be a great ally, right?" Gojo says as he lets himself fall from the building to walk slowly towards the Shibuya curtain.

*sigh* "just don't trust yourself Gojo" Izuku says while using [premonition] on himself 'they have 10 Sukuna fingers plus 1 that those girls have, just great' Izuku thinks "well it's not like everything is going to go so wrong " Izuku whispers to himself.

Then he prepares for the first time to reach the limit of the power of his quirks [gearshift x2][one for all: 100%][hologram] [perception control x4][light control x3] [perception enhancement x5][warp gate x2] [new order: my cursed energy will not leave residue][new order: my presence is much more difficult to note][invisibility][presence control x2][amplified power x4][dash x3] [wave absorption x6 ] [mitigation x6]

And then with that Izuku breaks the sound barrier reaching beyond Mach 10 however no one notices anything because he used absorption and mitigation so that no trace of him remains.

~~~In the Shibuya curtain~~~

"Look for Satoru Gojo!" A person shouts, confused by what is happening.

"There, they say he is the one" a person points a finger at Gojo.

"Why it's Satoru Gojo?" asks another person visibly with

Then Gojo prepares to go towards the curses while walking through people's heads, although this time you can notice how the strongest sorcerer does not have his arrogant smile, there is not even a hint of the funny teacher left, no, now he is the user of the six eyes, the sorcerer who keeps the world in order and the madman who establishes order: Gojo Satoru

~~~With Izuku 20 minutes before~~~

Slow, everything is slow but when you go beyond what it thinks is Mach 20 everything is slow 'I must hurry I'm starting to feel dizzy although I should be able to adapt in a while'

Then Izuku goes around Shibuya to take out all the people with [warp gate] while he leaves clones of themselves that maintain the illusion that no one is gone.

Then as he speeds by he sees Mahito with another curse 'so now he's going to start modifying humans' Izuku thinks as he leaves a clone and continues taking out everyone as long as he can.

"Well my damn friend you can guard the barrier with all your intelligence, right?" Mahito asks a grasshopper-like curse.

"Of course, I'm a genius and I'm going to protect him like a genius!!" Answer the curse

"Well then let's leave some obstacles for our friends, I hope you see this Itadori" says Mahito but before he can go towards the people (illusions) a fist in the face throws him against the wall


"There is an enemy!!" He shouts the grasshopper curse upon seeing Izuku's clone and prepares to try to attack.

"Stupid," the Izuku clone simply says, making the curse freeze and look at him with hatred and confusion.

"WHAT, I AM-" the curse suddenly stands still and looks like a puppet

'Interesting you seem to fall for the effect the same but he required more energy than a normal person despite being dumber' thinks Izuku's clone as he accumulates the energy that he has passively absorbed since he came to this world.

[semi-cursed technique: release 7%] and activating this original technique a ball compressed perfectly into a ball flies at speeds that break the sound barrier to kill the curse in one hit

*splash* It sounds, leaving only the grotesque scene of what is half of the curse's body while large amounts of blood and what look like organs so grotesque that they would only come from a monster straight from hell spread throughout the room, leaving a stench of blood and death that even the dumbest animal would run away because its instincts would tell it that the hunter is close….and you don't want to be his prey.

"Wh-who are you" says a surprised Mahito as he assesses the situation and tries to figure out how to escape or negotiate.

Izuku's clone just looks at him and thinks 'I wonder if he can fall into Shinso's quirk like the other Curse' "you're Mahito right?" Asks Izuku's clone to fulfill the conditions of the quirk

"That's right-" Mahito can't finish speaking and freezes completely as if he were a puppet that lost its strings.

