
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Bu Bunny Bunny Bunny! Bunny Jump! Bunny Jump!


"Coach Special Attack : Nico Nico Kneecaps!"

A young white haired boy shouted, as he rushed towards the zombie. He jumped foward and aimed his legs to the zombie's knees. *Crack!* The boy's feet connected to the zombie's knees and break them apart.

"Grrr! Grrr Grr!!" The zombie groaned for help from his friends. The other zombies looked at him with pity before running away. The zombie felt betrayed and loudly groaned, "GRRR-!" Before he finished groaning a foot stomped and break through his skull.

"Jeez... You zombies are louder than usual." He said while looking at the dead zombie. He faced the other running zombies and sighed, "Omae wa mou shindeiru" The space around all of them instantly slam them towards the ground.

He smiled at the bodies of the zombies but frown the next second, "How did I not noticed this before... Portals are already counts as space manipulation... Did I miss any more abilities...?"

He went into a thinking pose as he tried to think about his abilities. 'Come on... Remember... Cubes?Cubes! Yes! Mihoyo's obsession with cubes! Though... I don't really know how to make it... Hmm... Maybe if I...' He put his hand out and focused on his energy.

'Let it out...' Purple lines started to move from the body and stopped at the palm. Then, purplish energy came out from the palm. 'Good... Shape it.' The purple energy started to swirl into a cube like shape. 'Now... condense.' The swiriling energy came together and created a small cube.

"That's... Quite small... I guess I won't be using this anytime soon." He said while dispersing the cube back into energy. "I think, I should try to move on to a different world. Since, I'm going to get stronger and stronger. Zombies aren't a good option anymor-" *BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BE-!*

He looked at his timer and sighed, "Let's just think of that later." He created a portal and went through it.

(A/N = What world do you think I should make the MC go? Honestly, I have a serious issue in choosing something. That's why I rather choose what the masses or someone I trust picks. I know I should try to overcome this problem in the future... But still.)

He appeared back in his room and grabbed his phone. 'Hmm.. Wow... No one messaged me? That's very rare. Maybe Momo is still focus on her studying.' He sighed and walked out of his room. He looked around the small hallway and thought, 'What was I gonna do? I forgot...'

He looked around before looking at Hilde's room. 'Oh right. I was going to play with Hilde.' He opened the door and found a sleeping baby in her crib. "Aww~ That's cute." He said as he looked at the baby closely.

The baby opened her eyes, when she heard his voice and said, "Nii!" Kai looked at her sister and softly smiled, "Hey Hilde. Do you want to play with your Nii-san?" The baby giggled and waved her hands around. "I will take that as a yes."

He controlled the space around the baby and make her float in the air. The baby giggled and swayed her body around. Kai chuckled and slowly placed her on the floor. The baby cheered and looked at him with an expression that says 'More!'

Kai smiled and boop her nose, "Not this time. If you want more, you need to learn how to stand up." The baby pouted and looked away, "Ba! Hmph!" He sweatdropped at her before saying, "If you stand up and walk just a single step. I will do something even more fun."

The baby looked at her brother weirdly and seem clueless of what he is trying to say. He sighed and thought, 'Of course she won't understand. She's a baby.' He looked at her again but this time he widened his eyes in shock.

The baby pushed herself up and is trying to balance herself. "Oh my god... Come on! Hilde! You can do it!" His smile begin to widened every second that was happening. The baby tried to take a step foward but fell down on her butt.

"Gah! You were so close! I would have gotten a scene of my sister's first ever step!" He said while feeling defeated. The baby giggled at him and said with a big smile, "Ku! Ka! Kwai!" Kai's eyes widened in shock as he gasp like something amazing just happened infront of his eyes.

"What?! Did you say Kai?! Say it again!" He said while looking closely at her. She tilted her head and smiled, "Kuh... Kuh... Kuh... Kawai!"

"Eh? Kawai? Where did the W came from? And did she just complimented me? Self confidence plus a hundred." He muttered while looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Kai! Are you with your sister? If so, can you bring her down here?" His mother loudly said from the first floor. "Okay!" He answered and proceed to carry her up. "It's time to eat my little sister valkryie... Valkryie... That could be a good pet name."

"Rank-S Valkrie, Hilde the Cute One... That's a nice title. You shall be given the title Hilde the Cute One! Together! We shall destroy every enemies laying on our path!" He said dramatically. The baby giggled and waved her hands "Waaaay!!"

Hearing her answer, his heart melted and proceed to hug the living shit out of her. "You're so fucking cute! I am going to die because of diabetes if this keeps happening." As he was hugging her, he created a portal to the living room and went through.

He appeared in the living room with his sister in his hand and looked at the direction of the kitchen, "Mom! We're here!" "Oh? Okay! Just sit on the sofa for a while. I'm almost done!" He nodded at his mother's words and sat down on the sofa with Hilde.

