
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


(A/N = Today, I felt like I want to try something different. I want to try making a chapter with third person prespective. I don't know if it's bad or not. So, please tell me if it's bad or good. Or I should just stay with first person.)

"What's wrong Naomasa? Something making you feel down?" A giant muscular blond man said with a very cheerful smile. The short black haired man sighed and rubbed his forehead in frustration. "It's two cases... The first one is very confusing and gives me more questions everytime I got a clue."

"Hmmm... Let me see that." The blond man looked at the pictures on the coffee table and frowned, "Isn't this the pictures about the dead villains a few months ago? I thought you would already got an answer for it."

Naomasa shook his head and sighed, "No... I didn't find anything about the attacker. It's like the person never existed. They didn't even left a clue except for the damage they did."

The blond man smiled and reassured him, "Then don't give up Naomasa! I've seen your detective skills and I can assure you, that you would be able to catch that attacker!"

Hearing his words Naomasa softly smiled and said, "Seriously, you really are the symbol of peace." All Might grinned and gave him a thumbs up, "Yes! I am!"

Naomasa chuckled at his antics before saying with a serious tone, "That's the first of my problems... The other one is... very problematic."

All Might's smile slightly faltered as he asked with a tinge of frustration, "Is it... All for One?" Naomasa sadly nodded and said, "Yes... The Fukuna family found a AFO tracker stalking them a few days ago... He might have found their location."

His smile turned into a frown as he clenched his fists. "Shit... Did you get any answers from him?" Naomasa shook his head and sighed, "No... He's still not saying anything. If this keeps going, I would have to call for some help..."

All Might frowned even more and thought, 'When will you stop targetting the innocent family All for One?!' He gritted his teeth as he remembered the evil things All for One did in the past.


"Kaaaaiiii!! Come ooon!" A little dark blue haired girl whined as she tries to pull a tired white haired kid. Kai tiredly sighed and looked at Aoi who was trying to pull him away from the bench. "Aoi... Just let me sleep... I didn't get much sleep last night..."

Aoi pouted and started to sway her arms in annoyance, "Mouuu! Kaaii! I want to play with you!" Kai frowned in annoyance and said, "Why don't you just go play with Shinji and Makira?"

Aoi frowned and pointed at both of them in the slide, "Those two didn't want to play with me... So you are the only one I could play with..." Kai looked at her face and saw that she was in the brink of tearing up.

He sighed and said, "Fine... Let's play hero and villain." She suddenly brighten up and cheered, "Yay! Let's go play there!" She grabbed his wrist and started to pull him somewhere away from the rest of the class.

"Okay, I will become the hero like usual and you will be the villain." She said while looking at me with a smile. Kai nodded and thought, 'I could always use a partner for my speeches.'

They both readied themselves before Kai started to get into his Herrscher persona. "Human... Did you think, you could have defeated me with those weak attacks?"

"Hmph! You can't beat me Herrscher of the Void! Because I am Frost Empress!" Aoi said while conjuring weak cold air from her hands.

Kai coldly looked at her before saying with riducule, "Frost Empress? What kind of hero name is that? Those weak cold attacks won't even hurt me the slightest. With this power given by my God, your efforts are useless."

"Why is your name herrscher of the void then?! It's too long!" She said with a frown. Kai smugged at her question before shrugging, "Heh, kids like you wouldn't know the true meaning of that title. Now, prepare to face extinction."

He pointed his finger up in the sky and a dark purple wormhole opened up above him. Aoi's eyes widened, as she screamed, "EEEK! Kai! Why did you summon that?! It's too powerful for me! Use weaker attacks!"

Kai grinned and said, "You said you wanted to play right? Let's play then." Harmless toy bullets rushed out from the portal and attacked the girl. She tried to use her wind to push away the bullets but her quirk is still to weak.

"Kaaaiii! This is not fuuun!!" She shouted as she tried to run away from the bullets. "Kuhuhuhu! This is fun for me Aoi! This is how a villains acts!" Kai said with a maniacal grin. "Gate of Nerf Bullets!" A few more wormholes appeared and aimed at the young girl.

"Noooo!!" She shouted as she try to defend herself from the barrage of bullets.


"Uhuhuh... Kai... you're so mean..." She said while crouching far away from him. Kai gave her a wry smile before going beside her, "Come on Aoi. I already told you I was sorry." Hearing his words, she pouted and turned her head away from him. "Humph! You gave me no chance to fight back."

