
Multiversal Simulator

A story of a Guy that can travel through the vast Multiverse for an unknown reason. But... unlike the usual troupe. He doesn't have a System. He met no God or Goddess. No Karma Base Wishes. He doesn't even know what kind of World he's in. In short, No Golden Fingers. How would he survive? That's the thing. No one really knows... __________________________________________________

Socksniffer · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 30

AN: Fool. You thought this was dropped?

I was just busy with life.


When I woke up from my unconscious state, I immediately saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

Now at that very moment, the first thing that came to my mind is... obviously the most common thing that any normal person would think in this kind of situation.

I died and got transported to another anime world again. Probably.

Well at the very least, for me that's the most common thing. But I was immediately slapped in the face by reality cause I quickly realized that what im thinking was probably not the case this time.

Cause as I was laying down on what felt like a bed, I realized that someone is staring at my extremely good-looking face throughout the whole time I'm pondering. And for some weird reason, to me, she looks extremely familiar.

It didn't take me that long to figure out why that was the case.

Cause she's the same cute girl that "Saved" me back then at the end of my fight against One.

So, since there's probably no way she could come with me as I get isekai in another universe, then the only plausible idea here is that I didn't die and I am still in Darwin's game world.

Which begs the question as to how they managed to save me from that guaranteed-death state of mine anyway and, if it turns out that they can somehow do that, then why would they save me in the first place?

I tried feeling my hands and I feel no cuffs, so it's probably not kidnapping. I also feel comfortable, so it's probably not a torture interrogation situation.

Plus, I don't remember meeting the people I'm seeing right now cause looking around the room I was in, it seems that other than this cute girl, there seem to be other people as well. A cliche smart-looking guy with glasses, and the edgy dude that I also saw together with the cute girl back then when I was... probably saved.

So I just don't understand why I am in the place I am currently in and why did I just experience what I just experienced. Surely it can't be a "just cause" scenario. There's gotta be a reason behind it.

A reason that I probably have no way to know. At least not now.

"You're finally awake."

After a couple of seconds of the not-so-awkward staring contest, one of the three people that I'm in with, the cute girl, finally decided to speak to me.

"I am. How long was I out?" I replied to them in my most nonchalant tone as I sit up from the bed.

At the same time, I also asked them one of the few things I needed to know quickly in order to get my situation straight.

"... At least an hour." To which, the glasses-wearing guy answered quickly without fooling around.

Thankfully, with the information he gave me, I managed to confirm that I really am still in Darwin's game world. That's one question down.

Wait. Now that I think about it, I am still wearing my mask. Did they not take it off while they were treating me? Or they did but... decided to just put it back to make it not more obvious.

"No worries, we did not take it off nor took a peek. We respect your privacy."

Noticing my worries, as if reading my mind scaringly accurately, the glasses guy spoke again, reassuring me. Though I don't fully believe that, I chose to just accept it for now as I need to check out something that is more important here. Something I immediately noticed right after gaining consciousness.

It's my arm. I can feel both of them. Which in my perspective, is understandably weird cause the last thing I know, one of them was surely severed by One mid-fight.

Now how in the world...

"My sigil allowed me to do that. You're welcome." Not even allowing me to formulate the question in my head, the Glasses guy gave me the answer already... again.

I'm starting to think that this guy can probably read minds. Or probably not, but just in case, I'll start thinking about dogs eating sh*t close up in camera to make him leave my head. I just hope he's not into that kind of thing though.

In any case...

"Your sigil huh? So you're like a healer or something?" I asked the question out loud while I started checking my supposed-to-be severed arm, just to see if there was any problem with it.

Can't blame me. They might have done something wrong and attached it back to me the opposite way. Cause that would be horrible.

Jerking off sideways is the last thing I would want to do in my life.

"Close. It's, pretty complicated to explain. It's like Time manipulation. Let's leave it at that."

Now, upon hearing those words from him, time manipulation, my body paused all of a sudden. All the things that I've been doing right now immediately halted as my brain started processing those words to its maximum.

