
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 14-"I brust into tears sadly."

God I'm so ready to write this chapter. I still don't actually know what the plot of this story is, soooooooooooo


We snuck through the graves, slowly creeping toward Draco curled up the floor. Vampire and I exchanged a glance, and nodded. We had to get to Draco before Voldemort returned. I handed him the gun Voldemort had given me. Once we reached the mausoleum, we took in the scene while hidden behind some of the pillars. Draco didn't seem to be too badly hurt, and I felt relief flood trough me. Vampire's expression showed me he was feeling the same thing. Now, all that was left was to get him out.

Diablo made the first move, running from behind a pillar right in front of the man guarding Draco. The man stumbled back at the sudden appearance, and Vampire and I made our move. He ran and scooped up Draco while I snuck up behind the man with the knife Draco had given me. I knew the rest of the group was already escaping back into the graveyard, but I wanted answers

Pressing the blade to his neck, I demanded, "Who are you? Why did you take Draco?!" The man stood still and refused to answer. I asked again, louder and with more venom in my voice. Again he ignored me.

Pissed off, I pushed hard on his shoulder and turned him to look at me. Immediately I regretted it. He scrambled out of my reach and pointed his wand at me. I stood shocked, knife outstretched. One spell and I'd be dead.

Instead of just killing me, the man slowly moved toward me.

"D-Didn't think someone so gorgeous would try to kill me," He stuttered, obviously trying to look cooler than he was, "Why don't you stay here so we could have some fun?"

My temper flared. "As if!"

Without thinking, I ran at him and slashed straight for the throat. I hit my mark, and he stumbled back, hands clasping at the deep, jagged gash in his neck. He gurgled, trying to say something to me, and collapsed onto the stone floor. Without realizing it, tears gently dripped down my cheeks. I stood for a moment, realizing that I probably could've had Vampire return the gun to me. Then heeled boots clicked on the crumbling marble and I snapped out of my trance. Spinning on my heels, I ran back into the graveyard following Vampire, Diablo, and B'loody Mary.

I heard Voldemort calling for Wormtail behind me, but I didn't risk looking back.

B'loody Mary pointed her wand skyward and shouted, " !"

Light engulfed us, and we appeared back in the Slytherin common room.

Willow ran over to ask what happened, but I immediately screamed at her to get away. Something about her was starting to piss me off.

Draco engulfed me in a hug immediately after she had slunk away, grinning from ear to ear. Giggling, I pushed him off so I could look at how badly Voldemort had hurt him. Thankfully, the worst of his wounds was a deep scratch on his arm which B'loody Mary had already begun healing. Once it was nothing more than a thin line, Draco pulled away and pressed his lips to mine. As it began to get heated, I pulled Draco toward his room and waved to Vampire, B'loody Mary, and Diablo.

I slammed the door shut and turned to Draco, who just sat on his bed and was taking off his shirt. I strutted toward him, and straddled his lap. He leaned up toward me for a kiss.

As we kissed, I suddenly remembered how Wormtail's eyes slid over my body. Suddenly I felt disgusting, like my entire body had been covered in grease. I pulled away from Draco, and sat down on the bed next to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern clear in his expression.

"I-I just, what's wrong with me?" I cried.

What do you mean?" Draco scooted closer to me, sex entirely forgotten after my outburst. He pulled me close to him, his arms wrapped around me.

"Why does everyone want to fuck me? Am I just some sex toy?" I sobbed hard into Draco's shoulder. "Snape and Lupin tried to make a sex tape of me, then Hagrid confessed that he loved me, then Vampire tried to fuck me, and now Wormtail!" I pushed Draco away and stood up. "Do you only want to use me to?" I asked, accusingly.

I knew he really did love me, but I was angry and I wanted to lash out, to hurt someone.

Draco, hurt, replied, "Of course not! Why wou-" But I cut him off.

"I don't care." I howled, inconsolable, "How dare you? Why couldn't Satan have made me less beautiful?"

"Ebony- I love you- I swear!" Draco pleaded.

"I'm just too good at everything! And you could just be lying! Why don't you go back to Vampire?!" I screeched, before fleeing the room.



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