
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


(A/N = Thanks for waiting, I was in the funeral house for my grandma. We just buried her a few hours ago. Here's a chapter.]

A man is now sitting anxiously in the waiting room, as he waits for the news of his partner. He's bald man with brown eyes. He has an athletic body and is using a tattered white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He looked like he just got out of a very dangerous battle as some parts of his body has burn marks and dust covering them.

Though, even with all those marks and dusts. They did not block the wolf head tattoo on his shoulder. This made the white haired boy that is sitting beside him realized what was happening before.

The gang war...

From seeing his tattoo, he could suspect that this man is part of the Okaba. A group that can also be called Wolf Fang in English. A gang that fights in groups and is the one, who he didn't get any information about from his fighting partner. (A/N = I should have just called this Okare... Which means Wolf Pack... Though Okaba seems cooler...)

'To think that I would met someone from the gang a few days after being told... How annoying...' He thought as he stared at the man with sharpened eyes. The man noticed the kid's stare and thought, 'Why is he staring at me like that... Why do I even care... Kyoko's life is now in the hands of those damn doctors... Please survive...'

The boy saw the man getting more anxious and thought, 'Hmm... I won't get any information from him if he keeps being anxious... I should try comforting him before asking to make me look less of a stranger.'

The boy slowly poked the man's shoulder to get his attention. It was effective. The man felt a poking sensation and looked at the boy. The kid gave him a reassuring smile and said, "You must be very nervous about your friend. You should not worry too much. From the amount of wounds, I saw on her body. She should not die... Probably..."

Hearing the boy's words made him more anxious, as he thought, 'Why the hell would you say 'probably' if you want to comfort someone?!... Why am I even getting angry from what a five year old kid is saying...'

But before he finished that thought, he remembered what the kid did half an hour ago. 'No... This kid isn't an ordinary kid. He didn't cry in fear or tried to run away from the crazy asshole... He was preparing to attack.'

From his experience on being a veteran gang member in the underworld community, he couldtell when a person was trying to attack or not. This white haired kid with an innocent smile, did a fighting stance that was specialise in projectiles.

He shivered, when he looked at the innocent look the kid was showing him. 'For a five year old kid to do a fighting stance... And can hide his true nature behind an innocent smile... What kind of demon is he?!'

While he was looking at the boy with a tinge of fear, the boy in question looked at him confused, 'Wait... Why is he scared? Did the fight traumatize him that much? How would I get questions, if he is traumatized?! I need my answers!'

He proceeds to go closer and asked with a childish tone, "Neh~ neh~ Why are you scared mister? Did the villain scare you that much? It's should be alright now. Since, the villain is gone." This made the man felt uncomfortable and looked away.

'Why is this kid trying so hard to look so childish and innocent?! You were acting mature just a few seconds ago!' He thought, as he looked away from the kid. Meanwhile, the kid frowned at the man and thought, 'Was I too childish?! Does he hate children?! Do I need to be more mature?'

But before the white haired kid could say anything else, a door opened and two people came in. A red haired man with yellow eyes was frowning, as he talk to the black haired man wearing a detective outfit. "-it's gone?!"

The man solemnly nodded and said, "Yes, we only found shoe marks that was going to the north-east and a bloody puddle near the place the body should have been at. You're lucky that the body was stolen because shooting a gun is still very illegal unless it's a support item."

The red haired man gave him a wry smile before saying, "Hey... In my defense, I was with my son. Of course I would panic and do what every father would do." The detective deadpanned and asked with a tinge of sarcasm, "What? Using their quirk to create a sniper rifle and shoot three bullets through the person's limbs? If he were to survive, he would live without a leg and two hands."

"It's not my fault that person was shooting highly penetrative laser beams from his hands is it?" The red haired man retorted, before looking at his son with a smile, "Kai! Good job back there. You really saved the girl's life."

Kai turned his head to his father and said with a shocked expression, "Wait... So she actually survived?" The man beside him instantly turned his head towards Kai and thought, 'Are you fucking serious?!'

Kai's father chuckled and nodded, "Yep, she should be alright after the surgery..." Then he looked at the bald man beside his son and continued, "Though, I hope you have enough money for the hospital fees because I'm not paying for any of them. I may be your saviour but it doesn't mean I would use my family's money for someone I just met. That would be very idiotic."