He took out his phone and went through it. 'Hmm... Let's see if Momo would reply' He thought as he went to her DM.

HVR : Momo! What are you doing?

YMM : Sleeping... I'm sick... Uhuhuh... I can't study...

HVR : (sweat_drop_emote)

HVR : How bad is it?

YMM : Not too bad... But it's tiring and I want to sleep more.

HVR : I see... Have fun!

YMM : What do you mean have fun?!

HVR : Ehe (Playful_Emoji)




Kai chuckled, as he read her last few messages. "Kai! The food is ready!" He closed the phone and carried Hilde with him to the dining room. He placed Hilde in the baby seat, while he sat on his own. "Here you go."

His mother came from the kitchen using an apron that says 'Best Mom' before putting the plate on the tables. His eyes brighten when he saw the food. 'It's curry! My favorite!' He didn't wait any longer and said "Itadakimasu!" before eating it with a big smile.

"Oh yeah, Kai." Kai stopped eating and looked at his mother, "Yeah?" "Can you buy some milk in the convenience store?" He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Wait... Me?" She nodded and said, "Yeah... Oh, I forgot you were only 5 years old..."

"How did you forgot my age?!" He said with an incredulous expression. His mother laughed sheepishly and said, "It's not my fault that my five year old son speaks like a teenager, act like a teenager, a lot more mature than people his age, has a very powerful quirk, knows how to fight people, do you want me to go on?"

"Oh..." He said, as he thought, 'Yeah... I didn't really act like a kid anymore after we move prefectures...' His mother nodded and said, "Oh indeed. Oh, Indeed... Anyways, I need to stay here and feed your sister. Can you go and do it?"

He sighed and said with no energy, "Okay... "If you do, you could buy some snackies" Where's the money?"


A dark purple portal appeared on top of the covenient store and a white haired boy came out of it. He softly landed on the roof and jumped down towards the doors. He opened the doors and went in while looking at the notes.

- Eggs 2 dozens

- Milk 2 jugs

- 3 carrots

- 6 brocollies

- Snacky for Kai

He hummed and walked through the aisles. "Ok... That should be enough. Now for my snacky." He went to the cashier and grabbed the last chocolate bar from the shelf below the counter. "Here's the money."

The cashier looked at me weirdly and asked, "Umm... Did you lost your parents?" Hearing his question, he sighed and said, "De-Aging quirk." The cashier nodded and said, "Ah... I see. Must have been hard huh?" Kai nodded at his words and said, "Yeah... It's could piss me off sometimes." The cashier hummed and started scanning the items.

"Come again" The cashier said, as Kai left the convenience store. He looked at the orange sky and sighed, "At least, I got my chocolate bar..." He wanted to create a portal but was pushed away by a person with a leather jacket.

Kai wanted to balance himself but a rock tripped him and make him stumble to the ground. *Crack* His eyes widened and panickly looked at the eggs. 'It's broken...' he looked at his chocolate bar and saw that it was okay. "Phew at least it was-"

Before he finished, a foot stomped the chocolate and dragged it on the ground. Kai looked at the man and a vein popped on his head. The man looked at the kid with a frown and said, "What? You angry? I didn't even know there was a chocolate here. Sad to be yo-" "Neko Punch!"

A portal appeared beside him and a huge cat paw rushed out of it. The paw connected to the man and send him flying towards the wall. But before he crashed into the wall, a bunny girl immediately saved him in the last second.

Though the man was unconcious, Kai was still a bit irritated he got saved in the last second. "Yo! Little guy! Why did you attack the man?" The darskinned bunny girl said with a grin. Kai sighed and walked towards the man.

"Stop! What are you going to do to the guy? You already destroyed his face." She said while pointing at his face. Kai sighed and said, "I'm going to take the amount of money that everything that I bought cost and buy something else."

"What?" She said in confusion. Kai pointed at the broken eggs and the nonexistent chocolate bar on the floor. She looked at it before nodding in understanding. "I see... So this guy was the dick." Kai nodded, as he rummage his clothes for his wallet. He found his wallet and take a few thousand before throwing the wallet to his face.

He walked towards the broken eggs and manipulated time to go back a few seconds ago. He sighed, as he felt the huge amount of energy going into manipulating time. 'Jeez... Making time go backwards take so much more energy than stopping time...'

"You know, you could have just done that in the first place right?" She said while pointing at the newly reformed eggs. He sighed and said, "That will take too much energy. I can't even make a portal from a few kilometers away now..."

"What?! You can do that?!" She said in suprise. He tilted his head before remembering she is part bunny. "Oh... Shit... You didn't hear anything! Adios!" He instantly powered his body and ran away. "Wait! I need more answers!" She shouted while chasing him.