Kai sweatdropped and softly said, "Look, Aoi. I-" "Kai! Aoi! Where are you?! Come back now!" Before he finished, their teacher's worried voice was heard from behind them. "Coming!" Kai shouted, as he put his hand out to Aoi. "Come on. The teacher is waiting for us."

Aoi smiled, as she hold his hand, "Fine... but it doesn't mean I would forget about this." Kai chuckled and said, "Yeah yeah, let's go."


"WHAT?!" Kai shouted with a shock expresion. The teacher nodded and said, "Yes... Your mother is in the hospital right now." Kai felt shock and anger before asking, "Why is she in the hospital?!" The teacher sighed and said, "Nothing bad. Just childbirth."

He frozed, when he heard his teacher's answer. "W-What?" His teacher sighed and said once more, "Child birth. It means your getting a sibling." He sighed in relief before thinking, 'Then why the hell didn't you said that first?!'

Suddenly, he became anxious. 'Wait! I'm not there to protect her! This is very serious! She could be kidnapped during labor!' He looked at the teacher and said with worry, "Teach! Can I call my parents?" She shook her head, "You can't. They're in the delivery room. Which means no phone allowed and baby is going to come out."

Kai became frustrated and asked, "Then what's the name of the hospital?" She thought about it for a minute before saying. "Chiba Aoba Municipal Hospital. Why... Oh no you don't. I already know about your quirk from your parents. You are not going there."

Kai clicked his tongue before running away from the room. "Hey! Kai! Stop!" Kai didn't stop and created a portal out of the school. 'Aoba... That should be the hospital near Aoi's residential area... Let's teleport to her house first.' He remembered where her house was and created a portal there.

He landed on the roof of Aoi's house and looked around. 'Hospital... Hospital... Ugh... Can't find it... Maybe I could ask Aoi's mom for help.' I went down to the gate and rang the bell. "Coming!" A female teenager's voice was heard from the door.

A straight light blue haired girl came out of the door. She looks like in her teenage years and was using casual clothing. The teenager looked outside the gate and widened her eyes in shock, "Kai?! What are you doing here?! Aren't you suppose to be in kindergarten?"

Kai shook his head and said, "No! My parents need me! I need directions to the Aoba Hospital! Please help me Aoki nee-san!" Aoki looked at the pleading child and sighed. "Fine... But don't think I would let you go there all alone. My mother would be angry if I do that."

"Thank You!" Kai said with a big smile. Aoki sighed and went through her phone, "Aoba... Hospital... There. 425.06 meters away from here. That quite far don't you think?"

He shook his head and grabbed her phone. He nodded at the map before creating a portal there. "Come on!" He quickly said as he went through the portal. Aoki sighed and followed through a few seconds after.

They arrived infront of the hospital, where people could be seen going in and out of the lobby. Kai immediately ran inside the building with Aoki on his tail. "Kai! Wait! Don't go too fast. I'm not athletic..."

Kai went to the one of the hospital's nurse and asked, "Have you seen a grey haired pregnant woman with a red haired and yellow eyed man?" The nurse looked at him weirdly and asked, "Did you lost your parents?"

'Don't answer a question with another question dumb Human!' He thought, as he nodded and said, "I just need to find a grey haired pregnant woman and a red haired yellow eyed man. Those are my parents. Have you seen them?"

She thought about it for a minute but before she could say anything, Aoki came with a worried expression, "Kai! Don't run off like that... I have weak stamina stats... huff... huff.." The nurse looked at her and asked, "Is this your brother?"

When Kai heard the nurse's question, he looked at the nurse with a very annoyed expression and thought, 'This asshole of a human. I asked her if she knows my parents but proceed to be like this. Do you want to face annihilation?'

He proceeds to look at Aoki with the expression that says 'Just agree'. Aoki saw his face and sighed, "Yes, he is my brother. We need to find our parents quickly. Have you seen them?" She shrugged and said, "Can you tell me their descpription?"

'THIS ANNOYING HUMAN! DOES SHE HAVE MEMORY LOST?! FOR GOD'S SAKE HUMAN!' Kai thought with a very irritated and annoyed face. Aoki replied with a wry smile, "Sure, our mother have grey hair and blue and is 8 and a half month pregnant. Our father has red hair and yellow eyes. He is tall and fit."

The nurse thought about it before pointing on the corridor behind her, "Yeah, I think I saw them somewhere near the delivery rooms. You go to the end of this corridor and then go to the left. After going to the left you should see a few signs by the wall and you could see the delivery rooms."

Finally getting an answer, Kai immediately went to the place she said and found the delivery rooms. There were a hallway full of doors and signs that says 'Deliver Room 1', 'Deliver Room 2' and so on. He groaned in annoyance and tried to here for any sounds from the doors.

