
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

F&S Failed Bonding Time; Berserker

(A/N = Welp... Shit. I was having a very nice morning and had many ideas for the worlds that the mc would be going to... Then all the sudden, the news of my grandma's death was announced... How bad could this day get any worse?)

"Garaki... How is project Trigger doing?" A white haired man said while looking at the screens. The short and bald doctor beside him looked at the notes in his hands before answering, "It is now in their starting phase. We have given them to some underground fighters for experiments. The results should be coming in a few days."

The white haired man smiled evily and said, "Good... Keep doing a good job doctor. Call Kurogiri back. I'm going to do some 'harvesting'." Garaki nodded and left the room. All for One looked at the screens and stayed silent as he watched a fight in his quirk farm.


"What?" Kai asked with confusion. Akira, his father smiled and repeated, "It's been a while since we had our father and son bonding time. So, I thought, we should do something together. You've been with your sister and mother most of the time... And I'm not going to lose against them."

Kai chuckled before thinking about what he said, 'Oh yeah... He's right... We never had done anything together since I've gotten my wishes...' His father looked at him with a smile and asked, "So is that a yeeees?"

Kai sighed and nodded, "Yeah." Hearing his son agreed he pumped his fist, "Yes! Now, go change your clothes. We will have the best father and son day ever." Kai softly smiled at his father before reconstructing his pants into jeans. "Done."

His father looked at his newly reconstructed jeans and sighed, "My own son betrayed me with his powers... Go wait down stairs... I'm going to change like a normal person.." Kai giggled at his father before going downstairs where he sat on the sofa while watching TV.

"Kwai! Kwai!" He quickly turned his head towards his right and saw a baby girl with grey hair and yellow eyes crawling towards him. "Hilde! What are you doing here? Where's mom?" The baby kept crawling towards him before pointing at the kitchen.

"Oooh... Okay, then what are you doing here?" He said while carrying her up and placed her on the sofa. "Kwai! Bway!" She said while swaying her arms around. Kai wanted to say something but was interrupted by his dad going down from the stairs, "Kai! Let's go."

Kai sighed and tenderly patted her head, "Sorry Hilde. I already promised dad to go with him. I'll play with you when we get home okay?" The baby pouted and got a bit angry. "Nwo! Kwai! Bway!" He sighed again before creating a yellow bunny doll.

"Here, play with this untiI get back home." The baby looked at the soft bunny doll with stars in her eyes before hugging it. "Kway! Bway!" Kai chuckled before going outside where he saw his father inside of the car.

Seeing that his height is still too short for the car handle, he sighed and created a portal to the passanger side. He plop down on the seat before putting his seatbelts on, "Where are we going?" His father checked his phone before saying, "Well... I didn't exacctly had anything planned... So, I search the internet for something."

"They said something like fishing to going to the movies or maybe even bring them to my workplace. Though, I think you would be bored by going to my workplace..." He said with a wry smile. Kai sighed and asked, "What is your job anyway? I already forgot."

"Wow... How cruel... You remember your mother's but not mine? I guess it really was too long since we had a father and son bonding time..." He said with a hurt expression. Kai deadpanned and said, "Mom is literally a housewife... I don't even think that's a job."

"Jobs = Occupation. Anyways, I work as a mechanic and fighting trainer. I fix people's vehicles and train people how to do the basics of hand to hand combat." He said while punching the air. Kai looked confused at first before widening his eyes in shock.

'Mechanic?! I could learn how vehicles work from dad. With this I should get the basic understanding of how vehicles' parts work and made.' He thought before saying, "Wow! Dad is a mechanic?! That's so cool."

He's smile widened as he stepped on the gas, "I know right? Now, before we go do our father and son bonding time. I need to go to the shop nearby to buy some fishing equipment..." Kai looked at his father in confusion, "You didn't buy the items yet?"

He showed him a wry smile before saying, "Yeah... I just thought about it this morning... Tehe." Seeing his father like this, made him sigh and stayed silent as the car drove to the nearest fishing shop.


