
MHA: The Water Swordsman

Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest ———————————— I wonder if I would ever notice water, had I been born in the oceans with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is, I would love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives, transparent and blue, soft and strong. ——————————————— I apologise if the events aren’t accurate time wise, if I say a specific number of days but that isn’t actually the case, just know that events will all still be in order ——————————————— Just Giyu Tomioka in MHA what’s else? I hope you enjoy this, the MC won’t be apart of UA class 1-A, he’s gonna be a hero. He will be 21, 22 as of chapter 14 onwards, and yeah, there may be flash backs ——————————————— If after reading this and still want to see some r-18 let me know and I might find a way to have some ——————————————— I’m gonna use some famous quotes and speeches as well so let’s see if you can spot them! ——————————————— Disclaimer: Everything I use in this fanfic belongs to their respective owners

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Be Water My Friend

Without awareness of the road or the rain, the car moved over the highway, lights on full beam. I watched how the yellowed yet bright light played in the droplets, showing this deluge, this flood from the sky, in apparently solitary drops. Once upon a time, I would have been driving the car, no longer, I let the worker do that. This was my time to let my brain roam free and my heart explore new avenues, even as the city became ever closer

The wind pushes on the car to no avail. We are going forwards and nothing but a blessed tragedy can change that. The tires make their monotonous hiss over the rain-washed highway and the air that makes its way through the filters is meadow-sweet. All around, through these tinted windows are fields. Inside this tin box destined for the horizon the world outside continues like some choreographed dance but without the soul, it should have. What reason under the sun is there that we can't stop and walk barefoot in the grass and feel the keen rays of the spring? Is there none that can hold up a brave hand and say stop?

The driver fiddles with the radio to fill our ears with the latest popular tunes, starlets, the new pop "Idols", my hand, feels the plush fabric of the seat. No expense was spared. I wonder who usually sits in this place.

If I close my eyes I can feel the gentle rise and fall of the road beneath us. I cannot imagine what is in store, but it isn't as bad as things could be. This ride, this car, this meeting - they have found a use for me and somewhere at the end of this road is the answer to what that could be

We enter the city of Musutafu, as we near UA High School. I make sure that I have my UA ID with me, I don't want to activate the schools' defence, especially not from the troubles that the school has had recently, I don't want to give them extra fear

The gates hadn't changed since I had gone to this school, it isn't as if I had enjoyed my time here, but it gave me an advantage in being able to go into my hero work. I leave the car and thank the driver for his work, sorting out my jumper as it had rolled up my back slightly, grabbing my raisin bread, unwrapping it, taking a bite as I walk through the gates of UA

The school hallway was light and bright, even upon the stormy days, its grand windows let in a bouquet of rays. The hallways are light marble floors and white walls, not a handprint or scuff mark anywhere. The doors are a glossy brown, numbered with red digits that match the globe-shaped handles. It isn't just the materials though, it's the dimensions, the width being at least quadruple that of a normal school

Nearing the door of the office, I take another bite of my raisin bread and open the door, revealing Nezu and the inspector from the other day

"Giyu, welcome," Nezu says in his cheery attitude, struggling to get down from his chair as he walks over to me

*munch* *munch* "Mmm" I continue to eat my bread

Nezu and Naomasa deadpan stare at me for a while before Naomasa starts to speak, "Well, Tomio-"

"It's because I can't eat with my mouth full," I say after I eat my bite of raisin bread

"A-Ah okay, that makes sense, anyway, I take it you know why you're here, especially with my presence," Naomasa states

"It was quite obvious, yes," I state "I had known that you were head of this investigation since a man with the statute of Ectoplasm wouldn't walk around with any random investigator," I continued

Nezu finished walking over to me as he holds his hand out, and in response, I fish out a box of some special tea variants from my backpack and handed them to him. He gave me a small smile before placing the tea next to his kettle, and sitting back into his office chair, all the while struggling slightly

"Okay, so, let's talk about what happened, I saw the video, but I want to hear it from you, after all, we only have the audio" Aonamasa spoke, getting straight into the topic of conversation

After a while, I had eventually completed a full rundown of what had happened, questions were asked in between, and it had been proved useful for them

