
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 7- "He Had A Really Big You-Know-What"

This week on how much bullshit can I make up so I don't have to write a sex scene, ft. More metaphors.


I pressed my hand into Draco's as the two of us left the Great Hall. I turned back to Willow and smiled, and she winked back. I blushed, and waved at her and Vampire. He looked away, a little sad. I turned to Draco as we walked through the halls, and tried to put on a sexy pout. He looked down at me and swooped a kiss onto my cheek.

"How are you today, handsome?" I jokingly flirted, imitating the popular girls we so often saw making out in the corridors.

He laughed, and played along, "Better now that I'm with you."

"Oh really? Or maybe you were just jealous that I was talking to another cutie?"

"And who would that be?" He smirked, wrapping his arm around my waist as he guided me back to our dorms.

"You definitely saw me sitting with Vampire Potter, or are you pretending to be blind too."

He froze for a moment and his eyes grew dark, but then he was back to joking a split second later. "So you think he could compare to me?" He flexed his bicep as he opened the door to his room, and I giggled. Leaning up, I pressed our lips together, completely forgetting his reaction earlier.

His hands crept up my shirt and our kiss turned heated. I guided Draco to his bed, and pushed him backwards onto it. While he lay looking up at me, I climbed over him so I sat straddling his hips. Draco pulled me down for another kiss, and we lay there, content just kissing. I found my hands exploring his body. I cupped his jaw, then slid my palms down his sides, before ending at the hem of his shirt. I fingered the threadbare material for a moment, before removing it. I sat up so I could free it from his arms and head, then admired his body.

But then, I noticed the black tattoo on his arm. Draco reached for me, to bring me in for another kiss, and I saw what the design was. A black heart, containing a word in script. I grabbed his wrist so I could read the gothic font. "Vampire..." I whispered. The tattoo was decently old, so I knew it wasn't for me. Was it a name?

All of a sudden, the realization hit me harder than one of Hogwarts invisible walls.

"You bastard!" I jumped up, heart hammering in my chest.

Confusion was written all over his face as he looked at me, then down at his arm. I watch realization dawn.

"Ebony! Y-you don't understand!" He pleaded, but I didn't care. Was he cheating on Vampire with me? Was I some kind of... some kind of side ho?

"Fuck you!" I shouted, frantically throwing my clothes back on. As I turned to leave, I knew I had to say something else. With all the venom I could muster, I spit, "You probably have AIDs anyway!"

I stormed out of the dorms, headed to where Vampire had said his next class would be; Potions with Professor Snape.

I stormed into the room, not bothering with anything other than my target. With all the authority I could muster, I shrieked, "Where the fuck are you Vampire Potter?! You motherfucker!"


Poor Ebony, she really never seems to have an orgasm before some stupid drama happens.