"Do you even have experience in fishing?" Kai asked his father who is currently looking at the different kinds of baits in the shelf. His father nodded and said, "Of course! I did this with your grandpa before. There is even a big lake around ten kilometers away from here."

"That's not a fishing spot dad..." Kai said while deadpanning at his father. "Oh come on. It's not like were going to kill them. We're just going to catch them, take a few photos, then release them. It just takes a minute. Don't be so sensitive about it."

"Uhuh..." He said with an unsure expression and thought. 'I seriously think that he doesn't know what his doing... We've been in the aisle for a few minutes now...' His father focused on the few chosen baits before muttering, "Fuck it... I'm just gonna buy all of them.."

He quickly take a few boxes of each baits before going back to the counter where the fishing rods are laying on it. "Is that all sir?" The cashier said with a tired expression. His dad smiled and nodded, "Yep! That's all."

The cashier sighed and scanned all of them before giving his dad the receipt. His dad gave the money with a smile and carried all the fishing items back to the car. "Now that we're all set. Let's go to the lake."

Seeing his father being like this, made him smile and thought, 'At least his trying his best to make this a fun time.' He went back in the car with his father and drove off towards the lake.


"Can I just use a portal? We've been walking for about ten minutes." Kai said while walking beside his dad. Akira shook his head and said, "This is part of the experience Kai. Your grandfather did the same thing to me."

'You just want me to feel the same thing you did right?' He thought while carrying a bag filled with bates. After a few more minutes of walking, they finally arrived by the side of the big lake. "Tadah! The same lake that your grandfather brought me to fish."

Kai looked at the lake and sighed, "How are we going to fish then? We don't have a boat." His father shook his head and said, "Kai Kai Kai... Did you forget about out abilities to create?" He walked to the edge of the lake and projected a wooden boat.

Kai raised an eyebrow and asked, "Did grandfather also told you to make that?" He shook his head and said, "This is a very simple creation. Once, you know how to make complicated stuff like me. This kinds of things are easy as 1+1. Now, get in and we shall fish like father and son."

'Wait a minute... Did he forget that we could create our own baits and rods? Wecould have save our money and just went straight to here..,' Kai thought, as he sat on the boat with his dad. He projected a motor to the back of the boat and we went ten meters away from land.

"Aren't we going further?" Kai asked while looking at the land. His father shook his head and answered while applying the bait to the hook. "Nope. You don't really need to go so far. Just a few meters away from land should be enough."

Kai hummed and grabbed his own fishing rod. "So, I place the bait here?" He said while hooking the bait into the hook. His dad checked it before nodding, "Yeah, that should work. Now the only thing we need to do is throw it out and wait."

Kai nodded and both of them threw the baits to the lake...

'This is taking too long... There isn't any fish coming here... Is it because of their instinct? I mean... Rumi also felt my power using hers and the zombies ran away from me... Shit. Did I ruin the fishing trip by being in a fishing trip?' He thought as he looked at his dad's frustrated expression.

"Umm dad-?" "It's alright Kai. This takes time... Just be patient. They must have not get the signal." He said while projecting a metal ball. He threw the ball towards the water and created a big splash. Kai deadpanned and said, "Isn't that going to make the fishes go away?"

He shrugged and said, "This should work... probably... Just be patient Kai. They will definetly come." Kai wanted to say something but stopped when he saw his father's determined expression. He sighed and thought, 'Welp... Let's just stay quiet...'

So the duo stayed for a half an hour before going to extreme measures. "Let's bomb them instead." He said while projecting a bomb. "No! Dad! Let's just go to the movies! It's much more fun! There should be a very good one playing right now."

His father sighed and said with a frown, "I always wanted to fish with my son... Haa... I guess we could do this another time..." He projected the motor again before going back to the land.

[Meanwhile the fishes]

"Did they leave?" Asked the black fish. The other fish nodded and said "Yeah, they still think that we are stupid enough to go for their bates. Good thing one of our kind manifested what those hairless monkeys called intelligent quirks. Now let's go back and continue our conquest to dominate the our territory."

