
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

A Gang Fight

(A/N = Sorry for the wait... It's better for me to take a rest after my grandmother's death. I need to take care of my mental health as well right? Thta's also why I made the chapter very long)

On a cold metal table, there was a few pictures spread out from each other. A bald man sharpened his eyes as he looked through the pictures. The first picture on the far left showed a broken building. The building had many holes as if they were pierced by something. He turned his head to the picture beside it.

The picture showed the inside of the broken building. There was dust, debree and blood everywhere. The walls have holes, cracks and a bit of dry blood splattered on them. Looking at the blood on the walls made the man grit his teeth as he remembered what happened.

He shook his head and finally turned his head towards the last picture. The picture showed three corpses lying on the ground. A woman with dark purple hair, a man with black hair and broken glasses, a young looking adult with light brown hair.

Though, that was the normal things about them. The woman had a clean hole through her forehead, the brown haired man had a giant hole through his chest, and the young adult lost most of his body.

Seeing the damage to their body made the gang member sighed with grief and frustration. The detective on the otherside of the room looked at the man's uncomfortableness and quickly took back the pictures.

"If this made you uncomfortable, I don't think you should have told me to show it in the first place." He said while looking at the bald man. The man shook his head and sighed, "No... If you didn't show me this... I would have gone there myself."

The detective nodded took a sit on the other chair infront of him. He stayed silent as he make a warm cup of tea for both of them. "You must be very uncomfortable." He finished the cups of tea and gave one to him.

"Here, this should help." The bald man looked at the cup that was given to him and sighed, "Alright..." He drank the tea and a warm feeling started spread out from his stomach and made him feel a bit more relaxed than before.

"Thanks..." The detective smiled and took a sip of his tea before saying, "Now that you feel a bit more relaxed, let's talk about the incident. Can you tell me about it?" The gang member stayed silent for a while before saying with a solemn tone, "Yes... I will tell you the things that happened there... but I won't talk about our group because that would be the same as betraying my family."

The detective frowned but instantly made a smile, as he grabbed a notebook and a pen from his pockets. "Is that so? You express that your group is your family." The gang member nodded and said with a solemn tone, "Yes. They will always be my family that I love and protect until I die."

'To think I would meet another kind of gangster like this in my life time. Very funny right, Arita?' The detective thought, as he smiled at the gangster. "That's nice... Now, I think you've already felt a bit more comfortable about the situation. It's time to talk about the incident."


'It's really a nice day for a job...' A bald man thought, as he looked at the blue sky. He took a deep breath in and out, as he felt a breeze rushing towards him. "Mikio! The crates are loaded!" A young adult's voice sounded from the floor below.

"Hmm? Those guys are already finished? That's faster than I thought." He muttered as he jumped off the roof. He quickly turned his quick on and absorb the shock from the crash. "That was very unnecesarry Mikio..." He looked back and saw a light green haired woman shaking her head at him.

"I know, I know, I was only getting some power if anyone were to attack us later on." He said with a small smile. The green haired woman chuckled and said, "At least, some of us are putting our guards up." He chuckled and went inside with the woman.

"Mikio! Come on! I want to get away from these two lovers! They are hurting my single heart!" A young adult with light brown hair said with a pained expression while pointing at the hugging couple beside him.

"It's not our fault that we love each other, KiriVirgin~" Said the purple haired woman with a teasing expression. A vein popped on his forehead, as he said with an annoyed expression, "Hah?! Who are you calling a virgin?! You damn Barney ripoff!"

A vein popped from her forehead and pointed at him with a pissed expression."Hah!? Barney?! Just because I have purple hair doesn't mean I'm Barney, you damn single virgin!" The black haired man beside her chuckled at their banter before looking towards Mikio and Kyoka.

"Let's go back to the base. I really want to reform the living room." He said with a smile. Mikio chuckled while Kyoka sighed, "Haa... Kazuto... Stop those two before they break something again..." Kazuto smiled and went towards them, "Kiriga, Mio, it's time to stop..." *Psh!* A red beam struck out of nowhere and pierced the purple haired woman's head.

Everyone's eyes widened, as they saw Miyo's body fell down to the ground. "M-Mio...?" Kazuto said in shock as he watched the body of his lover fall towards the ground. Kiriga who was just bantering with her a second ago frozed and was speechless.

Mikio, being the leader of the group clicked his tongue and shouted, "FORMATION B!" The demanding tone of the bald man made everyone in the room snapped a bit out of their shock state and move into a square formation by instinct.

Mikio quickly took a look at the others and saw that they were still a bit shock and speechless about what just happened. He clicked his tongue and thought, 'Fuck! I didn't know that those snakes are here! How the fuck did they know our location?!'

He looked around the room and found a shadow moving around in the darker areas of the room. He quickly used his quirk and send the shock he received before towards the direction. A blast of energy rushed towards the area and destroyed the stuff around it.

