
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 6- "There Was No Scar on his Forhead Anymore."

Vampire Potter is my new favorite character and you can actually fight me over it.


I woke up the next morning to bright sunlight streaming through a small crack in my coffin. I groaned.

Barely able to push open the lid of my coffin, I felt the muscles on my back protesting from all the "exercise" Draco and I had done in the forest. Not to mention the hours of dancing we had enjoyed previously.

I picked out my outfit, still ignoring the dress code (Seven years strong, why stop now). I decided to skip the corset this morning, and opted for a soft blouse patterned in red skulls. I walked with Willow from our dorm to the Great Hall, and I casually told her about the concert, and eventually opened up about my time with Draco.

"What the actual hell?!" Willow exclaimed, when I finally told her about our run in with Dumbledore. "I always knew he was a perv, but who does that!"

I sat in my usual spot at the table, and my standard breakfast appeared in front of me. I responded to Willow, equally as angrily, as I ate my Count Chocula and occasionally paused to take a sip of the blood I had in a goblet.

Willow cursed at Dumbledore one last time, then leaned over to ask me, "Well... how was the sex?"

I blushed deep red, and tried to seem nonchalant. As I went to take a drink from my goblet, someone knocked into me from behind and I spilled blood all across the front of my blouse. Before I even turned around, I had shrieked "Bastard!" and prepared to confront this asshole.

As I looked up at my assailant, I suddenly realized that he was one of us... a goth. His hair was spiked perfectly, and his eyes were dimmed in copious layers of kohl. He looked down, pained, and stuttered out an apology.

Even though I could hold a grudge for years, I couldn't seem to stay angry with him. I quickly smiled, "It's fine, don't worry about it." I scooted toward Willow, making room for him on the bench.

"What's your name?" I inquired.

He started to open up, "I'm Harry Potter; although, now most people call me Vampire."

"Why?" Willow piped in.

Vampire looked a little uneasy, but eventually confessed, "Because I like the taste of human blood."

I giggled, then leaned in close to him. "Well," I smiled mischievously, "I really am a vampire!"

His eyes widened in shock, and he barely seemed to be able to ask, "Really?"

I confirmed it, "Really."

He laughed, and I started to feel like we could be good friends. We talked until breakfast was nearly over, carrying on about our favorite music, our class schedule, and the best hair styling products, until Draco snuck up behind me.

"Ah!" I cried, then turned to see Draco's smirk. "Satan, you're such a dick!" I lightly punched him on the arm, and he laughed before kissing me on the cheek.

"I have something to show you," He whispered into my ear, and I eagerly left Willow and Vampire, wondering what Draco wants me to see.


Just in case anyone's wondering when One Direction and BTS are coming in, no worries! It'll be soon- probably