
Moonlight Child

"...for the last year of High School, an 18 year old Sarah and her mom moves to a small city called Silverel. The idea of leaving her friends and old school behind was killing Sarah. She thought her life was over and her last year of high school was ruined. Later, by meeting few new friends she then began to realize that this town is filled with mysteries and secrets. Maybe this town will be able to help to find her true self, her destiny, and her long forgotten memories..."

Yuliya_Stetsko · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: More secrets

       I run outside. My emotions took over me. Even though I didn't know Jason for that long, I felt betrayed, used. I was confused and mad. The only thing I could do is run away, somewhere, where nobody will be able to find me.

"Gotcha" Leo grabbed my arm and stopped me from going any further. I immediately came back into reality.

" I want to be alone"

"Eh, I would let you go, but it's dangerous to walk around alone. I'm either coming with you, or we are going back to school."

I looked back at school. I knew Jason was there, probably wondering which direction I went. He said again:

"Come on, Suzie is waiting in the car for us"

"What about Cas?"

"He had plans, he will join us a bit later."

"So we are skipping the last period today?"

"Hell yeah" he said while raising his hands up.

"Okay haha, lets go then"

He slightly smiled and tapped my shoulder. We slowly walked towards his car, and then I saw Jason coming out of the building. Our eyes met.

"Quickly get in the car and drive!" I told Leo fast and quietly. He understood as soon as he saw Jason too. He started the car and drew away from the parking lot. I was in the back sit with Suzie.

       We were driving quietly, until Leo broke the silence.

"Why are you avoiding Jason now? You were defending him couple of days ago?"

"I heard some weird conversations between him and some random dude in the hood. It was all weird until I heard him saying my name, and that he's following the order to watch after me." I didn't break my stare at the window, I felt a little broken inside, considering all the recent events that have happened to me in the couple of days.

"I told you you can't trust him" Leo said a bit seriously

"I know...I know."

All of a sudden I was that we pulled up to the same "amazing" cafe, the one that me and Jason went to in the morning. We stopped and entered the building. We sat down right by the big window, Suzie sat by me. Then I saw the same weird waitress that was acting all weird in the morning, she caught Suzie's eye too. The waitress stopped half way, quickly turned around and run back to the kitchen.

"What's wrong with her? She acted all weird in the morning when me and Jason were here" I whispered to both of them.

"Wait you were on a date with Jason?" Leo said with a surprised voice.

"What? No! And I'm not talking about him right now! This waitress is acting weird and.."

"And scared?" Suzie finished my sentence. This town is mysterious, full of secrets. Everybody is hiding something, and I felt the same about Leo and Suzie. Those looks between each other, secret eye sights, and they are still interested in being friends with me. Maybe they are also just like Jason, but didn't got caught yet. I wanted to ask the directly what's up, or tel them that their behaviour is bothering me, but Cas interrupted this plan. He run through the door and sat by Leo.

"Sorry I was talking my dad." Cas said.

"Anything new about those weird disappearances?" Leo asked without hesitation.

"The only thing that they found was..." he stopped and looked at me worried. I felt something cold running down my spine.

"Sarah, they found the marks from some kind of unknown wild animal. They don't know what that is. You said you were attacked by an animal, maybe you can tell me more how it looked like? Or maybe how..." Cas looked really worried. He knew that it's a miracle that I survived. Leo interrupted him.

"Not today Cas, she already had enough in the couple of days."

We ordered milkshakes and began talking about the upcoming dance event, completely forgetting about the beast story, or I thought so.

" We should go to my place and make our own party." Leo suggested. I personally dislike any kind of social event. You have to look perfect, fake smile, pretend that you enjoy talking to everyone, or else people will call you out for that, call you a bitch.

" I agree" I said to Leo, so did Suzie and Cas,which made him smile.

This relaxing talking made me realize that Im finally having friends, a company that I can talk to , rely on. I was so worried that I won't be able to find any friends in this Silverer city, but maybe I was wrong? Then I remembered about Jason. I should talk to him, and find out why and who ordered to look after me, since that involves me. I had a plan.