Kazuto who heard his leader's blast, gritted his teeth as he glared at the direction. "YOU DAMN SNAKES!!" He created a yellow disc of energy from his hands and threw it at that area. The disc rushed towards the area before stopping a few meters from the wall.

Immediately, the gravity around the disc shifted and everything nearby got pulled around it. As they circle around the disc, a few shadows came out from that spot and split up to different spots. Kyoko looked at the far right and immediatly shot a bone lance towards him.

The cloaked man's arm quickly became a metal blade and deflected her lance. Though, thatwasn't the end of her attacks. Kyoka immediately created a few more bone shards and started shooting at the man. "You... Damn snakes!"

The man dodged the lances and rushed towards her. She clicked her tongue and quickly created bladed bone whips from her palm and started swinging it towards him. "Die! Die! Die!" The cloaked man blocked the incoming attacks with his blade but got caught of guard by a bone spike rushing towards him.

In an attempt to block the attack, he tried to deflect the incoming spike but was too late as it stabbed his chest. *Boom!* A big wave of shock exploded on the other side of the room. Kyoka took a quick glance and saw Mikio attacking a giant snake.

"Hsss!" The snake hissed before rushing towards the bald man. Mikio sidestepped away from the snake before delivering a strong punch towards it's head. *Boom!* The moment the fist connected, the stored energy inside of him flow out and created a shock.

"Kaaagh!" The snake grunted in pain, as it got stunned by the attack. Mikio turned serious and saw an opening. 'There!' Seeing the chance, he quickly took a strong leap above the snake and powered his hand with almost everything he had. "OKABA SMASH!"

The energy he gathered from yesterday was released out from his fist and immediately destroyed its body. "KAAAH!!" The snake roared in pain as chunks of its meat and blood flew everywhere. He glared at it with spite before looking at the others.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL HER!!" The black haired man shouted with spite and rage showing in his face. A few glowing yellow discs was created and immediately rushed towards the cloaked man. The man clicked his tongue and shot them down before aiming at he attacker. *Pow!* Before he could shoot his beam, an orange haired man kicked his face.

"YOU FUCING SNAKES!!" Kiriga shouted with a very pissed off expression. He quickly switched places with a piece of debree behind the man and kneed his back. "GAH!!" As the man was stunned in pain, he quickly gave a signal towards Kazuto, who immediately received it.

Kazuto created a powerful orbital disc and threw it towards their direction. Looking at the disc, Kiriga immediately switch places with it and took a glance towards the man. 'What?!' His eyes widened in suprise as he saw the man aiming his laser cannon at the disc.

*PSH!* A big laser beam pierced through the disc and the wall without any trouble. "How?!" Kiriga said in shock. 'The power of that laser beam was definetly a lot stronger than before!' The cloaked man turned his head towards him and aimed both cannons at him.

"Die!" Big red laser beams immediately pierce through his body without any problem. His eyes widened in shock, as he felt everything goes blank. "KIRIGA!!" Kazuto shouted as he looked at what the man did to his bestfriend.

"Hahahaha!!! The power!! I feel it!!" A crazed laughter was heard from the cloacked man, as veins starting to buldge out of his body. With a crazy grin on his face, he aimed his cannons towards the man and shouted, "DIE!!"

As the cannons prepared to attack once more, a blunt debree immediately pushed the cannons away from Kazuto's direction and it's shot missed him by a few inches. "KAZUTO! ATTACK IMMEDIATELY! DON'T LET THEIR DEATHS BE WASTED!!"

Kazuto nodded at his words, before shooting a few more strong orbital disc towards the enemy. The man glared at the incoming attacks and shouted, "YOU DOGS!! YOU WILL DIE TODAY!!" Before the discs started their gravity pull, the man quickly shot his lasers everywhere towards their direction and pierce through them.

"Shit! Watch out!" Mikio shouted, as he powered his feet with some shockwave and leap towards him. Kazuto widened his eyes in shock as a big laser beam pierced his chest. Mikio's eyes widened, as he saw that he was too late.

"HAHHAHAHAHAHAAARRGHHHH!!!" The cloaked man shouted in pain, as he started going crazy and started to shoot his lasers everywhere. A random laser shoot through the air and pierced his teammate that was fighting with Kyoka.

Both their eyes widened in shock as they looked at the crazed man. Kyoka quickly uses her sharp bone whip and cut of the enemy's head off before running towards the exit. "MIKIO! RUN!" Mikio immediately ran towards the exit before hearing a shout of pain coming from Kyoka.

He quickly turned his head towards her and saw that she was pierced in the leg by a laser. Without any hesitation he immediatly powered his feet and leaped towards her. He landed beside her but instantly widened his eyes as a laser beam was going towards his direction.

But just in time, a hand pushed him away and got pierced by the laser. "Guh! You damn idiot! What would happen if I didn't do that!" Said the woman who was frowning at the man. Mikio quickly carried her and said, "I won't lose another one of my pack. Especially you."

