
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter fifteen: the arc training without training?

Author notes: Thank you for the comments and enjoy the chapter and remember if there is something you don't understand, just ask in the comments and I will do my best to respond and if you see any errors in my writing, I would appreciate it if you pointed them out.

I wonder if anyone believed that Izuku was going to have his R-18, sorry but no for the moment


"Well, Izuku, who would have thought that someone like you would have the ability to create beds?" says Gojo while he sees the shock on his students' faces at such an event.

"Oh yeah, and adults leave, we have to talk in private~" Gojo tells his students.

"I don't know what's going on here, but I hope we get along well, and even though my friend seems rude, she's a good person," Itadori says with a smile as he leaves with his companions.

"It was just a little joke but for them to be so serious is something else" says Izuku as he sits in a chair that to most would seem like he created it out of thin air.

"Well, what do you want to talk about, Mr. Mad Scientist~" says Gojo.

"Why everyone whenever they see the technology that I create calls me a mad scientist, I say, you can't say or invent something more original or some other shit" Izuku says slightly annoyed

"Well, Mmmhhh...no," says Gojo.

"You know what, fuck off. you fucking psychopath wizards," Izuku tells Gojo.

"Well, well, what is your big plan for the attack on Shibuya and even if they can kill some people they shouldn't succeed in sealing me" Gojo says arrogantly not knowing that kenjaku occupies Geto's body

"Well first of all if they would succeed because you would never think that Kenjaku is in Geto's body and when you see it you will be shocked" Izuku says making Gojo shocked for a moment

Upon hearing this, Gojo becomes serious to hide his emotions. "Well, you seem to know more than you say, but I'm going to listen to your plan," Gojo says.

"Well what we will do will be simple, first you will go to Shibuya as if you didn't know anything about the plan to seal you and you will fight as you normally would but before innocents die I will get all the people out of there and I will place a illusion so that the curses do not notice it but the moment Kenjaku arrives I am going to teleport Choso to fight with Itadori while we wait for them to realize that they are brothers and not kill each other, while we will leave the other sorcerers take care of the other sorcerers who are with the curses and the other curses, and I will take care of a certain special grade curse with my friend so while I exorcise it you will have to fight them all alone and then I will help you to May we finally put an end to the king of chaos, Kenjaku," says Izuku.

"Isn't that all true?" Gojo says

"Yes, I'm going to have to ask you to teach me and my friend the Simple Domain and Falling Blossom Emotion" says Izuku.

"You know, if you wanted to know the simple domain, it wouldn't be so complicated for me, but Falling Blossom Emotion is a technique that, if I taught it, could harm me," says Gojo.

"Yes, and you also know that thanks to me you will not fall into a trap that would make you powerless while all the sorcerers fight for their lives," says Izuku, looking at Gojo more coldly.

"Now, for God, why are you getting so serious? "I never cared about the problems with the higher-ups anyway, it was just a joke," says Gojo.

"Yeah sure, see you tomorrow drama king" says Izuku as he waves his hand making a sign for him to leave.

"Well, see you tomorrow, king of fools," says Gojo while Izuku closes the door and ignores everything Gojo says.

Then Izuku walks towards the door that leads to the bathroom of the room and says "Hey Kaina, don't be so angry if I already built another bed."

"Shut up and let me take a shower while I deal with the shitty world you've put me in," Kaina says in a slightly annoyed voice.

"For God, woman it was just a joke, don't be so serious, oh wait, you got your period, I'm sorry, I didn't know that," says Izuku, happy to be able to make fun of Kaina.

"FUCK YOU IZUKU MIDORIYA" Kaina yells at him

"Tomorrow we have to get up early so good night" says Izuku as he ignores Kaina and goes to sleep (improving his control over his cursed energy) like a little angel.

~~~8 days before the Shibuya incident~~~

In the forest of the wizard school you can see three people talking normally but their conversation is anything but not normal.

"Well first of all I can see that your control has improved over your cursed energy and although your friend is worse than you at controlling cursed energy in this short time she has improved a little so in a few days maybe I can teach her the basics things about the cursed energy but you already seem to have mastered the basics things about the cursed energy" says Gojo smiling but inside he is thoughtful about this 'his control is not at the level of the six eyes but he can reach this if he trains for longer, how interesting'

"Well, you can teach me the simple domain first," Izuku tells him.

"Okay, calm down my new student in a moment, but first for your nameless friend who has a lot of control over the cursed energy however makes a mistake that all newbies make" says Gojo while he covers his face with a hand dramatically

Then Gojo points his finger at Kaina while her back leans back and says "you see the cursed energy as a power or ability but what you don't see is that, to control the cursed energy in the best way you have to see that energy as your emotions not like a power you can domain is more like control your emotions and his volatility"

"So you must try to control your cursed energy as if you were trying to control your joy upon finding out that your mother did not sell your sister for money but rather that she was stolen and money was given to your mother so that so for that your father believes that of your mother sold her and that's why they would fight and for that, revealing during the fight the secret that in reality your mother was an alien worm all your life, although you wouldn't understand it like I do, after all you haven't lived it," says Gojo.

"But then why do you say that *sigh* and you're supposed to be the best with the cursed energy and you look like a hippie who just received his salary" says Kaina looking at Gojo as if he were a monkey with white hair

"You know, I changed my mind, first give me what you smoke and then teach me the techniques," says Izuku.

"Oh well I have a little left over here" says Gojo as he feeds Izuku grass.