"Walk towards me slowly" says Izuku's clone as he prepares to kill him but just after Mahito's first step Izuku's clone realizes that he somehow freed himself 'it must be because of his own technique or because it is a 'special grade curse and has more mental strength' concludes Izuku's clone as he dodges Mahito's attack and hits him in the face with cursed energy using [dash] plus his own physical strength throwing Mahito towards the same wall as Only this time he flies further, however Mahito is not going to give up just like that, he is going to fight, escape, kill or use children if necessary to live after all that is the destiny that he accepted and want to continue

Then in mid-air Mahito recovers and quickly dodges a kick from Izuku, retreating while crouching and using his cursed technique, he sends several spikes of people to attack Izuku's clone from all sides but he only teleports behind Mahito where he destroys everything that Mahito generated with [decay] + [cursed energy] upon witnessing everything Izuku does, Mahito decides to go for a kick that by pure miracle manages to be a black flash pushing Izuku by 2 meters

"Hahaha!!!!!, I can still improve" Mahito shouts, invaded by the ecstasy of being able to achieve a black flash Mahito quickly recovers and creates some curses from humans to attack Izuku but just at that moment everything freezes, seeming as if death itself declares that this is the end

Mahito quickly tries to escape but then sees his body bathed in blood and headless while all the humanoid curses he had made are nothing more than grotesque pools of blood than they once were.

And in the last moment of his life Mahito desperately tries to change his body to survive but the only thing she achieves is to extend his life a little to feel the fire of hell consume his life in such a painful way that he regrets not having died sooner

"So that was a black flash, it was worth fighting with you, now thanks to [imitation] and [redo] I can do a black flash at will" says the Izuku clone

Then Izuku's clone creates figures identical to what Mahito did with his technique and then changes his appearance to that of Mahito 'just wait Kenjaku, soon you will see the potential of the cursed energy in your face' thinks Izuku's clone and Izuku since were connected

~~~10 minutes later with Gojo~~~

"If I run away… they will kill all the people here, right?" Gojo says while he is standing in front of the three curses.

"If you run away? The answer for that... is that we will kill them anyway even if you don't run away" says the curse that looks like a dwarf fused with a volcano.

'This would be a bit annoying if I didn't know that they were illusions or creations of Izuku thanks to the six eyes' Gojo thinks.

Choso then attacks Gojo with a blood attack that "kills" the civilians while he reaches Gojo but Gojo simply deflects it as if it were nothing.

Then Jogo and Hanami arrive, each trying to hit Gojo from one side each while saying "[territorial expansion]" but Gojo is not surprised or retreats but appears behind Hanami while attacking him with a blow of cursed energy, throwing him towards a wall 'It would be a little more annoying if Izuku hadn't warned me about this' think Gojo

Jogo realizing the situation of his partner runs towards Gojo trying to attack him but then Gojo blocks him and sends Jogo flying with a kick.

Gojo runs after Jogo but then Hanami arrives and tries to attack him with his fist in the face so Gojo blocks it but is forced to dodge by crouching to the left due to an attack that looks like a blood bullet.

Gojo hits Hanami with a punch from the bottom up, but Jogo arrives and tries to hit him but Gojo simply deflects his attack with one hand to kick him again but this time he kicks him in the face.

"HANAMI DON'T LEAVE THE EXPANSION!!" Jogo shouts at him when he realizes what is going to happen and then in an instant Gojo approaches Hanami and tears out his "eyes" and then throws a [red] at him to "exorcise" him once and for all.

"Are you really that stupid to believe that you will defeat me??" Gojo says, then Jogo and Choso feel the pressure of death on their shoulders 'the one who manipulates the blood is the one Izuku wanted alive' Gojo thinks

"Well, don't worry, it will soon be your turn," says Gojo while, unlike the curses, who are very focused on the fight, they do not realize that Izuku is right there waiting for the moment in which he has to act while his body begs to release the power he has accumulated 'just one more moment' thinks Izuku as he struggles to find Kenjaku

"Do something Choso!!!" Jogo shouts as he can barely survive Gojo's attacks.

"What's happening? Don't tell me you already understood that you are just another regular special grade curse?" Gojo tells Jogo, while he is getting more nervous and fearful every second, 'This shouldn't be happening and although a lot of infestations have died, he doesn't care,' Jogo thinks before the battle continues.

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: I update the chapter in the plane and for that is probably in the night I update the data about the characters and enjoy the chapters