
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


(A/N = I had test and I didn't know it...)

"How is the search for Energizer, Kurogiri?" A white haired man said with a calm voice. A dark purple foggy figure wearing a bartender suit appeared from behind him and said, "Sadly, she has not been found master... Nor was her family."

All for One frowned and asked, "Then how about the killer of her retrieval group?"

"No news whatsoever. It's like he appeared in the spot and disappeared after killing the group. No one knows anyone with a strong quirk like that. Even the rest of our group, after a few months of trying to get information about him, didn't find anything."

All for One sighed and rubbed his forehead in annoyance, "That's alright. I can wait for another few months... How's Tomura so far?"

Kurogiri sighed and answered, "He has been a handful for the past year... So far, nothing has changed except his increased hatred for All Might and a hobby of playing games. He still does tantrums and still has his short fuse. He's also a picky eater and hates vegetables."

"Hmm... Make his hatred for All Might grow, his hobby of playing games are fine, the tantrums and short fuse can be tamed by time and experience, and at least make him eat some vegetables. He would need it for his body."

Kurogiri nodded and disappeared from the room. All for One sighed and thought. 'Everything would be mine soon enough... Prepare yourself All Might and whoever you are.'


"Who's the cute baby~ Yes~ You are the cute one~ Good girl~" A white haired boy said while playing with his baby sister. The baby giggled cutely and made his heart melt, "Aww~ Hilde! You're so cute! I can't believe I have a sister.... Haa... Stop Kai, you need to forget about the past... This is your new life now... It's time to let go..."

The baby looked at her brother in confusion before swaying her arms towards him, "Bhababrrr" The boy looked at his baby sister cooing and formed a warm smile, "Is that you trying to cheer me up?" The baby looked at him and babbled, "Yebhupbdh!"

'Is this the language of babies?' He thought, as he chuckled at her. "Do you want milk from mommy?" The baby stayed silent and stared at his eyes. "Is that a yes or no..? I don't speak baby language Hilde. Blink twice if you want milk and blink once if you don't want milk."

The baby looked at her brother weirdly and blinked thrice. "What the hell is three blinks? Yes and no? Let's just get you to mom and see if you want it." With that he grabbed her up and carried her before creating a portal downstairs.

A grey ponytailed woman was covered with a yellow aura, as she did very fast pushups. "497, 498, 499, 500. Woooh! Feeling the electricity coursing to my body once more after nine months is really great! Though, five hundred is still nowhere close to my best..."

"Mom! If you're done excercising, I think Hilde wants to drink milk!" She looked to her left and saw her son carrying her newborn daughter coming out of the portal. "Really? I thought I gave her milk a few hours ago."

Kai shrugged and said, "She blinked thrice when I asked her the question. So maybe she wants it but not too much." His mother walked towards him and grabbed the baby before asking with a smile, "Do you want some milk Hilde~?"

The baby raised her hands and said, "Yebhduhbh." Katherine stared at her baby in confusion before slowly nodding, "Although, I don't fully understand those words you just mumbled. I think you said yes... Because of the Y sound at the start."

Kai looked at her mother with an incredulous expression, "What? Really? I don't even understand any of it..." His mother shrugged, "Don't ask me. I just got the trick from when you were still a baby. Though, it doesn't work for other babies. Maybe my kids are the weird ones."

"Ugh... My heart... You hurt me mother..." Kai said with a hurt expression. His mother deadpanned and said, "You literally were saying those lines about the destruction of humanity in your room. I even have a proof of it."

His eyes widened in shock and said, "What?! You're bluffing! I deleted those videos!" His mother responded with a smug, "Did you think I would lose to my own kid? I already send the videos to your father and with that everything is safe."

"Besides, it's not like were mad about it. Those are very cool lines for strong villains. It's very impressive to make those lines in your age, but not only that. You called yourself a Herrscher. Did you know that word came from my home country?"

"Eh? It is?" He said in suprise and confusion. His mother nodded while giving her daughter breastmilk, "Yes, it means Ruler or Lawmaker. I don't know where you learn the word, but it's a very cool name. Ruler of the Void. You should use that as a hero name"

"Oh... I thought you would be angry about it." Kai said sheepishly. His mother shook her head and said with a warm smile, "You need to know Kai. There is no one in the world that is born evil. They must have had a bad experience to do something equally bad. So to be something like destroyer of humanity... They would need a very bad experience to gain that much hatred."

"And you won't need to worry on being one. Because me and your father would have protected you from those bad experience." Hearing her response Kai smiled and gave her a hug, "Fine... But I will also protect mom and dad from those bad experience too."

She chuckled and tenderly patted his head, "Yeah yeah... Now go eat your lunch." Kai nodded and went to the dining table to eat his lunch.


"Kai! You're finally here! I'm so bored! Let's go play inside!" A little blue haired girl said excitedly as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside the the house. "Aoi... Calm down. I won't leave for another few hours."

She didn't listen and kept pulling him inside. "Aoi! That's very bad. You should not do that to your friends." A woman's voice was heard from the inside of the room. A dark blue haired woman walked towards us with a frown.

"Aoi, you should not pull your friends like that. They don't like it." Hearing her words, Aoi pouted and face te floor, "Sorry..." The woman sighed and looked at Kai with a smile, "Sorry about her Kai." Kai chuckled and said, "It's fine. She's like this before and I'm okay with it."

She sighed and said, "Alright... Aoi remember not to do that okay?" Aoi nodded and muttered, "Hai..." Before pulling Kai towards her room. Kai sighed and said, "It's alright Aoi. You were juste excited no need to feel bad about it."

"Okay..." She opened her door and they went inside. The room's walls were painted blue and the floor were tiled in wood planks. There is two beds, a toy container, a wardrobe, and a few other things like an alarm clock and a folder full of stuff.

"So... What do you want to play this time?" He asked, as he looked at her with a smile. She went towards her sister's desk and grabbed a phone. "I always wanted to play this game with someone else then my sister, so let's play this."

"Isn't this your sister's phone?" He asked with a wry smile. She shrugged and said, "Yes. Why?" He wanted to explain about the annoyance of an older sibling when their little siblings played with their phone but stopped as he looked at the happy face of Aoi.

He sighed and thought, 'Let's hope Aoki doesn't get angry.'


"Yes! I won again!" He said while waving his hands in the air. "Not fair! How are you so good at the game?! You said you just played it! How did you?!" She said in frustration while looking at the results of the game. Kai smugged and posed, "Heh. Elementery, my dear Aoi."

"Humph! You didn't give me a chance. Why did you need to destroy every last one of my troops...?" She said while looking away. Kai smiled and said, "So that they won't become a problem in the future. Better dead than a problem."

She started to frown and muttered with a quiet voice. "You're so smart and so strong... Can I be like that too...?" Kai didn't here it clearly and asked with smile, "What did you say?" Aoi instantly shook her head and said, "Nothing. You should go back to you house. It's already six."

He's eyes widened in shock and looked at the time, "Oh my god! You're right! Jeez! How could I forget that?! Tell the rest I said goodbye!" He created a portal beside him before going through it. Aoi looked at the portal that disappeared and sighed...

"Aoi! Did you play with my phone again?!" An angry teenager voice was heard from downstairs. Aoi's eyes widened and quickly placed her phone back to the original spot. "No! I didn't! I was playing toys with Kai!"