"Tch! Does this look like a romantic scenario?! Just go and fucking run!" Said the woman as she looked at the crazy person. Her eyes widened in shock and disgust, as she looked at the enemy. His eyes was bleeding and veins was buldging out everywhere on his body. He looked like a crazed animal that doesn't have control over itself.

"AAAAAARRGGGHHH!!" He shouted, as more laser shout out from his hand. She quickly looked above and saw many cracks are forming on the ceiling. "MIKIO RUN NOW!! THE BULDING IS GONNA FALL!!"

Mikio nodded and immediately rushed towards the door with Kyoka in his arms. Kyoka, who was watching the crazed man saw that he was aiming another attack towards them. With her other remaining arm, she formed a pillar of bone coming from her palm and quickly tripped Mikio.

"Woah!" They both immediately fall down and barely dodged a laser beam. "Guh!" She grunted in pain, as she saw felt arm got pierced by another laser coming from his other hand. Mikio looked at her arm with worry as he carried her back up and ran out the door.


"And that's what happened..." The bald man said with a single tear dropped slide down his cheek. The detective nodded and sighed, "That is really... Problematic... There are many things I would like an answer for... but that would be for another time."

Mikio nodded and sighed, "What would I be doing now?" The detective thought about it before answering, "Even if you and your team was the victim of the attack. You still fought back with your quirk. That would still be counted as vigilantism even if you did it for self defense..."

That made Mikio a bit pissed off, "So what your saying is to let them kill us?!" The detective sighed and said, "No, I never said that. If you think that I would put you behind bars for a few years because of vigilantism... You must be an idiot."

"Eh?" Mikio said in confusion. The detective smiled and said, "That rule has a huge loophole for this kinds of things. Like people must be sitting ducks and can't use their quirks for self defense. It's very idiotic. Like seriously very idiotic."

'It's also because I felt bad and All Might was doing his hero work on the other side of Japan. So, essentially no one could have saved you and your friends before.' Naomasa thought, as he remembered the call he made to him.


"What?! A fight broke out and people died?! Shit! Where is it Naomasa!" The voice of the number one hero sounded from his phone speaker with worry. Naomasa sighed and said, "It's already happened, were in Chiba right now."

"Chiba... Oh, that's the other side of japan... I could get there in a few minutes... Oh! Be right back!" Was the last words of the man before he ended the call. Naomasa's eyebrow twitched and thought, 'That damn hero must have heard another shout for help.'

He sighed and put his phone back to his pocket, "Seriously... Being the number one hero must be a pain in the ass..."


Hearing his words made him formed a smile and said, "Thank you... detective." R=The detective shook his head and said, "Don't thank me yet. You are still going to get questioned tommorow. It's getting late."

He nodded and said, "It's alright, I will come back to the police station tommorow. I'm going to stay by Kyoka for the time being." The detective stared at him in silence before nodding, "Sure, be here at 9 AM. Don't be late,"

Mikio nodded and left the building. Naomasa sighed and looked at the notes he wrote, "Suprisingly everything he said was true... Except for other enemies that died in the rubble. They must have killed them... but what do you expect froma gang member..."

As he looked through the notes one more time, he frowned and thought, 'There are really many things that I would need to tell All Might and Sir Nighteye... The peaceful years are slowly coming to an end...'

(A/N = ALRIGHT!! I'M BACK AND I'M FINE NOW! I got a comment about people wanting a time skip because of the MC being a five year old. I mean... Did you know that there's a lot you could do in just a year with those kinds of abilities? Going to different kinds of worlds, study more shit and train more shit. Then theres the fact that the MHA timeline.

There is suprisingly a lot in the MHA timeline but was shown in different books. Like the BNHA : Vigilante that starts before the actual BNHA. The vigilante manga gives a lot of new stuff that happened before the anime. I'm still reading it btw. The actual start of BNHA VG is approximately one year after All Might's fight with AFO. Then there is an arc that showed approximately three years before the fight.

Okay now that that's done. I need your help in this. Would it be safe to say, that you could stack a level from one world to another? Like for example, MC goes to Arifureta and became level 100. Then he goes to Danmachi which has another kind of levelling system and start as level one. Because Danmachi needs Falna and Arifureta needs stats.

I don't have a full understanding of the Arifureta levelling system because they never actually talked about it with details except for stats = level. While Danmachi is Falna+Fighting Experience = Stats up= Level up.

So... Could he exploit this kind of things or it's not like that? Then there is the world. I watched tons of animes in the past but forgot all of them. Only recently, when a person commented about a very great anime with robots+magic+coding. Thank you BTW

That anime could be a good start for the MC to learn coding and mechs with a tad bit of magic. This also reminds me about another question. Would magic artifacts from different anime work with other worlds magic? Like if the orb suck magic... can it suck falna or PSI from Irregular in the magic highschool?

That's all the question I wanted to ask today. Thanks for reading!)