[Back to the Fukunas]

Kai looked at his father who had a bad mood as they walked back from the lake. "It's fine dad. We could always do this in the future. I mean, I'm still five." His dad looked at him and sighed, "Yeah... You're right...."

They finally arrived at the parking lot but found that it was covered in cracks and cuts. Both of them widened their eyes in shock and found that the cars were also damaged, some are even destroyed. They quickly went towards their car and saw it was covered in cuts and dents.

"What the heck happened here?!" His dad said while quickly checking the car engine's condition. Kai looked around and saw a long shallow cut on the ground. 'A fight?!' He then remembered the gang war that Rumi said before.

"We already didn't get to fish and now we need to go back home without the car..." He said while slamming the hood back down. "What?!" Kai said while looking at him in shock. His father sighed and said, "The engine is badly damaged and the pipes have huge gashes... The car also looks in no condition to drive as well."

"Can't you fix it?" His father shook his head and said, "That would take too long. Not only that, it's going to be dark in a few hours..." Kai sighed and said, "Let me just create a portal." His father sighed and nodded, "Yeah... You should do that."

Kai nodded but before he created a portal. A red laser beam shot out from the nearby building and pierced the car a few meters away from them. They quickly looked towards the building and saw a person with laser cannons for hands.

Another person ran out of the building with another person laying on his arms. "RAAAAGH!! PAINPAINPAINPAIN!!" The man with the laser cannons shouted with veins bulging out of his whole body. He swing his hands around and shot at random directions.

The person who was running away saw Kai and his father and shouted at them, "Run away! He has gone beserk!" Kai's eyes sharpened and wanted to kill the berserk man but was startled by a gun shot from behind him.

The bullet rushed through the air and pierced the laser man's thigh. "GRAAHH!!" The man fell foward to the ground but was still shooting his lasers. *Bang!* Another shot was heard and a bullet pierced the man's laser cannon that turned back into a burned hand.

Kai quickly looked back and saw his father aming a sniper rifle at the man. His father reloaded and shot the other laser cannon and that also turned back into a roasted hand. He sighed and ceased his projections before rushing towards the wounder man and woman in his arms.

"How badly injured are you?" He asked while projecting a bandage. The man shook his head and said, "Not that bad... But Shizu! She crashed very hard against the wall not only that she got shot by the crazy laser dude in the thigh and arm."

Akira nodded and begin to cover the woman's wounds. "Kai! Create a portal to the nearest hospital! In this rate she would die!" Kai nodded and search the closest hospital near them. "Found it! Let's go!" He created a portal beside them and went through with the others.

As the portal closes, a cloaked man went out of an alleyway and walked towards the once beserk man. The man could hear his muttering for help and answered him with a bullet through the head. The cloaked man looked at the body and sighed, "This is a fail... Dr. Garaki would be dissapointed at this failure..."

He carried the body and looked at the direction where they created the portal. "Those guys must have been lucky... To think there was a hero nearby... Or was it even a hero?" He sighed but then panicked as he heard many police sirens coming to the area.

"Shit!" He quickly ran away from the scene just before the cops arrive.

(A/N = So... My day just got worse... I got myself a few math homeworks about linear and shit that I don't understand and a presentation to finish... God... Why must you hate me???

Anyways, worlds! So far there is now only three directions that I have chosen from the comments. Code Geass, Arifureta, and Danmachi.

Arifureta : Ancient Magics, Level Ups, Dungeon, and probably vampire waifu... The waifu was not my idea... But! It also has a false god and a war between demons and humans and probably other races as well. Which he probably won't join in...

Code Geass : Probably Geass, Try to learn being strategic, advanced technology and probably C.C. But! It has a war between the Japanese vs Britannia... Which is very useless for the MC... I mean why would he join the fight of another world? Also very annoying geass users!

Danmachi : Magic, Falna, Level ups Dungeons, No waifu... I mean most waifus are a few thousand or maybe hundreds of years old so... I don't think anyone would be going anywhere with the mc. XD But! There could be Gods and Goddesses who can sense the Honkai Energy inside of him... Which is also not a minus...

So, yeah... Help me choose while I sit on my chair and do my freaking math homework... I really hate math...)