~~~a few hours of training arc later~~~

"Alice writes the following in jjk's cursed techniques file: the simple domain has the potential to be a technique that every swordsman would dream of having, however the smaller the simple domain the easier and faster it can be used, in the first day I could only generate a simple domain of a radius of 1.2 meters (3.93701 foot) and it was quite unstable although I could notice its effects and I did not use quirks to control my emotions so, if in theory I used a quirk like that it could be much easier but it would limit your potential so it is better to build a good base on the technique and then take it to another level with quirks or another technique, be it magic or mutations" says Izuku who after training was able to feel more mental fatigue than when the vestiges arrived

"It's ready sir, however I must also inform you that the mechas have already been updated to be able to see the cursed energy to be able to identify the curses, however here I do not have the necessary materials to create technology that can kill curses" says Alice

"Yeah, if it's not urgent after all it's not like we exactly need more firepower" says Izuku.

"I must also inform you that Itadori, Muta and a panda are looking the robots with great interest," says Alice.

"Okay, but as long as they don't do something strange to them, it's fine, and tell them through the mecha to Muta that I need to talk to him," says Izuku.

"Yes sir," Alice answers.

~~~with Muta, Itadori and Panda~~~

"Hey Mechamaru, what do you know about the guy Gojo-sensei was interested in?" Itadori asks

"The only thing I can say with certainty is that he must have been planning this a long time in advance and luckily for us he seems to have a grudge with curses" says Mechamaru while wondering if his technique can control the mechas but without daring to try it

"He sounds like a good sorcerer," says panda.

"That's the problem, he's not a sorcerer and I bet that his cursed energy is an experiment that he himself has been creating for years and not only that but these mechas from what I see are at least twice as strong as my puppet that fought with you panda" says Mechamaru

Panda and Itadori make surprised faces as they look at each other "ehh Mechamaru I didn't understand much but you're saying that without anything more than pure technology the guy has gotten here, right?" Itadori says

"So it seems," Mechamaru responds.

"But how would someone acquire so much cursed energy with just one experiment, because even though he could force his cursed energy awakening, he shouldn't reach that amount of cursed energy, right?" Panda says

"I'm not sure but I do know that if someone could absorb some curse and assimilate it with their body maybe they could increase their amount of cursed energy like Itadori with Sukuna, and this could partially explain his abilities but there are still many things that don't add up" he says. Mechamaru

"Mmhh, I don't understand most of it but he seems like a good person although I don't know what kind of skills he got from the curses to create a bed" Itadori says, half confused by everything.

"Wait, he created a bed?" Mechamaru says slightly confused.

"Oh, that's the cursed energy-free ability he has, isn't it?" Itadori says as Panda struggles to know what he is going through.

"No, it's not exactly that, I thought he had something to manipulate perspective or something about space that allows him to make illusions that can become tangible since he crossed a curtain without problems and took me out of it, leaving a fake corpse in less than 2 seconds, but if so his abilities go beyond simple creation, it could be something to manipulate matter or the perception of it but that would still occupy cursed energy which he does not occupy or perhaps when his abilities occupy his energy Damn it becomes imperceptible, you couldn't have such fine control not even the six eyes could and occupy more techniques while performing a technique of such complexity would fry your brain" says Mechamaru

"Interesting deduction, Mr. Muta, however, I must inform you that my creator wishes to meet with you," says Alice through the mecha.

Everyone is very surprised to hear what the mecha says, especially Itadori since he doesn't know that much about technology "a ghost has possessed the robot, Mechamaru-san, exorcise it" Itadori says as they walk away with panda

"Idiots is an AI" says Mechamaru while he thinks 'if I create technology at this level its AI must be super advanced even more than the one that creates in my Ultimate Mechamaru: absolute mode'

"See you guys" says Mechamaru

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Itadori asks.

"Well, don't worry, it's not like he's going to kidnap or kill me. After all, he wants Gojo to teach him the emotion of fallen petals and if he wanted to kill me, he would already be dead," says Mechamaru.

"Well then, see you" Itadori and panda say as they leave

*sigh* 'I told them not to worry but someone with so many mysterious abilities and unknowns can't be good news and I'm sure he has his own plan that he hasn't shared' Mechamaru thinks as he walks towards where Izuku is.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Go ahead, Muta," Izuku says with a strange kindness, which only makes Mechamaru more nervous.

"Well, I would prefer if you called me Mechamaru like everyone else," Mechamaru says, trying to see if Izuku would get angry at something like this.

"Yes, no problem," says Izuku while Mechamaru still cannot read Izuku's intentions.

"And although I understand that we humans fear what we do not understand, you must understand that under no circumstances do I want to fight with you, on the contrary, your talents impress me and although for many you may have potential, for me you are a perfect ally, so I propose a deal Mechamaru and although I will not give you all the details at this time if you accept let me tell you that you will be part of what I plan to create and you will be able to grow much more than you imagined and don't worry what I plan to do can be considered something "good" and you will never I will take away your freedom so you can enjoy the time with you friends" Izuku says with a smile while

In Mechamaru's mind there are a thousand thoughts per second but these can be summarized very simply, for him this is a golden opportunity or too good to be true and the most important thing is that he was right this guy not only wants to save lives from the incident of Shibuya but it is very likely that he also plans to take over the world of sorcerers and curses, which may be good or bad but if Gojo Satoru is teaching him it is because he trusts that Izuku can be good for the future so Mechamaru decided to bet

"Yes I accept….I have a salary?" Mechamaru asks

"If you want a building as an extra payment, you can have it," Izuku says with a smile.

~~~End of the chapter~~~


Author notes: The chapter that I will wait for in case the 60 stones are completed I will do it on Friday since I have a 10 hour trip from 12:00 AM so I managed to do two chapters or more chapters on the trip and…. I am the most happy person of latinoamerica now because I can study in USA the next weeken and for that I am moving to USA, but that's is not good notice for this story and for that is probably is go to be more irregular updates but I'm going to continue writing