
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 12- "Voldemort has him bondage!"

Is this a McFucking joke?


I still couldn't live without Draco, don't get me wrong.

It had been four days since the bathroom incident, and I was still in the nurse's office. Apparently they can't heal mental illnesses with magic, no matter how well it can whisk away scars.

Four days and my nerve had finally come back. I was going to see Draco, and we were going to be together forever.

I had hidden the knife he gave me under a pillow, also gave with a long iron stake. Every night, I gently brushed my fingers against the blade, trying to gain the courage to end my life. To be with him again. And now I would.

It was the morning of the fourth day, and I had to do it soon, before visiting hours began.

But once I pressed the blade to my wrist, I was stuck by fear. I couldn't do it.

Sighing, I waited for the doors to open. The first person to enter was Hagrid, arms laden with gifts. He set the large packages on my bed before sitting next to me, still holding a bouquet of pink roses. I was tempted to ignore him, but I'd already spent his last few visits pretending to be asleep.

"Hey Ebony," Hagrid cautiously started, speaking softly, "I-I need to tell you something."

This attitude he was taking toward me was already pissing me off. Don't you dare treat me like some glass figure.

So I replied, "Fuck off poser prep."

He looked at me, clearly hurt. "B-But I brought you these."

I glared at him, then gritted out, "I hate pink, and I hate fake douchebags too."

Hagrid flinched back, then looked back at me, anger rising in his voice as he said, "Those aren't roses."

"What? Are they Satanists too?" I retorted.

"I saved your life, bitch!"

"You tried to save me from a Paris Hilton sex tape, and you were too late to even do a good job of that."

"Whatever!" He stood up, knocking over a chair, then turned away ashamed. "I need to show you the truth..."

Now I regretted not hearing him out from the beginning.

He walked to the foot of my bed and held out the roses, singing, "You're just a sad song with nothing to say, about a long-life wait for a hospital stay-"

"That's an MCR song, not a spell," I interrupted.

"I was just warming up" Hagrid replied, rolling his eyes.

Then, he began chanting, "Tua nos omnes et odium et occidere. Ergo pingere nigrum, et sumam eam! Mauris Mattis!"

The flowers began wilting and suddenly disintegrated before my eyes, as the end of the stems burst into a pure black flame. I gasped, my hands flying to cover my mouth.

"Don't you see, Ebony? I am a satanist."

Can't argue with that.

"Fine," I replied, "What did you want to tell me?"

As the flame continued to flow around his hands, he looked into my eyes. "Don't you see what happened to Draco?"

The ball of fire was still pitch black, and as enchanting as it was, it didn't give me any look into the current fate of my true love. I tore my gaze away, and noticed Dumbledore standing a few feet behind Hagrid. Entranced by the flame, he didn't seem to notice that I had realized he was in the room.

I looked back to Hagrid and admitted, "I don't see anything."

I heard footsteps and Dumbledore walked up to my bed. "Ebony," Dumbledore began, still entranced by the flames, "In order for the flames to reveal their secrets, you must find yourself first."

Hagrid jumped back, surprised by Dumbledore's appearance. "I-I have found myself, and I'm a Satanist! Your just a rude old man!"

Dumbledore looked to Hagrid and I saw something in his eyes. Knowledge, something Hagrid and I didn't know, and maybe would never know. Dumbledore sighed, and walked out of the infirmary.


A week after the scene in the infirmary, I was back in my normal class routine. Well, as normal as it can be after the love of your life dies.

Dressed in an expensive leather minidress and some custom made black boots with photos of Billie Joe Armstrong, I was headed out of the dorms to my first class of the day. Leaving the room, Willow stopped me.

"You looks so Kawaii!" She grinned.

I smiled back, "Not as kawaii as you!" I meant it. I had always been jealous of Willow's effortlessly straight hair. Maybe there was a spell so I could steal her looks.

I continued out of the room, trying to figure out another way for me to become as gorgeous as Willow. As I walked by the entrance to the boys dorm, I quite literally ran into Vampire, knocking us both off balance. I tumbled into his arms and we collapsed onto the floor.

It took me a moment to realize that I was now straddling Vampire Potter on the floor of the Slytherin common room.

"Vampire! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, staring to climb off of him. But, he reached up, pressing his hand to the base of my neck and pulled me back down to him. As we leaned close together, he pushed up off the floor and pressed our lips together. Shocked by his sudden advances, I stayed frozen and he began to deepen the kiss. This pulled me back into reality, and I pulled back, frantically trying to stand up. Vampire looked at me in confusion and softly said my name.

Fully pissed off at this point, I spat, "Fuck off Vampire! I-I still only love Draco!"

He pushed off the floor and reached up to me, then suddenly clutched his forehead in pain. Vampire collapsed back to the floor, writhing in pain, eyes rolled up into his head. Panicking, I turned back and kneeled down next to him, lifting him up as he stilled. His eyes opened, full of fear.

"We have to go... We have to go!" He shouted, leaning forward and grabbing my shoulders.

"What's going on?" I said, shocked at the outburst.

"We... we just have to go! My scar hurt and then I saw-"

"I thought you didn't have a scar!"

"Long story- Diablo turned it into a pentagram and I cover it with foundation." He stood quickly and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to my feet. "Just now I had a vision, one of..." He shook his head.

"What did you see?" I demanded. Vampire stood straighter and set his shoulders at the tone of my question.

He turned back to me, determination set in his features. "Draco's not dead. Voldemort had him tied up. He's been kidnapped."


Translation for the Latin courtesy of google translate:

"Tua nos omnes et odium et occidere. Ergo pingere nigrum, et sumam eam!" - "Your misery and hate will kill us all. So paint it black and take it back!" (Welcome to the Black Parade by MCR)

"Mauris Mattis"- "My Chemical Romance"

I'm sorry if this isn't super cohesive, I kept jumping around in the story because I couldn't figure out what was supposed to be happening. Also this chapter is looong af. This is probably the first time I've changed plot because I didn't want to write an extra scene and an explanation.