
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 13-"Heard a croon voice say. 'Allah Kedavra!'"

I literally love Dumbledore. He's the voice of reason through this whole thing. And yes I am including "What are you doing you motherfuckers?" as a reasonable response.

Also half of this was written in line at the DMV so don't expect a masterpiece.


Vampire and I sprinted through the corridors, passing classroom after classroom, slamming open doors as we hunted for Dumbledore.

As we ran out of his dorm room, he had reasoned that Dumbledore was our best bet to find Draco's exact location. Stumbling through the halls, shouting for the headmaster, we probably looked like complete fools, but Vampire and I were too concerned for Draco to care.

Rounding a corner, the two of us ran headlong into an imposing figure. Looking up, hoping it wasn't Professor Snape asking why we hadn't arrived to Potions, I scanned the wizard's long blue robes and white beard.


Vampire and I jumped to our feet frantically trying to explain the situation over each other.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, Vampire and I..."

"....We are in my room and I had a vision of Draco and Voldemort..."

"...So he's not dead and he needs our help! We need you to..."

"You have to help us get to him!"

"With a spell or whatever!"

Dumbledore raised a hand and the two of us quieted instantly. He stood still for a moment, then calmly responded, "No I won't help."

Vampire and I started to respond with some choice swears, but he raised his hand again.

"I don't care what happens to you anymore. As far as I'm concerned, you're not even students at this school anymore."

Vampire fell to the floor, tears slowly streaming down his cheeks. I felt more rage pool in my gut as Dumbledore began to walk away.

"Wait!" I shouted, and Dumbledore stopped but did not turn to look at me, "You told us that Draco had killed himself, but now he's alive. What actually happened?"

Dumbledore, still gazing at the hallway ahead, replied, "Maybe I'm a satanist too." Then, he walked off.

I turned to help Vampire up, but he was already climbing to his feet. He brushed away the few tears left on his cheeks, then looked at me, determination set in his eyes. "We're going to have to find another way in."

We paced back to our dorms, racking our brains for an answer. As we passed through the common room, Willow descended the stairs and smiled at me, until she noticed our grim expressions.

"What's wrong?" She asked, and I quickly explained that Draco wasn't dead, that Voldemort had captured him, and that we had to find a way to rescue him. In the middle of my explanation, Diablo and B'loody Mary joined our group, and promised to help us rescue Draco.

In true B'loody Mary fashion, she figured that we might be able to find a teleportation spell book somewhere in the library.

By the time we reached the library, it was almost an hour past curfew. Barely sneaking past the teachers patrolling the halls, we wove through the bookshelves, checking titles and authors. Luckily, the full moon brightened the room without too much trouble, allowing us to check the books without a lantern.

After 30 minutes of hunting, Diablo called out. We rushed to the eastern edge of the library and found B'loody Mary and Diablo leafing through the pages of a large textbook until they reached a chapter on teleportation spells.

"This is it. This spell should be able to get us to Draco," B'loody Mary whispered.

"Then let's go!" I exclaimed. Vampire nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright..." B'loody Mary began to chant, "Non potuerunt curare minus sanguinis dum aliquis!"

The world around us began to blur, and I stopped being able to hear anything over a rush of wind. A flash of light as the world tilted, then all my senses came rushing back to me.

Looking around, we stood in the center of a graveyard. Collapsing tombstones surrounded us, slowly being torn down by vines weaving through the stone. Crows cried out above us, a cacophony of despair. I would have loved it, except I knew Draco was here. A flash of light appeared to my left and we all turned toward it.

Under the crumbling structure of a mausoleum, stood two men. Voldemort, I recognized immediately. The other had ratty brown hair that, even from two hundred feet away, I could tell hadn't been washed in months.

Then, Voldemort walked away and revealed a third person kneeling on the floor. There, rope digging into his skin and leaving him immobile, was Draco.


Alternate Dumbledore response- "As far as I'm concerned, y'aint even students at this school anymore."

Spell Translation (thank you again to google translate):

"Non potuerunt curare minus sanguinis dum aliquis"- "They could care less as long as someone will bleed"(Teenagers by My Chemical Romance)