"Okay, we'll hold a meeting about this, I just personally wanted to go over the information to hear it from the man who was there personally," Nezu said; Pressing on a button, he spoke, "All available personnel, come to the meeting office, there have been some more information provided towards the league of villains, and the investigation,"

In due course, all available heroes had gathered in the conference room, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Snipe, Cementoss, Nezu, Inspector Naomasa, Eraserhead and Present Mic. There is also All Might, who had trusted me with his deflated form when I had done some work last year, I was involved in his area, he was struggling with his time limit, I don't know anything about it apart from he had received a lethal injury, causing him to have to go back to his skinny self, Nezu had vouched for my credibility, so that's where he had decided it was fine

I had already said what I wanted to say to them all, so I just spent the time thinking about what would happen next, if what Akihito had injected into himself turned him into what Nezu is calling a 'Nomu', then they could just inject it into any random civilian and it would cause uproar until there is a hero strong enough to stop it

*sigh* It's all so very troublesome, too many variables and the risk is too high to be left alone, but there is nothing we can do but wait…hold on, in the recording, didn't they say something about Hosu?

"Nezu," I said, "What will we do about what the recording said about Hosu?"

"Ah yes, I was just getting onto that Giyu, we're going to have you sent there, look after the area, and when you find a disturbance, report it," Nezu said

"I think I get it now, I take it there are also suspicions that the Hero Killer is involved with them? His recent hit on Ingenium was in Hosu," I asked in curiosity, I'm sure there is a hidden reason as to why they want me to be deployed there

"Yes, yes, there have been students that have gone on their hero internships, this is their second day on their internship, you'll just have to get on a train now, head down there quickly, luckily, we called you over in the morning so you'll have the whole day to look the city over," Inspector Naomasa commented

I looked down and took an exhale as I stood up, grabbed my backpack and walked off, opening another packet of raising bread, making my way out of the school to head towards Hosu city

The train ride is a sweet meditation, feeling the countryside pass as one masterpiece of art it rocks me so gently as if I were a sweet babe in this carriage, taking in the vast countryside that spread forth into my view

The city grew as platinum petals into a sepia sky. Only by the grace of modern medicine and sanitation does the city exist at all. Before the days of such things, before vaccinations and clean running water, the death rate exceeded the births - and cities only grew because of migrations into them from the country.

Damn, I'm getting lost in thought again. Grabbing my backpack I sort out my 'hero outfit' if you will, and head out of the train station

(A/N his 'Hero Outfit' is just his usual demon slayer hashira outfit: Giyu wears a dark cyan-tinted version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform with buttoned white leg-wrapped Kyahan and a pair of white zōri with dark blue straps, the socks underneath the same cyan colour as his uniform. Over this, Giyu wears a haori that's split down the middle into two different patterns: the right one a solid red, and the left one geometrically patterned with squares of green, orange, and yellow. These haoris were later noted to have belonged to his late older sister, Tsutako Tomioka, and his deceased friend Sabito End Of A/N)

If a city has anything to teach, it is that people need people to love and care for one another. We are all connected. That we rely upon one another is the truth. If money disappeared tomorrow, that would be the only reality, and that is what we evolved with and for. Society is complex by necessity. Many jobs need accomplishing for the health of all. That is how God made us, and, for better or worse, in sickness and health, humanity is wedded to one another.

I immediately head towards the roofs and, from my heightened vantage point, keep my surveillance on the city. Throughout the day, I noticed only small disturbances here and there, the sky was getting dark and only small-time villains were creating a disturbance

There is a kind of waiting that feels like gentle onshore breezes kissing salty stones. It isn't warm but there is a sense of calm, of nature, of things expected. Then there is the kind that feels like the head of a medieval mace is loose in my guts and my head has taken a beating with a hefty plank of wood. As I wait to see if Cory's lights come down the lane, it is the latter. I stare so hard my mind almost conjures some to please me but I won't let it. Tonight I have to stay in reality, for the city and my mission, to not depart into the fantasy life that demands my attention at all the worst moments.