'Not here... Not there.. Ughh so annoying.' He thought, as he went through the hallway. "Kai! Dammit! I know that you are worried but you need to chill out." He looked back and saw Aoki approaching him.

"I know! I'm just-! Ughh!" Kai said frustratingly. Aoki sighed and patted his head, "I know it's very worrying and everything is frustrating but you need to calm down. Nothing would happen. It's just chil-Vrvrvhvrhv"

"Don't. Finish. That. Sentence." Kai said while blocking her mouth. Aoki pulled her face away from his hand and frowned, "That was bad... I almost raised a flag..."

"Kya!" Hearing the girly scream, both of them looked at the direction from the sound. "I blame you!" Kai said in anger and worry as he powered himself with Honkai Energy and run towards the scream. "I'm sorry!"

He arrived infront of a door and tried to open it. 'Dammit! It's locked! Fuck it!' He cocked his fist and shouted, "Neko Punch!" As he thrust, a big portal appeared infront of his fist and a giant cat paw rushed out of it.

*Bang!* The paw destroyed the door opened and he immediately went through. "MOM! DAD! WHAT HAPP-" He immediately froze, as what he saw shocked him in a million ways.

A blushing nurse was breathing heavily against the wall with the female doctor pinning her. They both looked at Kai and widened their eyes in shock. "U-Uhhhh Wrong room!" Kai immediately went out of the room and created a door that lean on the broken door way.

"Kai! What did you see?!" Aoki said after arriving beside him. Kai said with a bit of a blush in his face, "One of the seven deadly sins of humanity. Let's forget about that and find my parents."

After a while, they found the correct door and break it open. "Mom! Dad! Where is the enemy?! I'll give them extinction!" Kai shouted with the intent to kill, as he rushed in. He looked around and saw his parents was looking at me with a very shock expression.

"Kai?! What are you doing here?! I thought your teacher already told you to stay!" His mother said with an angry expression. Kai wanted to defend himself but was interrupted by a groan below him. He quickly looked down and found a doctor was below his feet.

"Oops! Sorry!" He said before getting off from him. The doctor groaned in pain and asked, "Why..? Why must my day be ruined by kids everytime...? God... Do you hate me that much...?" The nurse that was scared a few seconds ago sighed and said with pity, "It's alright Kanashi-sensei. We all have bad days..."

Kanashi, the doctor that was incharge of the delivery of the child sighed and stood back up. He has pale blonde hair and looked like a fantasy dwarf but with a better looking face. "Kid... You really need to know how to knock properly... That could kill someone if you're not careful."

"Oh.. sorry... I heard a scream coming from here and I panicked..." When he heard my answer, he sighed and looked at the nurse, "See what you did Naomi?" The nurse glared at him and said, "It's your fault for doing that! You already knew that was a very sensitive spot for me."

Kai looked at them both before looking at his mother who was holding a blanket. Kai became confused and asked, "What's that blanket?" His mother annoyingly sighed and said, "This is your sister. Apparently, she's as quiet as you when you were borned."

Hearing her answer, he thought, 'That was because it was a new experience for me and trying to take in everything that just happened... Ugh... That slimy things are disgusting.'

"Aoki" My father said with a smile. "O-oh.. Hello Oji-san..." She said while coming in to the room. My father sighed and calmly said, "You should go back home. Your mother should have noticed your disappearance."

"H-Hai! Kai, portal me back to my home." She quickly said while looking at Kai. He sighed and created a portal beside him. "There you go and thanks." She nodded and whispered "Good Luck" before going through the portal.

After she left, there was only awkward silence. His mother was still tired after the child birth, his father is silently looking at him, the doctor and the nurse stayed silent as to not ruin the mood.

Finally his dad chose to speak first, "You must have been very worried. Right?" Kai stayed silent but nodded at his question. His father sighed and said with a fatherly tone, "It's alright Kai. You did nothing wrong... except for violating a few laws."

Still silent, Kai nodded at his words. It's not because he felt guilty. It's because he doesn't know what to do. 'What am I suppose say? I know I'm not being scolded but it just feels like I'm being scolded.'

"So... What's the baby's name...?" He asked hoping for the mood to disappear. "Her name is Hilde. It's your mother's turn to name your sister. So, she chose a name from her home country."

'Hilde... Hilde... That's a nice name. Reminds me of that valkryie... Brunhilde.' Kai thought as he looked at the baby in his mother's arms. "Hilde... That's a nice name..."

(A/N = I have a few math problems to do now... My head hurts...)