
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Bunny Encounter

[Time Skip]

"Space-Time Deceleration" A white haired boy muttered while dodging a fist that was rushing towards his face. Everything suddenly turned dark blue and time was slowed down. The boy looked at the attacker with cold eyes before thrusting a fist into his stomach.

As time was slowed down, the delinquent's reaction was delayed and he didn't know what happened. The boy went back to his original spot and time resumed. The delinquent's eyes widened, as he felt a pained sensation from his stomach.

"Gah!" He flew back a few meters and fell down on the floor. "What the hell?!" He said in shock, as he hold his stomach. "To attack a little kid just because you didn't get what you wanted. You're really pathetic, you know?" The boy said while walking towards him.

"Who do you think you are?! I am the strongest in my-Ack!" A portal appeared just below his chin and a fist uppercutted the delinquent. "Strongest my ass. I could have beaten you with a single attack. You are no match for me... Human."

"Kai! That's enough!" His eyes widened when he heard the voice. He quickly turned his head towards his back and saw a dark blue haired girl using a light blue kindergarten uniform. "Aoi?! Did you saw all that?"

"You're bullying the poor guy! That's not what heroes do! Look at him! He's in pain!" She said with a pout. When the delinquent heard her words, he looked at the kid like she was his saviour. "You should have make him unconcious instead! How would you be a hero if you can't make him unconcious!"

The delinquent's smile broke and turned into a hopeless frown. Kai laughed and shook his head, "Hahahaha! Aoi, you're so funny sometimes. Let's just go back to the park." She smiled and nodded, "Okay! Let's go then!"


It's been half a year after Hilde's birth. Many things happened at this time, but most of them aren't worth mentioning. The ones worth mentioning is my age which is now five years old. My birthday was celebrated three months ago. It was fun, I get presents but mostly kid stuff...

Sadly, I'm still in kindergarten... I suppose to stay in kindergarten for two years... So, that's a bummer. Though, my power is definetly stronger. I could slow down time a bit more than just a few seconds, same with time stop but the amount of energy is still a lot.

I've also learned how to make many things, such as different kinds of clothes, some kinds of furniture, and custom type of bullets. Like explosive bullets and flammable bullets. It's tricky at first but you can get the gist of it after looking inside on the bullet.

Rochelle and Coach left.... Yeah, that's the sad one. They wanted to go to the military base in their world. So, they packed up their stuff and left a note. Saying stuff like food and water supply was running out and they didn't want to burden me... I cried a bit before taking my anger on the zombies.

Those two made a great goodbye letter... It was so emotional that I killed around a hundred zombies with tears running down on my face. I mean... I should have known this would happen but that was too sudden... I was taking care of Hilde the whole weekend. So, I didn't have chance to go to L4D2... I didn't even get to say goodbye...

Rmembering that moment, I sighed and stayed silent. She heard my sigh and curiously asked, "What's wrong Kai? Is something bothering you?" I shook my head and gave her a smile, "Nothing. I'm alright, I was just reminiscing the past."

She pouted and said, "Why do you sound like an old man?" I gave her a wry smile and shrugged, "Ehhh... I probably got it from my father." While we were walking across the street, we heard a person running towards us.

We turned our heads towards the noise and saw a person using a black mask getting chased by a dark skinned bunny girl wearing a school uniform. "Come back here and let me beat your ass!" The masked man didn't care and kept running away from her.

"Who in hell would stop for the infamous hooligan Usako?! Just leave me alone!" He shouted while running. "Hah?! How the hell did my infamous name spread to Chiba?! Tell me you bastard!" She shouted with a pissed off grin.

My eyes widened when I saw the girl, 'Rumi?! The infamous thicc thigh bunny girl waifu?!' As I was thinking of that, the runner looked at us and grinned. "If you won't leave me then, I'll just need to force you to leave!"

The masked man ran towards with the intent to grab one of us. I sighed and hold out my hand. "Why can't we go to the park in peace?" I quickly controlled the space around him and slam him down to the ground. *Bang!*

"That was easy..." I muttered while looking at the fainted man. I sighed and looked at the Rumi who's eyes are widened in shock. I looked at her weirdly and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that."

Her suprised expression begin to turn into an excited battle grin, as she looked at me, "You Kid. My instincts are tellling me that you're very strong. Want to fight?" I looked at this middle-schooler with an incredulous expression, "You? Want to fight me? A five year old?"

Hearing my words, she looked at me in shock, "Woah, woah, woah! Five?! I thought you had some kind of de-aging quirk. How the hell did you get so strong?! My instincts are literally telling me that I would have one of the best mates to have fun with."

"M-Mates?!" Aoi said with a blush. I quickly slapped the back of her head and said, "Not that! How did you even know what that means?! Did you look through your sister's phone again?!" She hold her head in pain while crouching. "Oww..."

"You need to put the correct adjective, Bunny Usako!" I said with a berrating tone while pointing my finger at her. She looked at me with suprise and asked, "How did you know about that?!" I shrugged and said, "I heard it from the man."

"Oh yeah... Anywa-" She instantlly froze and looked at a certain direction, "Shit! The cops! I'm not getting caught again. Bye!" She said, as she jumped away from the area. I looked at the crouching Aoi and sighed, "Guess that's that. Aoi, let's go back to the park. Aoki must be getting worried."

She stood back up and pouted, "You didn't need to slap my head that hard you know..." I shrugged, "That's one of the best way to make someone forget things. Since, you reminded me of that. I will be talking to Aoki about your... Discoveries."

"What?! No! Kai! Please! I will do anything you ask!" She said while pulling my hand. I shook my head and said, "Kids like you, should have stayed in the safe side of the internet."