The baldy sighed and nodded, "I know... I never wanted you or your family to pay in the first place. This is my responsibility and I would get the money on my own..." As he finished his words, the detective beside the red haired man said with a neutral expression, "That's very good to hear... but you would want to worry about the hospital fees later."

The bald man raised an eyebrow before realizing what was happening. He sighed and nodded, "Questioning, right?" The detective nodded and said, "Yes. But you don't need to worry. You will be released after all the questions are answered."

The gang member sighed and nodded as he walked through the doors. Kai's father sighed and asked, "Did you really need to do it now? I mean, you could have just asked him tommorow." Tsukauchi shook his head and said, "I won't do that Akira. I did that a many times in the past... and most of them ran away. It's better to question them now and release them after the questioning."

Akira sighed and said, "Well... You do you. I'm going to go back home with my son. Katherine would be worried, if we went out for too long." The detective nodded and went out the door... but before he did, he took a suspicious glance towards the young boy.

The boy saw his glance and became very confused, 'Eh? Why was he like that? Aren't I the victim... Wait a minute... I didn't get any answers from him... God! Why?!' He looked at the only remaining people in the room and sighed.

'I guess, I could find him in the future...' He thought as he looked at his father and asked, "When are we going home? Also, about the car..." His father's smile froze, as he forgot about the car. "Riiight... Um... Kai? Can you open a portal back and make a portal to my workshop?"

Kai sighed and nodded, as he create a portal between them. "Let's go..." His father smiled and went inside with him.


A short, fat, and bald doctor frowned, as he examined the corpse on the testing table. "Side effect, increase sensitivity in pain receptors by approximately ten times, red pupils, black tongue, nervous system deterioration, quirk factor degeneration."

"In other words, this is a fail again..." He said while looking at the other bodies in the room. He sighed and turned his heads towards the cloaked man and said, "Throw the bodies in the furnace, their useless."

The man grunted and carried the bodies. The doctor sighed and went back to his lab and sat infront of his computer. "Trigger 0.21 is a fail. Too much deadly side effects and minimal increase in quirk strength. Trigger 0.22 is a fail. There are way more side effects than 0.21 but the power is increased by half. Trigger 0.23 is a fail. The same side effects as 0.21 but with the increase of strength as 0.22."

When he finished typing out his reports, he looked at the time and sighed, "This project needs more man power... But Shigaraki has trusted me with these project for a long time. I must repay him after everything he has done for me. This is the least I could do."

(A/N = ALRIGHT PEOPLE!! FROM LOOKING AT THE COMMENTS FROM THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER! You many of you are saying to go between Code Geass and Arifureta...

(0_0) Wait a minute... Did I look at that correctly?

[Half an Hour later]


Welp... I guess they did... Umm... So... Did you guys forgot that he was five years old? He also haven't even learn the basics of technology... He doesn't even know how to create a chip... How would he go from knowing nothing about tech things to knightmares...? Also... Isn't knightmares very complicated? Being a robot that could go swish and swoosh in any terrain should have a very compilcated designs... Especially the special ones... And he would need to learn how it's made which is suppose to be military secrets...

That's what I got from my friend... So, I don't really know about that... I mean, he could just go in and take C.C. and the Geass... but that wouldn't be fun is it? I mean, yes that's the most optimal way of getting an OP power... but wouldn't that make the novel boring? Just yoink and leave?

And for Arifureta. I don't really have much problem with this world. Except for the fact, that Ehit is a god that wants to do evil things for fun. From the wiki, I found that he's arrogant, a coward, and very petty. If he found anyone like the MC wouldn't he kill him before he could be powerful? I mean, he was very arrogant to think that Hajime, the MC, a human couldn't beat a God. That's the result of his downfall. So, if he were to feel the energy inside of the MC and felt threaten... Wouldn't he rather to destroy him before he could get stronger?

Although, he might be a fake god. He is still called a god for something right? I don't know much about Arifureta except for the anime. So, please tell me if I'm wrong...

I don't want to sound very ungrateful for the suggestion before and not do it after you guys commented on which world to choose. So... I feel contradicted of this... or should I just go YOLO and make Ehit not notice the main character... But that would make it feel wrong... GAH! I think my grandmother's death is taxing me more than I thought...

Haaa.... Just please let me know... I saw some of my readers are very good authors... So.. Should I have just go for people's opinion or myself... Was this a mistake? Or it's just me being very detailed in the story?