They didn't notice what I did though since this act of mine didn't last for long as a couple of seconds later, the moment my mind seemingly finishes its thought processing, my hand immediately moved.

I pointed it directly to the glasses guy. And before anyone could even react...

"[ Ice Thorn ]"

A spike made of ice was suddenly launched toward him.


Greatly surprising the other two I'm in within this room.



Obviously, given how the three of them were seemingly friends, the moment the other two finally realized what happened, they started shouting at me looking oh so furious.

They were about to attack me as they started whipping something out of their pockets... I don't know what it is but given their intent, it's probably a weapon. Though before any of them could even do that, they paused.

"Relax. The guy is fine."

They paused and got confused when they heard my words. Obviously, they immediately realized what I was talking about.

Following my line of sight, they saw that the Glasses guy, who they thought I harmed, was unharmed at all. He just fell towards the floor dramatically cause he got surprised. The Ice spike I sent, didn't even grace him. Well, it pieced the head of the anime character on the poster behind him.

In any case, I know that these guys are still angry about what I did. I understand that.

"... Sorry, I just wanted to confirm something," That's why I immediately, sincerely, apologized for it.

Though it seems that it was not appreciated cause all of them are still looking at me with frowned faces. Which made me chuckle and shake my head for a little bit.

"Look, I did not miss. If my intention was to kill him, it would happen with no fail." I said while pointing at the anime poster that has the character in it, pierced by my ice thorn spell. Clearly showing that my accuracy is on point.

Thankfully though, these people are pretty quick so upon realizing my point, the expressions on their faces lightened up for a bit.

Still frowning though.

"As I said, I just wanted to confirm something. That's why I did what I did."

"And what is that?" The glasses guy, finally getting his shit together again, stood up, fix his glasses, and asked me a question.

"Your sigil, I just wanted to know what it is exactly."

"Really? Then what did you confirm by doing that?"

Oh, I'm so glad he asked.

"Well. That you probably cannot do something like time travel or future sight." I paused for a second and look down on the wet part of his pants. "... I doubt you will voluntarily piss yourself even if you knew what I was about to do," I muttered before continuing with my explanations.

"So it leads me to believe that the only thing you can probably do is just control the time of the specific things you want. Maybe manipulate the time of everything you physically touch or something like that."

After hearing what I said, the glasses guy started looking confused. "... What made you so sure?"

"Well, my arm and clothes returning to their original state is one thing. But during my fight with One, I used a smoke bomb that is extremely flammable. Now for some reason, *sniff* *sniff* even though I swam through all those smokes, I don't smell any gassy odor in my clothes... As if they were the clothes I had worn before I even get into the fight."

Now after this, silence descended upon us. Well, I guess I hit the nail with my guesses, or at least, something close to the actual fact.

They really couldn't be more obvious with those expressions.

Anyways, overall, I now know how to deal with the situation I'm currently in. Everything is finally clear to me. And normally, if I want to, I can probably take advantage of this whole situation. Probably do some chaotic fuckery even.

Though as much as I want to do that, I don't. I'm not that kind of asshole. I know how to be grateful every now and then you know.

Also, I already had a rough idea of what kind of person these guys are. In short, they are the types that I probably won't mind getting acquainted with. Making buddies every now and then is not bad. And these guys, I probably won't mind them. At least I hope I'm right.

In any case, in order to do that, I came up with this brilliant idea of, introducing ourselves, letting us know each other names so we can finally know how to call each other...

Yeah, it's kinda weird that we already had a full-blown heated conversation and yet, I don't even know their names. A pretty weird way to start a conversation not gonna lie.

Anyways, given that I am the main source of this current awkwardness we are having, I guess it's pretty alright that I make the first move.

And that I did... By taking off my mask.

Unless you guys fully support me with this, I won't commit myself to writing.

So you better pump those stones. If you want more that is.

Socksniffercreators' thoughts