My daydream is broken from a series of loud crashes reverberating throughout the city, and flames take place, beaming into the sky. The only problem is, it's on the other side of the city, at least 3 miles away

I instantly take off, using the train tracks as the route towards the next side of the city. I run at top speed, making use of my water breathing to shoot myself forwards. It takes me around 7 minutes until I'm able to arrive at a train that has been smashed off of its course

Arrived at the gaping hole in its side, I see a hero that has been knocked down receiving care from some helping citizens.

"Tell me, what happened here?" I asked in a hurried tone

"Ah, it's the Blade Hero: Tempest!" I heard some people around shout out

"Ah sir, there was a strange creature, its brain was all weird and exposed, a small old man in some spandex tackled him into some building, over there!" A citizen shouted swiftly, pointing towards an office building with its side smashed in

"Thank you," I replied

Not wanting to waste more time, I shot away from the train "Good luck Tempest!" I heard a childish voice shout out, turning my head to see a small boy with a huge smile on his face; I quickly averted my attention from him, I'm undeserving of those words

'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow' I go to the roof to look around, utilising the ability to move without a foothold, seeing sign of battle, a corpse of a grotesque creature smothered across the floor. I drop down and study it, there are multiple bruises and severe burn marks, though I can't pinpoint any local heroes who could enact such harm

Jumping from roof to roof I look in different directions, until I notice the creature flying, holding a figure clad in green

I dash over to the roof it is next to, just in time to see the creature stop all movements and be tackled to the ground by someone.

"Everything that I do," he says as he pulls a knife from the creatures head, "Is to create a stronger society," he continues

The hero started to murmur to each other, contemplating on what this person motive is

"Everyone be in guard we've got a fight on our hands!" One female hero shouts

"Why are you standing around like fools," a deep voice interrupts her

They continue a conversation, but I'm too focused on his…extravagant flames, one can easily identify him as the Flame Hero: Endeavor.

"Now hang on, don't tell me that man is-?" He speaks as he looks towards the man that killed the creature

"Hero killer!" Endeavour shouts, readying his fist clad in fames

"Hold it, Todoroki!" A man interrupts…oh aha! It's the yellow spandex man!

The Hero Killer gets to his fear, his body was bruised and battered, eyes were wide and crazed like a killer, saliva dripping from his mouth

"You false hero!" He speaks venomously, "I'll make this right! These streets must run with the blood of hypocrites!" His voice slowly gains more power, "Hero! I will reclaim that word!" The longer he speaks the more pressure he releases, "Come on! Just try and stop me you fake!"

As he says this the heroes on the streets double back, even Endeavor, all seem hesitant to move

"There is only one man I'll let kill me! He is a true hero! All night is worthy!" He shouts his words now releasing all the hate and anger he holds, heroes fall to the floor petrified of the man in front of them

Without wasting more time, my mind is made up, his position has changed from the boy, he holds no leverage to prevent movement, of course, his words have an impact on me, even I almost didn't want to move, but that would get me anywhere, so I must act

'First Form: Water Surface Slash' I generate enough momentum from falling from the roof creating a powerful slash towards the Hero Killers neck, of course, I didn't use my blade this time, I used the hilt, his information on the League Of Villain will definitely prove useful

Holding him by the back of his collar, I allow his blade to slip from his hand and clank against the floor, two boys from the group of heroes collapse to the floor in shock as the yellow spandex man releases a breath of air

"Do we have a report of the situation?" I question, as I go over behind me to the boy and the Nomu, I direct my question towards Endeavor, he must know at least something

Clicking my fingers in front of the boys face, he snaps back to reality as he looks at me and then the Hero Killer frantically.

"Ah right, well, from the Nomu that have appeared, we have dealt with all three, one here, one in the middle of the plaza, and there was a-" I cut him off "Another that you left lying in the middle of the street over there," I say, pointing my thumb to the right, "Got it," I said swiftly

"You okay kid?" I say to the the boy in green as I grab the Nomu and drag it over to the heroes

"A-Ah yes, yes sir, just a bit shocked is all," he replied, attempting to get to his feet

"Stay down kid, rest, I'm sure you're injured, you've done well," I said, obviously not knowing if he has done anything at all

Looking towards the body of the Hero Killer, I said, "We do not know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths, I'm sure this was such an example, he was prepared to die here, all for his cause," I commented to no one in particular, though, everyone heard

I’m kinda liking writing fic ngl

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