
Moonlight Child

"...for the last year of High School, an 18 year old Sarah and her mom moves to a small city called Silverel. The idea of leaving her friends and old school behind was killing Sarah. She thought her life was over and her last year of high school was ruined. Later, by meeting few new friends she then began to realize that this town is filled with mysteries and secrets. Maybe this town will be able to help to find her true self, her destiny, and her long forgotten memories..."

Yuliya_Stetsko · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: A new companion, or an enemy?

I hugged Jason from behind tightly, making sure that the I won't fell out of the motorcycle. Before we drove off I asked:

"Where are we driving specifically?"

"Wales cafe, they bake the best pancakes in the hole world, and after drinking their coffee your body recharges immediately."

"Wow what a nice advertisement haha, I like it"

"Hold on tight"

I closed my eyes at first. That was my first time driving on the motorcycle. The wind began to cover my face, body, arms. I looked up and saw the road, trees, grass. I felt so free, like a bird that was locked up in the cage for a very long time. My lungs were filled with fresh air, I could feel the freedom, probably for the first time. I instinctively raised my left arm and tried to touch the wind. And then I smiled. I forgot about that monster, my mom, and everything else. This was the moment where I felt alive. This moment was special for me.

       We arrived at a small cafe, "Wales cafe". I could hear from a far the sound of glass, forks and other kitchen supplies.

       We entered the building, and quickly sat down at the nearest table. The waitress came up to us, but she looked concerned. She stared at me for a few seconds, and then quickly smiled. Jason coughed a little bit. Maybe they had something going on between each other? Or maybe I'm not the first girl he drove to this cafe? Maybe she stared at me because the police was looking for me yesterday? Then Jason broke the silence.

" Two cups of coffee for me and...Sarah please"

"For sure, anything else?"

"No that's it. Thank you"

"I'll be right back with your order."

As soon as she left , I asked him.

"What's up with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"She stared at me and looked very concerned" I said with a tone of disappointment.

"Nah she's probably new here, never seen her before."


       The waitress brought our coffee and left in the speed of light. I could feel the stares from people. I felt everything. Maybe I'm becoming paranoid. I haven't felt like that since...since that accident that occurred at the skating competition.

"So you gonna share your story?" Jason spoke to me and broke my wave of thoughts.

"Oh yeah, yesterday..." I cant tell him what happened. He's going to call 911 if I tell him about my weird superpowers and the vision that was summoned by the full moon. "So yesterday, I was going home through the forest, some wild animal attacked me, then it run off, and I lost my consciousness, and woke up closer to the morning."

"Hmm, sounds very realistic, nothing else happened?" He asked like he was in a rush. Like he was a police officer making sure he got the whole story.

"Yes, nothing else thankfully" I said a little bit annoyingly.

"I'm glad you're okay" he smiled while looking at my eyes. Can I trust him?

"Thank you" I laughed slightly

"Now I'll drive you straight towards the school everyday...to make sure nothing bad happens. You always wanted to ride on the bike right?"

"Wait. Ride me to school everyday? Like a babysitter?" Why help me, he doesn't even know me.

"I don't accept "no" as an answer, so let's go to school"

He left the table and lend his arm to me. I was slightly surprised. I don't know how I felt about this. Then I looked at him again. He so pretty, I hope this beautiful cover won't disappoint me later.

"Okay, just for few days" I took his arm and we left the building.

       So many questions in the last few days, my head is hurting.  What else am I suppose to over come? Or is this just the beginning?

He drove me to school, but I decided not to trust him fully. I still have to find out why him, Leo and Suzie are not friends.

"Do you want me to walk you to..."

"No thanks, that will be too much." I interrupted him.

"Then I'll see you after school"


"Your welcome"

I didn't even have time to say something as he drove away. I was really confused why he wants to babysit me.

Out of no where I saw Suzie running to me. She hugged me and asked

"Are you alright? What happened to you?" Than Cas and Leo appeared from behind.

"And why you were with that moron?" Leo was mad. Really mad.

"I'm okay, I think I just lost consciousness in the forest. Some wild animal scared me so maybe that's why." Suzie and Leo looked at each other again. But this time they had an assuring look, like they agreed on something together. I continued what I wanted to say. "And Jason is not a moron, he actually suggested to drive me to school every day, and I assume back home too."

"Did you say yes?" Cas asked me all excite "Are you dating?" What? Dating?

"Wait hold up I didn't say dating!"

"Sarah please let us walk you to school and back home, for your own good." Suzie said

"You guys can't be serious right now. You gave me zero reasons not to trust Jason, so please calm down. I'm not stupid, if a see something weird or suspicious, I will definitely cut it off. Now let's go we will be late for class." I turned around and walked towards school. Cas immediately run after me and we walked to class together.

*Conversation between Leo and Suzie.*

Leo and Suzie watched Sarah and CAs disappeare from the horizon.

"What does that devilish idiot wants from her." Leo said that through his teeth while checking the parking lot area. Suzie went quite for a few seconds and the spoke up.

"I have the same question. We need to talk with Jason and warn him. I'm done playing by their rules. They can't do whatever they want in this town. I'm gonna talk to Sarah and gently let her know that Jason is messed up."

They both then entered the school and joined Sarah and Cas in the class.

*Back to Sarah's perspective*

"Wow look who's back" Are they dating or something? Why do they always have this weird look between each other that only both of them understand. Then the teacher walked in and begin talking.

The class was boring as usual. We were talking about the cells, and chromosomes. Very interesting. By the end of the class our teacher spoke.

"That should be it for today. Class please don't forget about the dance this Friday . The football tryouts are also happening this week..."

"What dance" I whispered to Suzie.

"Oh you should definitely come with us! We usually dance for 30 minutes, and then we go to Leo's place to watch movies and have a sleepover."

"And that's a yes from me, I'm coming with you guys." I whispered back while holding back my smile. What a wonderful day so far.

During the lunch break, me and Suzie decided to meet Cas and Leo by the entrance door. Everything was loud inside the school, even though the town is small. Every one was busy with talking, hugging and doing other random activities. Then I saw Jason entering the empty classroom.

"Why did Jason just entered that class, he takes any extra classes?" I asked Suzie like a naive kid.

" Uhm.."

I decided to take a pick and see what was happening. I carefully looked through the class window and saw two dudes talking. The other one was wearing a hoodie, and everything that he was wearing was black. I decided to ear drop a little bit.

"Did you pick her..."

"Yes I did" Jason answered

" Don't fort get to report to her"

"Oh she will know about that without my help."

"You know better."

I my heart dropped. We're they talking about me?

"Does she has a plan on how to open that door?" Jason quickly asked.

" She has a plan, she just needs the materials to do so..."

This conversation was getting weirder and weirder. Leo and Suzie were right, he's a moron. He suggested to give me rides because somebody ordered him to. I looked at his face and wanted to scream. Then our eyes met. He quickly stood up from the desk and was about to approach but I escalated outside. Suzie went straight after me.

" Selfish, idiot, a moron!" I said that to my self. I wasn't sure who I was mad at more, him, or myself. You can't trust anyone at this town. Just yourself.